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Everything posted by 30knees

  1. Can anyone recommend a customer product review module? Or is the built in one decent?
  2. Hi, Depending on the costs, I would like to develop a thirty bees module for this https://info.shapeshift.io/tools/shifty-button and I would like to make it public. Who would like to take on the job and can make an estimate to costs?
  3. Thanks! I updated the first post with them. :thumbsup:
  4. Under Localization> Translations one can select "Email templates translations". One then can select the theme one is using or the core. Can I make changes to the core and these will get pulled to the theme if the theme doesn't have its own translations? Also, what happens to the modifications during theme/core updates?
  5. @rubben1985 I changed the title of this thread to cover all German theme translations, so add any themes you have a German translation for here.
  6. Doesn't seem to be in the module's product-list.tpl. I think it's part of the Advanced EU Compliance module, but the one "From" field that I translated didn't change anything despite flushing the cache and opening in a totally clean browser.
  7. Could you please explain the difference between a language pack and a translation pack?
  8. I was also thinking it should be in the front office translations, but I can't find it there. It's on every page that lists all products, so homepage, category pages, etc. It's the "from" where a product has attributes.
  9. @rubben1985 I updated the file in the first post. Not sure what's better, one topic for each language and all themes, or one topic per theme and all language, or ... . @Global-Moderators Do you have a preference?
  10. What is the difference between uninstalling and disabling modules? Does the former clean out the database while the latter does not?
  11. I am looking for the "From" string before the price, as I would like to change it. Where is it located? I can't find it.
  12. Panda theme: http://panda.sunnytoo.com/ Panda file, French: 01498753541580frpanda170629.bin Panda file, German (Sie): 01498513202353depanda170625 (Sie).gzip Panda file, Latvian: 01498753483974lvpanda170629.bin
  13. That's a nice hack ... so I guess the save button at the very top saves for all sections? Because each section has its own save button. I'll try it out.
  14. I'm translating a theme in the backend. So many fields are repetitive and need to be translated again and again. Is there any autocomplete tool that would recognise e.g. the field "Shipping address" and then automatically autocomplete with the translation the next time "Shipping address" needs to be translated? I tried two autocomplete plugins for Firefox, but they didn't work.
  15. @Havouza Yep, you're right. It's generally not applicable to clothing.
  16. @Havouza Directives set out the framework, but within that framework everyone has to comply by making their own local law. All EU countries have a unit price obligation. It might vary in the details, but generally it will be the same. That is why in (large) supermarkets throughout the EU you will always find for things like ketchup, etc. the unit price indicated.
  17. Here is the Directive for base/unit prices: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex:31998L0006 So it should be the same throughout the EU.
  18. @DRMasterChief Take a look at: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/447/base-unit-price-unit-price-module @Havouza Yep, it's needed for German compliance, but should be the same throughout the EU.
  19. I followed the instructions here: https://www.prestashopmanager.com/useful-articles/how-to/how-to-export-prestashop-attribute-combinations/ and https://www.prestashopmanager.com/useful-articles/tips-tricks/tips-on-how-to-import-prestashop-attributes/ You first need to input the attributes manually in the new store, so eg Color (red, blue, green). I also entered the categories manually. But after that you can export all the products from the old store and then import them into the new store. Make sure the tax settings are the same, too, if you import with prices.
  20. Was able to do it with this module: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/423/store-manager-for-prestashop-v-2-29-1 I exported the products and imported them.
  21. The module available at https://addons.prestashop.com/en/additional-information-product-tab/22127-disable-out-of-stock-unavailable-product-combinations.html disables invalid combinations. Its version 1.1.3 is compatible with TB 1.0.1.
  22. Version 1.7.11 of this module https://addons.prestashop.com/en/sizes-units/5756-basicprice-unit-price.html is compatible with TB 1.0.1. The module calculates the base unit price, e.g. what the 100g price of something is that is sold as a 250g pack.
  23. I understand. Shall we stick with the current formal style, then? It would be the easiest.
  24. Thanks, but I don't want an exact duplicate. That would give me the same messed up database. I'd like to start with a clean database and just transfer the products.
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