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Everything posted by the.rampage.rado

  1. tbupdater and Core updater are two different modules. tbupdater updated the modules up to thirtybees version 1.4, now this functionality is included in the core. Core updater updates everything else and it should continue to be used. This module is compatible with all thirtybees versions since its introduction back in 1.0.8 or something like that... If you updated to thirtybees 1.5 you should check the forum thread, there are couple of other such minor changes that will take you 5 minutes - minification module and mail transport module and configuration.
  2. Yes, cPanel takes some time to refresh. 15k of images is plenty of junk. You can browse some of module functions but be careful as every single one of those is irreversible w/o backup.
  3. It did not find any images or simply your inodes are not taken by images? For me the first time I ran it it deleted around 1000 images.
  4. Another reminder to make a BACKUP of your DB and FILES! 😉
  5. Are you uploading this zip? This is the feature you need in this case - it will go through your img folder and find all images not associated with products. Just curious how many it will find, please share! 🙂
  6. Those plugins (especially the one from Mediacom) do much more than clearing old images. If you can squeeze few more moths out of your current plan it might be worth to invest one of them. Clearing old connections and logs could also sligtly imrpove your site speed (old images are just junk, they don't slow it down).
  7. You can use this module or Tidy from CodeCanyon. In any case before doing any cleanup - do a proper DB and file backup that's in your control.
  8. Keep the first part of the cache as follows and many of the changes you push to your frontend will be seen right away. Nevertheless when editing themes/BO stuff your best friend is the Clear cache button and this is not an issue but a feature.
  9. Drag and drop here: Products->Attributes->Certain attribute.
  10. @cprats, very nice idea! I have plenty of those requests "//2019/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml" what should be the formatting in the first part of the redirect? I'm using this generator https://redirectgenerator.netmagnet.cz/ and it works quite well for all other 404s but for those it returns different code that is not working with my server.
  11. Go to your cPanel. Go to Software section. Go to Select PHP Version. Click on Extensions. Enable everything that's needed. As you're there and probably you don't have them enabled (based on that you don't have most of the required extensions enable) turn on APCu or Redis and turn on OpCache if you have it ON - you'll need those for your caching later after installation. 😉 Extra: After Extensions are done you can go to Options tab and adjust some settings there: max_execution_time - 180 max_input_vars - 10000 memory_limit - 512 (or the maximum) post_max_size - 8M upload_max_filesize - 8M You will have to make those settings for each php version so if you're now running on anything older than 7.4 first switch to 7.4 and adjust those, then install.
  12. If you want to optimize your store by removing those lines I would advise leaving them as there will be no speed increase if you delete those 500 rows. Simply disable what you don't need.
  13. If you don't delete anything in step 2 do you observe the same behavior?
  14. Nice opportunity to update to 1.5.1 where at least 10 other security fixes are introduced 😉
  15. Oh... I missed the part that they said 'they paid'.... ahahaha 😄 You can blacklist them for sure.
  16. Most likely they added the goods but did not complete the checkout process, thinking this is enough. Happens if the customer is not so tech savvy. If they don't have guest or customer date associated to this cart this means they did not do even this part, so you can phone and complete a manual order for them as they will probably be unable to complete it from their side.
  17. Hmmm... I did not give it a try to save the module. Sorry! Probably somebody with coding experience could fix it.
  18. Probably some module is making them. You can remove them from the sitemap from the sitemap module settings page - check all that you DON'T want to be shown in the sitemap.
  19. It's inactive because you did not install the minification module. When you install it you could play with this setting too. It has an effect and is recommended to be turned on.
  20. Redis or APCu for me are the best - easy to use. Probably @datakick could tell if they have tested and what gives best results. Don't use FULL PAGE CACHE as it might break your shop if you don't know what to cache and what not.
  21. In classes folder there should be no .js files as far I'm aware. 🙂
  22. Install the minification module too, otherwise you will not have this function. This was also extracted from the core, like the email transport method. Nothing to break, don't worry! 7.4 is OK, as 8 brings lot more changes and you will have troubles for sure with it. Also install Collect PHP Logs module and monitor there what errors you get so they can be fixed.
  23. Did you follow the guidance in this thread to setup the email transport and code minification modules that now you have?
  24. Reduce them to just one... 😄
  25. Try this in the first section: (never recompile is marginally faster but you have to clear the cache many more times) and this for the latter: (of course you should have Redis installed and enabled, alternatively you can try APCu (same story))
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