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danwarrior last won the day on November 25 2023

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  1. We are discussing this point in our Spanish TB group and definitely yes: it would be a HUGE plus for TB to be able to edit products, prices and some fields massively, so we can save lots of hours. Even more if product and combinations could be connected to suppliers excels/CSV (but we can study how to extend this, I understand each supplier works so different). It would be amazing if this could be part of the native functions. @datakick Are you thinking on add this to TB soon? I have a related / alternative idea that I want to discuss with you, but it works out of TB (connected, but little more complex). If this could be included natively, I know hundreds of stores would come to TB with eyes closed. Thanks for your attention, team! PS: (I think you didn't receive my last email, I'll send another one) PS2: I understand your Datakick manager does this, honestly for some of us is so technical so we don't know how to make it work. Maybe you want to adapt it and include it on Premium Modules? It could work so good too 😉
  2. Muy buenas! ¿Ya lo resolviste, o lo revisamos? ¿Tienes una URL que podamos ver? O alguna captura de como estaba antes.
  3. Creo recordar que esto sale o bien cuando hay diferencias por las "www" o porque estás en el back sin "https", pero esto 2º creo que es un aviso diferente, no me hagas mucho caso...
  4. Muy buenas! Ostras, no había visto esto antes. Fíjate que por otro lado nos hemos estado organizando, tenemos otro canal con topics clasificados, estamos también creando un knowledge base e incluso una membresía grupal para los que queremos aprovechar varios recursos de una vez, mientras hacemos comunidad. Dejo por aquí también, ahora me meto en tu grupo: https://t.me/ThirtyBeesES Gracias por abrirlo!
  5. Me pasó hace poco y lo que hice fue desactivar el modo de pago en 5 pasos (que por cierto es muy obsoleto y es opuesto a optimizar ratio de ventas). Por defecto viene el de 5 pasos, aquí lo cambias:
  6. Hahahaha, you made me laugh xD I don't know, honestly, I just tried things that used to work for me in PS. Wich may I'm wrong, that's why I'm asking here. The thing is it's a clean installation and I can't access with the pw I created, so... 🙇‍♂️
  7. Hi, guys! I've just installed TB 1.5 and I can't access to any of the users I create. At first I though it could be wrong password, but I've reseted it several times, even create more users (from PHPMyAdmin, of course), and it's not working. It always says Hay un error. The employee does not exist, or the password provided is incorrect. I'm using the cookie key + MD5 method, this one: Am I wrong? I have PHP 7.4 on my server... I don't see any of you is having this issue, weird. Thanks so much for guiding me.
  8. Hi, team! So good to read this post! I have being reading but still don't try it by myself. But honestly, I really love the direction this is taking, this is more than I was expecting almost 4 years ago, and I'm ready to bring back lots of Spanish speaking PS users that need this (there are a big part of the PS community). We'll be in touch so soon! I have some amazing connections and I'll email you, @datakick, we can go even beyond with this beautiful 1.5 version. Really nice job, guys, congratulations! This arrive in the perfect moment 😉
  9. Very good point, thanks for thinking on that! And for SEO too.
  10. Did you solve this? I'm in the same issue... thanks!
  11. @Jonny Have you ever meet this error? I wasn't able to find a solution because I'm not sure where is failing. Aparently is all ok on BO configuration, the other categories work fine.
  12. Maybe is so simple, but happened to me sometimes: have you checked if your theme modules are disabled? Have you checked if the modules are disabled from Customers->Groups configuration?
  13. It's weird, or maybe I don't know very much about how it works. Some days ago it was working fine. After installing another failed payment method, it stopped. Created a new API connection, it worked in Sandbox mode, I think, because it did authorization, not capture of the money. But on May 21st we had a normal sale, captured. In PayPal dev site it seems like still in Sandbox, but works like live. I'll leave it like this while receiving payments, but I feel it inconsistent. Maybe it's me, hahaha...
  14. Any news about this? Paypal was working on my store and not anymore (I've upgraded to 1.2 too)...
  15. Any news about this? Paypal was working on my store and not anymore (I've upgraded to 1.2 too)...
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