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Everything posted by Traumflug

  1. I've filed this to avoid it getting forgotten: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/664
  2. I never heard that only one module can hook into ‘a hook’. You're right with what you heard. Multiple modules can register for the same hook. AFAIK, no defined order of execution, though.
  3. Gute Entwickler zu finden ist nicht so einfach. Die, die sich auskennen, haben quasi alle schon eine eigene Firma mit Modulen. Leute vom freien Markt haben dagegen meist die Philosophie, Dinge möglichst schnell zum laufen zu bringen, ohne Wert auf die Qualität des Codes oder die Rückwärts-Kompatibilität zu legen. Muss man bei deren Arbeit alles nachbearbeiten bzw. nachrecherchieren, kann man es meist gleich selber machen. Bei thirty bees geht es weniger darum, lauter neue Funktionen zu implementieren. Im Grossen und Ganzen funktioniert ja Alles bzw. ist schon vorhanden. Es geht mehr darum, die Qualität nach und nach weiter zu steigern und all die existierenden Module und Templates mitzunehmen. Das ist eher Sysiphos-Arbeit. Der Datakick ist so einer, der richtig gute Arbeit macht. Deswegen hat er auch volle Schreibrechte ins Repo. Er hat halt schon eine eigene Firma.
  4. Translations machinery is pretty much unchanged since the PS days. What worked there should work with thirty bees as well.
  5. All this said, I wonder why this module feels a need to implement a class for writing log messages. Using the one in core should work fine. And it exists since at least PS 1.5.
  6. Yes, thirty bees uses class Logger. Quite a lot, a quick count brought up 110 usages. It's also true that there is no class Logger. Logger is an alias to class PrestaShopLogger. Such aliases are defined here: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/blob/1.0.x/classes/PrestaShopAutoload.php#L49-L53 And here's a discussion related to the topic: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/652
  7. Well, does file /home/encoreobo/public_html/testing/themes/community-theme-default/product-list.tpl actually exist?
  8. It should be easy for any owner to add dialects. See https://translations.thirtybees.com/ for language packs and on how to install them. There's nothing stopping a merchant from unpacking such a language pack, renaming it's files, packaging it again, and installing it as a different language. Despite its file name suffix, it's a .tar.gz file. One can also go to back office -> Localization -> Languages and create a new language from scratch there.
  9. how works the fall through? Always towards the hardcoded language (the language used in PHP code), which is US-English.
  10. Let's not forget this: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/655
  11. Do I just download the contents of the community theme and upload them into a new theme folder? Yes, this. Or use a copy command, many FTP servers/clients support this.
  12. As mentioned in another thread yesterday, it's a JavaScript, and as such a theme issue. In case it's a fresh installation it should work. For themes set up with earlier thirty bees versions, this needs to get applied: https://github.com/thirtybees/blocklayered/issues/2#issuecomment-400860244
  13. Apparently it doesn't work as expected, so it's a bug. Does it work better if you duplicate all the theme files using shell/FTP?
  14. I'd say it depends on how big the distinction is. Adding this dialect as a separate language is certainly possible, but also comes with a caveat: this dialect has to be maintained independently. Which means, as new strings appear, usually some 10 per month, they have to get translated for both dialects. Translations added for nl-NL don't get automatically transported to be-NL. Which might cause more work than maintaining, say, 20 distinctions between these two dialects in the local database. If you're ready to maintain be-NL, let me know, I'll add it to the translations, then.
  15. Yet the page load time is still horrendous If it's the page in your signature I tried it. Opened Firefox Developer Toolbox -> Network Analysis reads at the bottom right corner after a reload and minutes of waiting: Compare this to a reasonably equipped page like https://front.thirtybees.com/: You overcrowded this shop with gimmicks, animation, whatnot to the extent that it loads 20 times as many files and 50 times the download volume. Just keeping the browser window open after these 2 minutes load time causes Firefox to need some 50% CPU load. Get rid of all that sh... :-)
  16. Community theme has such a link in the footer by default. Assuming you mean the top menu with "navigation bar", one can add (and remove) links there on the configuration page of module Block Top Menu. Links to categories as well as links to shop CMS pages and even arbitrary links.
  17. There was a problem with the layered navigation module and pagination, which was fixed months ago: https://github.com/thirtybees/blocklayered/issues/2 Unfortunate is, this required fixes to JavaScript, which is usually overridden by themes. Accordingly, each theme needs these fixes applied. The three commits making up these fixes are listed in the last comment on this Github issue, you might want to show the issue to the theme developer.
  18. I'm missing a description of the multistore setup here. Having one shop installation gives one shop, even if one defines more than one URLs to access it. Redirection to the main URL happens by design. Having two shop installations connected to the same database doesn't work either. Again, that's by design. To have two distinct shops, one has to make the shop a multishop (switch this on in back office -> Preferences) and define all the URLs in back office -> Advanced Parameters -> Multistore. Last time I tried this worked just fine.
  19. you dont have to yell in your topic name True. Relaxed this a bit.
  20. See https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/642 and https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/643
  21. Here are the details: https://github.com/thirtybees/psonesixmigrator/issues/15 And don't forget this: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/604 These two are the currently known lacking features of the migration module.
  22. Missing files list is generated after the page is loaded using ajax call. Oops, entirely missed this fact. It works so fast I never noticed. Response time 775 ms here.
  23. Phew. 56 seconds to go through all the files. For comparison, here's what I get in my development setup: about one second. And that's with an additional test searching for obsolete files already. This said, doing these tests is the whole intention of this page. They run only there, customers never see this. And merchants only when doing shop software maintenance.
  24. Maybe even hardcoding such a criterion. Like removing empty carts after the time which is also used for cookie timeout. I can hardly see any use for empty carts, but maybe I'm missing something.
  25. Browsers like Firefox have a developer console. There one can choose the Network Analysis tab, reload the page and see all the files requested and which response they got.
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