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Everything posted by 30knees

  1. Yes, it is the theme. I tested with the community template and it works perfectly fine there.
  2. Thank you, datakick. I'm using the Panda theme. @JonnyAre you aware of any issues as described above? I have version 1.5.5.
  3. Thank you for helping out. Admin specific price: Combination standard price: Frontend price standard: Front end price with volume discount 2x: Shopping cart price for volume discount 2x (this is your Chex module): 17.02 / 2 is 8.51, which is the displayed volume price above plus tax.
  4. Update: This is a Panda theme issue. Problem: I have a product with a combination. The price for 1x is 10 incl. taxes. This is displayed correctly. Starting at 5x the price is set as 9 incl. taxes. It should show 9 incl. taxes (which would be 8 excl. taxes). However, it shows 8 excl. taxes. It's misleading for customers, understandably.
  5. Yep, changing the shipping costs works. My versions are: TB: 1.1.x bleeding edge Order editor: V1.3.14
  6. I have the module. What do I have to do to reproduce the error? It works for me.
  7. Check the demo, there are settings where you can automate which customers get a review request. It's by order status. They get 1 email for the order. It's a very nice module, I'd recommend getting it.
  8. Hmm, my link looks like this and I'm asked to login if I'm not logged in: https://www.domain.com/de/module/revws/EmailAction?id=1951&action=review&product-id=2&rating=5&secret=fb1127f7219847bf2c94e2a9d86868de
  9. Is the auto-login functionality still working for everyone in version 2.2.2? A customer forwarded an email and the auto-login doesn't work.
  10. A quick warning to NOT change the Mail Alert module. At least for me it looks like it messed up order processing. Orders were being registered without product information.
  11. Did you by any chance get the dates to show? I did the edits but it shows as a date: 30-11--0001 Attached also the module in case anybody's interested. It's from: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/47173-module-list-of-customer-out-of-stock-registrations/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-2008786 statsoos.zip
  12. Not with this module, no. There's Coingate, if you want to try them.
  13. I'm using this module and it works well: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/newsletter-sms/7484-newsletter-pro.html However, I'm trying to tailor the newsletter subscription pop up and I'm having difficulties with it. Does anyone use it and can give me some pointers? For example, this is their default pop up, which works. <div class="pqnp-popup-box" style="background: url('{module_path}views/img/front_subscription/popup.jpg') bottom left no-repeat;"><form id="{id.form}" method="POST"> <div class="pqnp-popup-form-group pqnp-popup-clearfix pqnp-popup-logo-box"> <div class="pqnp-popup-show-logo"><img src="{shop_logo_url}" /></div> </div> <div class="pqnp-popup-form-group pqnp-popup-clearfix pqnp-popup-title-box"> <h1 class="pqnp-popup-title">Be the first to know</h1> <h5 class="pqnp-popup-title-small">about our latest products and exclusive offers.</h5> </div> <div class="pqnp-popup-form-group"><label for="{id.email}">Email Address<sup>*</sup></label> <input id="{id.email}" class="pqnp-popup-form-control" type="text" name="{field.email}" placeholder="Email Address" /></div> <div class="pqnp-popup-form-group pqnp-popup-row"><!-- @if intval({display_firstname}) == 1 --> <div class="pqnp-popup-col-sm-6 pqnp-popup-col-xs-12 pqnp-popup-xs-form-group"><label for="{id.firstname}">First Name{render_mandatory_firstname}</label> <input id="{id.firstname}" class="pqnp-popup-form-control" type="text" name="{field.firstname}" placeholder="First Name" value="{form.firstname}" /></div> <!-- @endif --> <!-- @if intval({display_lastname}) == 1 --> <div class="pqnp-popup-col-sm-6 pqnp-popup-col-xs-12"><label for="{id.lastname}">Last Name{render_mandatory_lastname}</label> <input id="{id.lastname}" class="pqnp-popup-form-control" type="text" name="{field.lastname}" placeholder="Last Name" value="{form.lastname}" /></div> <!-- @endif --></div> <div class="pqnp-popup-form-group pqnp-popup-row"> <div class="pqnp-popup-col-sm-6 pqnp-popup-col-xs-12 pqnp-popup-xs-form-group"><!-- @if intval({display_gender}) == 1 --> <label for="{id.gender}">Gender</label><select id="{id.gender}" class="pqnp-popup-form-control" name="{field.gender}"> <option value="0">- neutral -</option> {render_gender_options}</select><!-- @endif --></div> <div class="pqnp-popup-col-sm-6 pqnp-popup-col-xs-12"><!-- @if intval({display_birthday}) == 1 --> <label for="{id.birthday}">Date of Birth</label> <input id="{id.birthday}" class="pqnp-popup-form-control pqnp-popup-birthday" type="date" name="{field.birthday}" value="{form.birthday}" /> <!-- @endif --></div> </div> <!-- @if intval({display_list_of_interest}) == 1 --> <div class="pqnp-popup-form-group pqnp-popup-row"> <div class="pqnp-popup-col-sm-12"><label>Shoping Preferences</label> <div class="pqnp-popup-row"><!-- @foreach {list_of_interest} as {item} --> <div class="pqnp-popup-col-sm-6 pqnp-popup-col-xs-12 pqnp-custom-checkbox-col"><span class="pqnp-custom-checkbox"> <label> <input type="checkbox" name="{field.list_of_interest}" value="{item.id_newsletter_pro_list_of_interest}" condition-if="intval({item.checked}) == 1" checked="checked" condition-endif="" /> <span><i class="pqnp-icon-checkbox-checked pqnp-checkbox-checked"></i></span> <span>{item.name}</span> </label> </span></div> <!-- @endforeach --></div> </div> </div> <!-- @endif --> <div class="pqnp-popup-form-group pqnp-popup-row"> <div class="pqnp-popup-col-sm-12"><span class="pqnp-custom-checkbox"> <label> <input id="{id.terms_and_conditions}" type="checkbox" name="{field.terms_and_conditions}" value="1" /> <span><i class="pqnp-icon-checkbox-checked pqnp-checkbox-checked"></i></span> <span>I agree with the <a href="{terms_and_conditions_url}" class="pqnp-popup-button-link" target="_blank">terms and conditoins</a>.</span> </label> </span></div> </div> <div id="{id.error}" class="pqnp-popup-alert pqnp-popup-alert-danger pqnp-popup-error" style="display: none;"></div> <div id="{id.success}" class="pqnp-popup-alert pqnp-popup-alert-success pqnp-popup-success" style="display: none;"></div> <div class="pqnp-popup-form-group pqnp-popup-row"> <div class="pqnp-popup-col-sm-6 pqnp-popup-col-xs-12 pqnp-popup-xs-form-group"><a href="javascript:{}" id="{id.subscribe}" class="pqnp-popup-button pqnp-popup-button-primary pqnp-submit-newsletterpro-subscribe">Subscribe</a></div> <div class="pqnp-popup-col-sm-6 pqnp-popup-col-xs-12"><a href="javascript:{}" id="{id.unsubscribe}" class="pqnp-popup-button pqnp-popup-button-danger pqnp-submit-newsletterpro-unsubscribe">Unsubscribe</a></div> </div> <div class="pqnp-popup-row"> <div class="pqnp-popup-col-sm-8"><a href="javascript:{}" id="{id.destroy}" class="pqnp-popup-button-link pqnp-popup-button-sm-link pqnp-popup-button-link-dark">Don't show me this popup again.</a></div> <div class="pqnp-popup-col-sm-4 pqnp-popup-text-right"> <div id="{id.close_timeout}" class="pqnp-close-timeout pqnp-popup-text-sm" style="display: none;"></div> </div> </div> </form></div> I'd like to remove that one has to tick the terms and conditions box and simplify it. I tried that like this but the error message that I must agree with the terms and conditions: <div class="pqnp-popup-box" style="background: url('{module_path}views/img/front_subscription/popup.jpg') bottom left no-repeat;"><form id="{id.form}" method="POST"> <div class="pqnp-popup-form-group pqnp-popup-clearfix pqnp-popup-logo-box"> <div class="pqnp-popup-show-logo"><img src="{shop_logo_url}" /></div> </div> <div class="pqnp-popup-form-group pqnp-popup-clearfix pqnp-popup-title-box"> <h1 class="pqnp-popup-title">Be the first to know</h1> <h5 class="pqnp-popup-title-small">about our latest products and exclusive offers.</h5> </div> <div class="pqnp-popup-form-group"><label for="{id.email}">Email Address<sup>*</sup></label> <input id="{id.email}" class="pqnp-popup-form-control" type="text" name="{field.email}" placeholder="Email Address" /></div> <div class="pqnp-popup-form-group pqnp-popup-row"><span>We don't use your email for anything but the newsletter.</span></div> <div id="{id.error}" class="pqnp-popup-alert pqnp-popup-alert-danger pqnp-popup-error" style="display: none;"></div> <div id="{id.success}" class="pqnp-popup-alert pqnp-popup-alert-success pqnp-popup-success" style="display: none;"></div> <div class="pqnp-popup-form-group pqnp-popup-row"> <div class="pqnp-popup-col-sm-6 pqnp-popup-col-xs-12 pqnp-popup-xs-form-group"><a href="javascript:{}" id="{id.subscribe}" class="pqnp-popup-button pqnp-popup-button-primary pqnp-submit-newsletterpro-subscribe">Subscribe</a></div> <div class="pqnp-popup-col-sm-6 pqnp-popup-col-xs-12"><a href="javascript:{}" id="{id.unsubscribe}" class="pqnp-popup-button pqnp-popup-button-danger pqnp-submit-newsletterpro-unsubscribe">Unsubscribe</a></div> </div> <div class="pqnp-popup-row"> <div class="pqnp-popup-col-sm-8"><a href="javascript:{}" id="{id.destroy}" class="pqnp-popup-button-link pqnp-popup-button-sm-link pqnp-popup-button-link-dark">Don't show me this popup again.</a></div> <div class="pqnp-popup-col-sm-4 pqnp-popup-text-right"> <div id="{id.close_timeout}" class="pqnp-close-timeout pqnp-popup-text-sm" style="display: none;"></div> </div> </div> </form></div> And I also tried this, but nothing happens, the email address doesn't register. <div class="pqnp-popup-box" bottom="" left="" no-repeat=""><form id="{id.form}" method="POST"> <div class="pqnp-popup-form-group pqnp-popup-clearfix pqnp-popup-logo-box"> <div class="pqnp-popup-show-logo"><img src="{shop_logo_url}" /></div> </div> <input id="np-popup-email" class="form-control" type="text" name="email" value="Email-Adresse" /><br /><strong><a href="#" id="submit-newsletterpro-subscribe" class="np-button submit-newsletterpro-subscribe">Anmelden<br /></a></strong><br /> <div id="ajax-errors-subscribe" class="alert alert-danger" style="display: none;"></div> <div id="ajax-success-subscribe" class="alert alert-success" style="display: none;"></div> Wir verwenden die Email-Adresse für den Newsletter und sonst für nichts. Du kannst Dich jederzeit abmelden. <br /> <a href="javascript:{}" id="newsletterpro-subscribe-close-forever" class="close-forever"> <br /><span>Den Popup bitte nicht mehr zeigen.</span> </a></form></div>
  14. Back when I used their module they had to tweak some things so it would work with tb.
  15. The way I do it is not to have any prices for the parent product and then only prices for the combination. That means the impact on the price of the parent is actual price I want to sell it for. That works quite well. Maybe it'll work for you, too?
  16. So far, ElasticEmail's support has been stellar. I really recommend them. I tried Sendinblue and they were awful in comparison.
  17. I set it up with SMTP settings, yes. I don't get bounced email statistics to the newsletter, but I can see them in ElasticEmail.
  18. Indeed - I need to try and remember what it was that I was recently looking for. Sorry!
  19. Combination prices would also be very nice, if as easy to implement. 🙂
  20. Wir schauen uns gerade https://www.billbee.io/ und https://www.buchhaltungsbutler.de/ an. Hat jemand hier zufällig Erfahrung? Buchhaltungsbutler sieht ganz gut aus, wir haben das kurz im Demo getestet. Man kann viele Buchhaltungsprozesse automatisieren. Bei Billbee sprechen wir gerade mit dem Support, um einige Fragen zu klären.
  21. What happens when a customer has two entries: one as a guest and one as a registered customer? Why is this even possible?
  22. Yep, works well! I set it up with ElasticEmail. I'm happy.
  23. Unfortunately, they refferred me to a one of their development partners to integrate the missing payment solutions. Perhaps if more people are interested we can get further payment options crowdfunded. Luckily for me, the important ones are already there.
  24. Yep, but Stripe has an interest in expanding the module's functionality. They said they're looking into it and will get back to me.
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