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  1. That doesn't seem to be a thirtybees's route.
  2. moy2010

    lazy loading

    Implementing Lazy loading is rather easy but, are you sure you need it? It's only worth it if you load, let's say, over 50 or so images on a single page.
  3. ¿Está activado para clientes registrados y/ó invitados?
  4. moy2010

    Adding HTML Code

    Use content box and try with plain simple html markup: ipeary iMarket Design Shop If this works for you, then you got the basis to keep going. Just add the class attribute(s) where needed and start writing the corresponding CSS styles.
  5. moy2010

    Adding HTML Code

    That's not the correct way to do it. If you want to have a simple navigation menu consisting on a few links, just use the menu module included in thirtybees or search for a module that let's you add html code anywhere.
  6. A new theme that wouldn't make use of that "old" bootstrap version that you mention would break pretty much everything (a.k.a. no module will work on your store, so you would have to stick to the basic features that are shipped with ThirtyBees). That option can only be supported from a totally new ThirtyBees version, which is still far from where we are. Thirtybees is based on PS 1.6 and, since PS 1.6 launch date it was common sense that it was a bit slower than PS 1.5 due to the additional features it packed. That was the case with the default template, let alone with a custom one such as Panda that includes even more features. Hence your points are rather inconsistent from a "critic to the default template design and performance" point of view.
  7. Woot, that info is rather old. Varnish can work with HTTPS traffic since like 2015.
  8. I can't replicate it on the front office demo, what means that the bug was introduced in a later version.
  9. @datakick said in Packs and stock management: This is indeed nice feature, but I'm afraid the implementation won't be trivial. First of all, quantity on hand for packs can't be just some virtual number calculated in php. There are numerous places in core (and in hundreds of modules) that expects quantity information to be stored in stock_available database table. It's not possible to fix them all. So, to implement this, we would need some synchronization mechanism that would keep data in stock_available table in sync - whenever quantity of child item is modified, we'd need to update pack quantity as well. I'm afraid it will be very hard to keep these in sync, even if we used database triggers. Not only to track stock, but price of children. Such feature has been wished for ages, right from the beginning of Thirtybees. And we might see it implemented in a future release of Thirtybees if all the appropriate changes are made.
  10. @SnowyCat , I was replying to Havouza :P. That screenshot is from a Havouza's website's product page.
  11. There are some JS errors on the product page, check this screenshot from Chrome's console:
  12. @lesley , the link on the blog is wrong, it gets you back to the blog publication instead of to this thread. @Traumflug , congrats and kudos for your contributions to the project!
  13. It's a bug in smarty, just update your smarty packages or ask your hosting provider to do so.
  14. @slick_303 said in Trying to get PS 1.5-style tabs in 30bz: It doesn't include the reviews section, how does one make that a tab as well? Within <ul id="more_info_tabs" class="idTabs idTabsShort clearfix"> is {$HOOK_PRODUCT_TAB} So that this hook becomes a list item... or at least it should be. Go to the route themes/your_theme/modules/productcomments and edit the tab.tpl file. You need to change this: ``` {l s='Reviews' mod='productcomments'} ``` To this: <li><a href="#idTab5" class="idTabHrefShort page-product-heading">{l s='Reviews' mod='productcomments'}</a></li>
  15. Can you be more specific on what issues are you having? I just don't get what you're trying to say on most of them. Try to tackle one issue at a time (i.e. the URL rewrite).
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