Yes correct.. As a consumer that would be glorious. Also to be more specific. It not that advertising is bad. Its the continued badgering (Harassment) of some companies. Like the ones who send you emails every week, send you real mail all the time, or the ones who knock on the door even though you have a No solicitation sign up.. its all the privacy we let out of the bag...
Doubt google is going anywhere... if they do someone will take their place. The market will adjust and things will change. It like anything else if you do a good job and good business you will survive and or flourish. If you make poor decisions like badging people, invade their privacy, do wild mass mail marketing. You will get customers but you will lose more in the long run. All things in Moderation..
I didn't pay anything other than the hardware. I am not paying for a ad blocking service.
Sorry if this is consider hijack the thread BTW..