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Everything posted by 30knees

  1. It looks good to me, thank you! 🙂 Will it flow into the 1.2.x version, too, or shall I update the live store to the main version?
  2. I'm still using Coingate with this fix: https://github.com/coingate/prestashop-plugin/pull/11/files See
  3. Fantastic, thank you! I don't have a testing server. I'll set one up.
  4. Das klingt sehr gut, danke! Irgendwann will ich die ganzen Dienste näher vergleichen. Für uns wärem die wichtigsten Funktionen: MHD/Chargen-Management Amazon-Anbindung * Nett wären: Bestandsverwaltung via Barcode o.ä. DHL-Anbindung * Die mit * markierten Funktionen haben aber wohl alle Dienste.
  5. Just as a side note, there are also services that do things like syncing to Amazon, eg in English https://www.plentymarkets.co.uk/ or in German https://www.billbee.io/ They require a subscription, though, but offer more than just marketplace sync.
  6. I think the minimum would be: Import - orders Export - Stock quantities - order status (ie shipped) The other stuff is nice to have but not necessary, as you can do that in Amazon itself.
  7. Hi @datakick What's the difference between 'bind, 'constant', and 'interpolate' for values? I'd just like to change the order status from 1 to 2. Thanks!
  8. Hallo, wir schauen uns Dienste an, die sowohl als WaWi und als Verbindungsstück zu Amazon, DHL, usw. dienen können, zumal es immer weniger Module gibt, die PS 1.6 unterstützen. Unser jetziges Amazon-Modul bietet z.B. keinen Support mehr für PS 1.6 an. Dabei haben wir folgende Dienste entdeckt und ich wollte fragen, ob jemand hier Erfahrungen damit hat. Plentymarkets: https://www.plentymarkets.eu/produkt/ Dreamrobot: https://www.dreamrobot.de/info/ecommerce-wawi/ Billbee: https://www.billbee.io/funktionen/ Reybex: https://www.reybex.com/funktionen/
  9. First time opened in Brave it hung. In Safari it didn't. Second time in Brave it worked.
  10. 30knees

    Demo site

    Yep, gladly! Let me know when it's ready for us to do so.
  11. 30knees

    Demo site

    Exact same words here, too. 🙂
  12. Ah, that's a pity. Most modules aren't that good. I'd have thought there's quite a large market considering how Amazon domininates online shopping. Also, especially now in the EU with Amazon having expanded into a number of new countries that aren't supported by the old versions of the modules for PS 1.6, only the newer ones for PS 1.7.
  13. Do you still have this planned? I just learned from @Prestaliathat they no longer support thirtybees (and neither PS 1.6), so their module that was here https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-modules/administration/module-amazon-sync is no more.
  14. Same problem - it's the link in the BO that doesn't work. The problem is the preview URL is like this for German when I'm in the BO using English as my default language: https://www.store.com/de/German-Category/English-Product
  15. Hi, We're looking into keeping stock with a barcode / QR code and a scanner, i.e. when we get product delivered we sync the stock like this and we ship the same. Does anyone have experiences and recommendations on what tools and modules work etc? I've seen the occasional post here and there on the forum but nothing concrete.
  16. And here's the fix: https://github.com/coingate/prestashop-plugin/pull/11/files 🙂
  17. Yes. In the backend module settings I've also set Enable the payment request button together with and without Stripe credit card form and Checkout, ie different variations. In Stripe I'm supposed to be live.
  18. I see that Apple Pay is supposed to already work with the tb version. But I'm not able to get it to show. Has anybody else succeeded in getting it to show in the checkout?
  19. I think it's rather that they don't sell via their website but via the PS Marketplace. They're still updating modules etc.
  20. I had a module developed that I use and that I'd be happy to share with the community. Below is what the CSV export currently contains. Should be easy enough to edit. Module attached.picklistmodule-v100b13.zip
  21. Yep, it keeps track of lots via FIFO and you can also state when something entered your stock. You can't get a report of stock at a given date, though. It's rather cumbersome. Probably not the best for your needs.
  22. I use this https://addons.prestashop.com/en/stock-supplier-management/16828-traceability-management-dlc-bbd.html It's not the best and datakick had to fix some issues in it, but it works somewhat as a hack for FIFO based on lots.
  23. One more requirement: I guess quite easy because it's about having a "verified purchase" logo, as eg Revws already has. 🙂
  24. One of the changes brought about the Omnibus Directive (only relevant for European traders) is about the display of price reductions in stores. The provision will become applicable 28 May 2022. It's still a while to go, but I thought it would make sense to already have it in mind for future tb development:
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