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Got Internal Server Error in BO



I got Internal Server Error in the BO when clicking on Advanced Parameters => Performance; also when trying to go to Modules and Services and Payments. This is a fresh install and I have not changed anything. Now the weird thing is that in the BO Demo Page of thirty bees I got the same error???? Please help, I really like this platform but with this errors I can't used it.

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Thank you for the replies. 1. I did another clean new install. with the same result. 2. There is no error in the log 3. Today going back to the BO of the thirty bees homepage, I was suddenly able to go into the Advanced Parameters => Performance; also the Modules and Services and Payments. I am wondering if they had a problem with the demo BO and if so what changes did they do.

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Did a 4. installation with another FTP Client a new download from thirty bees homepage. Same result! As soon I try to go into Advanced Parameters => Performance, Modules and Services and Payments, I got a internal Error. No entry in the Admin log or Server log. This is very frustrating! Is there anybody that has the same problem? Here what its said on the screen: Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log

This are the Configuration Information: SERVER INFORMATION Server information Linux #1 SMP Fri Aug 31 16:31:50 EDT 2018 x86_64 Server software version Apache/2 PHP version 7.1.1 Memory limit 512M Max execution time 120

DATABASE INFORMATION MySQL version 5.6.41-84.1-log MySQL engine InnoDB MySQL driver DbPDO

CHECK YOUR CONFIGURATION Required parameters OK Optional parameters OK

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Installed today prestashop Everything works fine. No internal error when I go to Advanced Parameters => Performance; also the Modules and Services and Payments As I think that thirty bees is based on that version I tried that, so far so good.

Would be nice to get some help why thirty bees is not working for me. Any help is much appreciated as I like thirty bees much better.

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@Fabsca without error message we can't really help you much. Please look into

  1. thirtybees error logs inside log directory
  2. server's error log -- location can vary depending on server's configuration, but it's usually /var/log/apache2/error.log or something like that.

If you have some sort of cpanel, then you should also be able to access your error logs through there.

Once we know what the problem is, we can fix it

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To turn on debug mode without accessing this page, apply this patch: ```diff diff --git a/config/defines.inc.php b/config/defines.inc.php index d7d3aad3f1..afd769c002 100755 --- a/config/defines.inc.php +++ b/config/defines.inc.php @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@

/* Debug only / if (!defined('_PS_MODE_DEV_')) { - define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false); + define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true); } / Compatibility warning */ define('_PS_DISPLAY_COMPATIBILITY_WARNING_', false); ``` Which means, in file config/defines.inc.php, find the line with _PS_MODE_DEV_, then change the false behind it to a true. It should be line 34.

Really weird this bug, but we certainly find the problem.

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Traumflug, thank you for your reply. I did that a couple of days ago. But I am not sure what and where I should see something. Hope you can point me to the right spot. I think that something or a file is missing, but that in 4 different installations? that's kind of awkward.

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Lesley did a great work to get the bug resolved. So now I am able to get into the Modules and Services. There are two bugs I found while configuring the modules that are coming with TB. 1. the TB update module gives me the "Internal Server Error" same as before with no error logs. 2. the Customer Referral Module gives me an error as soon I log in on the front office as an client.


String expected for argument 1. Boolean given instead.
at line 98 in file vendor/defuse/php-encryption/src/Crypto.php
php 93. * @return string 94. */ 95. public static function decrypt($ciphertext, $key, $raw_binary = false) 96. { 97. if (!\is_string($ciphertext)) { 98. => throw new \TypeError( 99. 'String expected for argument 1. ' . \ucfirst(\gettype($ciphertext)) . ' given instead.' 100. ); 101. } 102. if (!($key instanceof Key)) { 103. throw new \TypeError(
- Defuse\Crypto\Crypto::decrypt - [line 76 - classes/PhpEncryption.php]
- [2 Arguments]
php 71. * @return string|null Plaintext 72. */ 73. public function decrypt($ciphertext) 74. { 75. try { 76. => return Crypto::decrypt($ciphertext, $this->key); 77. } catch (Exception $exception) { 78. return null; 79. } 80. } 81. }
```Argument [0]

Argument [1]

- **PhpEncryptionCore->decrypt** - [line `601` - `modules/referralprogram/referralprogram.php`] - [1 Arguments]php
596. $cipherTool = new PhpEncryption(PHPENCRYPTIONKEY); 597. } else { 598. $cipherTool = new Blowfish(COOKIEKEY_, COOKIEIV_); 599. } 600.
601. => $explodeResult = explode('|', $cipherTool->decrypt(Tools::getValue('sponsor'))); 602. if ($explodeResult 603. && count($explodeResult) > 1 604. && list($idReferralprogram) = $explodeResult 605. && isset($idReferralprogram) 606. && (int) $idReferralprogram Argument [0]

- **ReferralProgram->hookCreateAccountForm** - [line `778` - `classes/Hook.php`] - [1 Arguments]php
773. } 774. } 775.
776. // Immediately return the result if we do not log performances 777. if (!Module::$logmodulesperfs) { 778. => return $module->{$method}($params); 779. } 780.
781. // Store time and memory before and after hook call and save the result in the database 782. $timeStart = microtime(true); 783. $memoryStart = memory
get_usage(true); Argument [0]

- **HookCore::coreCallHook** - [line `486` - `classes/Hook.php`] - [3 Arguments]php
482. // Call hook method 483. if ($hookCallable) { 484. $display = Hook::coreCallHook($moduleInstance, 'hook'.$hookName, $hookArgs); 485. } elseif ($hookRetroCallable) { 486. => $display = Hook::coreCallHook($moduleInstance, 'hook'.$retroHookName, $hookArgs); 487. } 488.
489. // Live edit 490. if (!$arrayReturn && $array['liveedit'] && Tools::isSubmit('liveedit') && Tools::getValue('ad') 491. && Tools::getValue('liveToken') == Tools::getAdminToken( Argument [0]

Argument [1]
hookcreateaccountform Argument [2]

- **HookCore::execWithoutCache** - [line `288` - `classes/Hook.php`] - [7 Arguments]php
283. $checkExceptions = true, 284. $usePush = false, 285. $idShop = null 286. ) { 287. if (! PageCache::isEnabled()) { 288. => return static::execWithoutCache($hookName, $hookArgs, $idModule, $arrayReturn, $checkExceptions, $usePush, $idShop); 289. } 290.
291. if (!$moduleList = static::getHookModuleExecList($hookName)) { 292. return ''; 293. } Argument [0]
displayCustomerAccountForm Argument [1]

Argument [2]

Argument [3]

Argument [4]
1 Argument [5]

Argument [6]

- **HookCore::exec** - [line `173` - `controllers/front/AuthController.php`] - [1 Arguments]php
168. $this->assignAddressFormat(); 169.
170. // Call a hook to display more information on form 171. $this->context->smarty->assign( 172. [ 173. => 'HOOKCREATEACCOUNTFORM' => Hook::exec('displayCustomerAccountForm'), 174. 'HOOKCREATEACCOUNTTOP' => Hook::exec('displayCustomerAccountFormTop'), 175. ] 176. ); 177.
178. // Just set $this->template value here in case it's used by Ajax Argument [0]
displayCustomerAccountForm - **AuthControllerCore->initContent** - [line `262` - `classes/controller/Controller.php`]php
257. if (!$this->contentonly && ($this->displayheader || (isset($this->className) && $this->className))) { 258. $this->initHeader(); 259. } 260.
261. if ($this->viewAccess()) { 262. => $this->initContent(); 263. } else { 264. $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Access denied.'); 265. } 266.
267. if (!$this->contentonly && ($this->displayfooter || (isset($this->className) && $this->className))) { - **ControllerCore->run** - [line `253` - `classes/controller/FrontController.php`]php
248. * @since 1.0.7 249. */ 250. public function run() 251. { 252. if (! PageCache::isEnabled()) { 253. => return parent::run(); 254. } 255.
256. $debug = Configuration::get('TB_PAGE_CACHE_DEBUG'); 257. $content = PageCache::get(); 258. if (! $content) { - **FrontControllerCore->run** - [line `837` - `classes/Dispatcher.php`]php
832. if (isset($paramsHookActionDispatcher)) { 833. Hook::exec('actionDispatcher', $paramsHookActionDispatcher); 834. } 835.
836. // Running controller 837. => $controller->run(); 838. } catch (PrestaShopException $e) { 839. $e->displayMessage(); 840. } 841. } 842.
- **DispatcherCore->dispatch** - [line `33` - `index.php`]php
28. * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) 29. * PrestaShop is an internationally registered trademark & property of PrestaShop SA 30. */ 31.
32. require(dirname(FILE).'/config/config.inc.php'); 33. => Dispatcher::getInstance()->dispatch(); ```

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So I guess that the Customer Referral Module had a general error; meaning its not only me?

However, I am still stuck with the Update Module that gives me the "internal Server Error" with no error message in the log. 

@lesleyis this something like I had before, were you fix the code in the tbupdater module ?


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