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Everything posted by Traumflug

  1. Hier mal ein aussergewöhnlich guter Artikel über die Entwicklung von eCommerce-Konzepten. Keine Werbung für ein bestimmtes Konzept, eher eine Marktbeobachtung mit Details. Es geht um Konzepte zur Online-Bestellung und Auslieferung frischer Nahrungsmittel. Ein Außenseiter greift ein (Zeit Online) Auch darin enthalten: mit was man der Übermacht von Amazon entgegen treten kann. Das lässt sich sicherlich auf andere Bereiche übertragen.
  2. May I ask ,are the steps for this up date the same as 1.0.7 1st post Today I'll make credentials for the updater module, so it should appear there before too long. Manual updates are a bit more complex this time, a number of database updates happen. If you want to try anyways, this is the SQL for the database upgrade: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/blob/1.0.x/install-dev/upgrade/sql/1.0.8.sql ~~You can ignore these comments containing PHP in case you started with thirty bees. They're all for migrated shops, only.~~ Edit: only 90% true. The line adding a back office menu item for AdminAddonsCatalog should be run in shops started with thirty bees as well. And this means running PHP from SQL ... which I don't even know how to do without the updater module ... Just wait for the update :-)
  3. To turn on debug mode without accessing this page, apply this patch: ```diff diff --git a/config/defines.inc.php b/config/defines.inc.php index d7d3aad3f1..afd769c002 100755 --- a/config/defines.inc.php +++ b/config/defines.inc.php @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ /* Debug only / if (!defined('_PS_MODE_DEV_')) { - define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false); + define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true); } / Compatibility warning */ define('_PS_DISPLAY_COMPATIBILITY_WARNING_', false); ``` Which means, in file config/defines.inc.php, find the line with _PS_MODE_DEV_, then change the false behind it to a true. It should be line 34. Really weird this bug, but we certainly find the problem.
  4. Can you give a couple of names of these not working categories? This behavior looks much like a bug. Perhaps some incompatibility with non-English characters or whatever. If I can reproduce it, I can fix it as well.
  5. Module upgrades are independent from core upgrades. You can upgrade them before or after the core upgrade.** EDIT: at least module thirty bees Updater should get updated before updating core. It just happens that preparing a core release is also a good point in time to make releases for smaller changes in modules. This is why so many module releases happen shortly before a core release. ** Actually, this time there's an exception, module VAT Number. Latest version of this module requires core release 1.0.8, so it won't upgrade before core was upgraded.
  6. Say hello to thirty bees version 1.0.8! Notes to merchants: - File consistency checks in back office -> Advanced Parameters -> Configuration Information now also report obsolete files. To allow you to keep your installation tidy. - These file consistency checks were extended to cover files in vendor/, for the same reason. - Note: looking up back office -> Advanced Parameters -> Configuration Information after updates or in case of trouble is always a good idea. This pages detects missing and changed core files. - CSV import example files were fixed to match the importer's default settings. - Fixed text direction in back office for RTL languages (Hebrew, Arabic, ...) and other themes than plain Bootstrap when switching language and on installation. - Back office -> Localization -> Currencies learned another currency format, 0.000,00 X, thanks to @idnovate. - Back office -> Advanced Parameters -> E-mail now allows to set an arbitrary subject for emails sent. Default is the formerly enforced text, [{shop_name}] {subject}, thanks to @getdatakick . - Fixed a fundamental flaw in back office message handling. Non-error messages (warnings, confirmations, infos) never got displayed to the user. Expect to see helpful messages in back office which weren't there before. - The upgrade (in case you upgrade from a previous version) heals some deficiencies in migrated shops regarding URL schemas. Shops which started with thirty bees are unaffected. If you're unsure and care about your SEO ranking, please look up https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/604 for an attempt to explain the situation. - The upgrade also removes back office menu items which existed in PS, but no longer do in thirty bees. - The upgrade adds back office menu items which didn't exist in PS, but are new in thirty bees. The migration module didn't do this so far. - Note: these last three items belong to migrated shops, ones created with thirty bees from the beginning have all this already. - A new back office menu item, Modules and Services -> Modules & Themes Catalog. Still empty, so stay tuned :-) - A total of 189 Github commits since release 1.0.7. Hundreds of translated strings by @GuzGoose, @yanivmirel, @mauroagr, @Khan27, @dudekk, @GreenMouse, @maybegil, @null-, @elund, @DanCretu, @nincris, @flaz3r, @wbertrums, @Andreaevangelina, @Harri, @Patrick_T, @Pascal Polgen, to Russian, Norwegian, Hebrew, Brazilian Portugese, Azerbaijani, Polish, Spanish, Danish, Romanian, Swedish, Dutch, Argentinian Spanish, Finnish, Italian and German. Thanks to all of you! Notes to developers: - New class ShopMaintenance, which is for running regular maintenance, like cleaning old logs. - A new hook in class Mail, actionEmailSendBefore. It allows to tweak emails before they get sent. - A new admin controller, AdminCatalogController. Currently empty, plans are to implement a module and theme browsing/finding interface there. - Unit tests now do class load tests for all classes and no longer tolerate warnings. This move uncovered 5 bugs in core classes already. - Unit tests now get validated for completeness of class loading tests. Known bugs: - Having a product attribute with price impact and also a group price reduction displays a wrong price on the product page. Price in the cart is correct. See https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/538. ~~So far an installation package, only. Credentials for the upgrade module will follow before too long (it's a bit more work this time, for all the aftermath for migrated shops).~~ Update Update credentials are on api.thirtybees.com now, module thirty bees Updater should see it and allow to update. Enjoy!
  7. A need to change permissions manually after installation would be a bug. Now I'm crossing fingers you find the file/directory in need of adjustment, so we can fix this for everybody.
  8. Using PHP 5.6? Moving to PHP 7.x should help as well. PHP versions distinguish surprisingly heavy on memory consumption, I ran into this problem a couple of days ago myself, see this commit comment: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/commit/787e65c26d5ff054485b1a37c4aa550c313eb96c
  9. Very nice shop! As @datakick said already, modules for PS 1.6 should work out of the box. Assuming no dirty tricks in the module, failure to do so is a bug.
  10. https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/795
  11. One of these render blocking resources might be the Facebook module. This downloads enormous amounts of resources, just for this tiny box. For a fairly optimized front office, see https://front.thirtybees.com/ P.S.: a thirty bees default installation isn't exactly "blank". It's considered to showcase all the features available. Many of these features can get turned off or uninstalled to gain performance. Also, a default installation hasn't all caching features enabled (see back office -> Advanced Parameters -> Performance).
  12. Wie macht das diese WaWi denn ohne manuelles Eingreifen? Das Mittel aller Steuern nehmen und dann schauen, ob das näher an 7% oder 19% liegt? thirty bees sollte schon in der Lage sein, das korrekt zu berechnen. Seit PrestaShop hat sich da durchaus was getan. Wie genau weiss ich allerdings gerade nicht auswendig.
  13. If I set to use a certain rounding schema There is always a rounding scheme in use. One can't switch this off. These schemas distinguish by exactly what you complain about. And "in whole Europe" isn't an argument, because thirty bees has to work for every merchant on this planet. If thirty bees doesn't round the way it's set in back office, it's a bug. If it doesn't round the way you like it, change this setting. There is no one-size-fits-all rounding scheme.
  14. My current higher priority is getting the 1.0.8 release out of the door :-) Because each time I tackle such a fundamental bug I run into many minor issues, which are solved fairly quickly, but nevertheless another week is gone. And merchants see nothing of all this work, which is bad. That said, a wrong price calculation is a high priority issue, of course. thirty bees also provides multiple ways of rounding prices, some merchants might consider the calculation you see as correct. Setting is in back office -> Preferences -> General, there's Round mode and Round type Please try these to find out whether one of these settings matches your expectation.
  15. Have a mail server on localhost. On Debian/Ubuntu, that's none sudo apt-get install postfix mailutils This brings up a configuration screen on the terminal where the command is issued. Choose local for the type of installation and defaults for everything else. Having this done, one can use mail on the command line to send and receive mail already. PHP should pick it up as well. Getting a graphical mail client into reading local mails is a bit more complex, described e.g. here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/2261/how-are-administrators-supposed-to-read-roots-mail
  16. There is no file CMSController.php. Probably you mean CmsController.php. If you want to have this in all controllers, add the code to the parent of this controller, classes/controller/FrontController.php.
  17. I just see we have a bug report for this already: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/538 Does the description there match your case?
  18. Thanks for the code. Still it smells like too much code. Cart calculates the price correctly already, so code for the right calculation has to exist somewhere already.
  19. It's an ongoing process, but thirty bees slowly learns to clean its self. For example, the upcoming 1.0.8 release will fix some back office menu entries which are typically wrong in migrated shops. It'll also learn to detect obsolete files. As you're apparently capable of writing code, how about comparing old and a new tables for writing code which removes the garbage? Such code helps not only once for one, but thousands of merchants forever.
  20. P.S.: replacing entire files is a bad idea. Perhaps this gets rid of this particular problem, but it also resets all bug fixes since then.
  21. Price on the product page and in the shopping cart being different can't be right. But which is the right price? 8.64 - 10% = 7.85
  22. BUT what about passwords for exisiting staff and customers. Are they not linked to a cookie key in settings.inc.php? Yes, (normal) passwords are encrypted using this key. One can copy these keys from one installation to another to keep copied passwords working.
  23. If you have a link like .../img/p/6/2/9/629-XXX.jpg, image number is 629.
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