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Everything posted by Traumflug

  1. Me has seen a shop installation with 1.5 million carts (they collect over the years), which certainly doesn't exactly improve performance.
  2. I just released an update of panda theme v1 for TB 1.0.7. That's great news! And I join @datakick in being curious on which changes were needed.
  3. Let's consider this to be a regression. https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/635
  4. The easiest way to turn this encrypted message into a readable message is to turn on debug mode in back office -> Advanced Preferences -> Performance. Not recommended for production systems, of course, but very helpful during setup.
  5. Filed an issue for it: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/634
  6. There is a class Mail already: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/blob/1.0.x/classes/Mail.php Looking up usages of this class and starting with something similar is certainly a good idea. No need to reinvent the wheel.
  7. D'oh. Jetzt sind die Karten doch zurück. Lesley liebäugelt übrigens mit dieser Software für das Forum: https://invisioncommunity.com/
  8. CSV means Comma Separated Values. This file has no commas inside. Instead is uses | as separator. Either swap this character for commas (using an ordinary text editor) or instruct the CSV import page to use this character as separator.
  9. Alle Dateien kopieren, die Datenbank kopieren, dann sollte das neue System im Back Office laufen. Haben sich der Name oder Passwort der Datenbank geändert, die Datei config/settings.inc.php editieren. Damit Front Office auch läuft, SEO & URLs anpassen. Das kann man auch schon vor dem Umzug machen, wenn das Ausrollen des Shops möglichst schnell passieren soll. @wakabayashi's Migrationsvideo zeigt das auch in der ersten Hälfte: https://www.youtube.com/watch?timecontinue=1&v=LN7KD9WMY4
  10. Blank page means some fundamental problem, like a syntax error. With code not even being executable, it can hardly send a meaningful error message to the browser. But Apache/Nginx/PHP-FPM have error logs. Usually somewhere in /var/log. There should be a good hint on what's going on.
  11. Hard to say what's going on without debugging. Admin login happens in AdminLoginController.php. Here's a line of PHP which one can insert in strategic places to dump variables: php file_put_contents(_PS_CONFIG_DIR_.'debug', __METHOD__.' '.__LINE__.' $value '.var_export($value, true)."\n", FILE_APPEND); Insert this line in every spot where you want to see the content of a variable, adjust the variable name and run the code (try to log in). This creates a file config/debug, which should eventually lead to what's going wrong.
  12. Thanks for telling the reason. I'll add pagecache to the list of modules to get moved aside on migration. thirty bees comes with its own full page cache, no module needed.
  13. Friendly URLs need Apache module rewrite. One can enable in on Linux like this: none sudo a2enmod rewrite sudo service apache2 restart
  14. Their servers are set with a maximum_execution set at 50, not the 300 recommend by TB. Maybe 300 seconds are recommended somewhere, but the assumption when writing code is just 30 seconds. Even better, on server OSs other than Windows, these 30 seconds are just processing time, not I/O waiting time. Which means, slow downloads don't require raising these 30 seconds. In my development setup I have set these 30 seconds and a download taking 40 or 50 seconds (slow Github) works just fine. In your case, downloads took just 11 seconds, see the activity log in your screenshot. That said, downloads aren't the problem. The problem is a) unzipping the release package and b) no error message. Does this step actually take like 50 seconds? Or does it return much earlier? It's hardly imaginable unzipping a 40 MiB package takes 50 seconds on modern hardware. 1 or 2 seconds are more typical. Are you running PHP 7.2 by chance? Current version of the module isn't compatible with this (but the next one will be). PHP <= 7.1 should work fine. P.S.: is it perhaps a disk full issue? Packages and their extractions need like 200 MiB disk space.
  15. Lesley denkt über eine andere Foren-Software nach: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/2152/link-to-main-30bees-site Die aktuelle Software läuft mit Node.js. Das hat wohl so seine Haken, z.B. ziemlich viele Abhängigkeiten, die man nur für das Forum vorhalten muss.
  16. I like the fairly clean appearance of this forum, drag&drop for images, usage of markdown (rather than BBcode), immediate preview. Having these features with another technology would be fine, of course.
  17. "Versuch macht kluch" Which means: try it and find out.
  18. Move aside modules/tmmegamenu. Like none mkdir -p modules.off mv modules/tmmegamenu modules.off/ This module is apparently broken.
  19. Jetzt hab ich's heraus gefunden: Diese Topic-Leiste funktioniert seit einem Upgrade der Forensoftware nicht mehr, deswegen wurde sie entfernt.
  20. 500 MB is far beyond plausible. thirty bees' default theme is like 1.8 MB, ones with bigger pictures might go to like 10 MB, but that's it. I have no idea what Templatemonster is doing or how this is expected to work. You can look at the set of files coming with the thirty bees default theme, find an area with like-named files like that. Then create a new ZIP with just this. If this situation can get fixed, only Templatemonster can do this. What they offer is obviously installable neither on thirty bees nor on PrestaShop. Not even close.
  21. I can confirm this, a request happens when clicking on Login, but it gets answered with a code 500 failure, without error message. Nginx logs should point towards the solution. ... and let us know the solution, there are a number of things the migration module can do to avoid this in the future.
  22. Thanks for sending the ZIP. Maybe this is a PS 1.6 theme, but if it is, it's well hidden in the ZIP. Watching out for file layout.tpl, I found one in /theme/manual_install/theme1133/themes/theme1133/ and another one inside /theme/themeinstallator/theme1133.zip, path /themes/theme1133/. It looks much like the developer simply packaged his whole development directory instead of building a theme package. Also Photoshop files and screenshots inside. That's not installable this way. If you think it's worth the work, try to extract files to get a directory structure similar to the default theme.
  23. Could you send me this theme to allow me to have a look? To markus@thirtybees.com, please.
  24. Let's say 99%. Some modules are known to be not compatible, e.g. those to provide more SEO-friendly URLs, without the product ID. This is provided by thirty bees without a module already. Best way to find out is to make a copy of the shop, migrate that and test it. A migration is a matter of just a couple of minutes.
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