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Everything posted by the.rampage.rado

  1. I just tested it on edge version and it works. What does the error say?
  2. Try this script. After you login and change your admin pass DON'T forget to remove this script from the site as everybody can use it to access your BO.
  3. I'm moving this topic to the correct forum section. Regarding the module - you can display the snippets anywhere you like in your theme. Take a look here how to add the appropriate code: https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-modules/premium-modules/faq-snippets There is even a way to display them in different places if you use multistore and want to do so - please, check my topic here.
  4. Why are you still using PayPal? Their fees are outrageous. Look for a vPOS module from your bank or if not available get something like dedicated vPOS company with module for PS1.6. My fees are 1.3%, PayPal's is 3%... crazy... If you want to use it as 'a reputation enhancer' be sure that some well known vPOS provider will do the same for far less money.
  5. Thank you! You have a PM. EDIT: Thank you for the quick fix! 10/10!
  6. Hello again @Daresh, Just purchased the module, can you describe me how I can display it in a tab as your customer above?
  7. In the module settings you have to pick Custom target. Then when you open the file update part of the module you will be greeted by this menu where you can see all official releases:
  8. XXX_cms_lang table.
  9. It looks something like that: Array ( [num_slots] => 4099 [ttl] => 0 [num_hits] => 10 [num_misses] => 20 [num_inserts] => 10 [num_entries] => 10 [expunges] => 0 [start_time] => 1733916692 [mem_size] => 152200 [memory_type] => mmap [cache_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [info] => smarty~modules/blocksearch_mod/blocksearch-mobile.tpl~blocksearch_mod|1|1|1|3|2|236 [ttl] => 31536000 [num_hits] => 1 [mtime] => 1733916760 [creation_time] => 1733916760 [deletion_time] => 0 [access_time] => 1733916760 [ref_count] => 0 [mem_size] => 1720 ) [1] => Array ( [info] => smarty~modules/iqitmegamenu/views/templates/hook/iqitmegamenu.tpl~iqitmegamenu|1|1|1|3|2|236|10 [ttl] => 31536000 [num_hits] => 1 [mtime] => 1733916760 [creation_time] => 1733916760 [deletion_time] => 0 [access_time] => 1733916760 [ref_count] => 0 [mem_size] => 133192 ) [2] => Array ( [info] => smarty~modules/blockfooterhtml/blockfooterhtml.tpl~blockfooterhtml|1|1|1|3|2|236 [ttl] => 31536000 [num_hits] => 1 [mtime] => 1733916760 [creation_time] => 1733916760 [deletion_time] => 0 [access_time] => 1733916760 [ref_count] => 0 [mem_size] => 1216 ) [3] => Array ( [info] => smarty~themes/warehouse/modules/blockcms/blockcms.tpl~blockcms|2|1|1|1|3|2|236 [ttl] => 31536000 [num_hits] => 1 [mtime] => 1733916760 [creation_time] => 1733916760 [deletion_time] => 0 [access_time] => 1733916760 [ref_count] => 0 [mem_size] => 2480 ) [4] => Array ( [info] => smarty~modules/iqitsizeguide/views/templates/hook/combinations.tpl~iqitsizeguide|combination|72|1|1|2|1|236 [ttl] => 31536000 [num_hits] => 1 [mtime] => 1733916865 [creation_time] => 1733916865 [deletion_time] => 0 [access_time] => 1733916865 [ref_count] => 0 [mem_size] => 1112 ) [5] => Array ( [info] => smarty~modules/blocksocial_mod/blocksocial_mod.tpl~blocksocial_mod|1|1|1|3|2|236 [ttl] => 31536000 [num_hits] => 1 [mtime] => 1733916760 [creation_time] => 1733916760 [deletion_time] => 0 [access_time] => 1733916760 [ref_count] => 0 [mem_size] => 1832 ) [6] => Array ( [info] => smarty~modules/revws/views/templates/hook/product_list.tpl~revws|1|1|2|1|236|72 [ttl] => 31536000 [num_hits] => 1 [mtime] => 1733916865 [creation_time] => 1733916865 [deletion_time] => 0 [access_time] => 1733916865 [ref_count] => 0 [mem_size] => 4384 ) [7] => Array ( [info] => smarty~modules/blocksearch_mod/blocksearch-top_mod.tpl~blocksearch_mod|1|1|1|3|2|236 [ttl] => 31536000 [num_hits] => 1 [mtime] => 1733916760 [creation_time] => 1733916760 [deletion_time] => 0 [access_time] => 1733916760 [ref_count] => 0 [mem_size] => 1968 ) [8] => Array ( [info] => smarty~themes/warehouse/modules/blockmyaccountfooter/blockmyaccountfooter.tpl~blockmyaccountfooter|1|1|1|3|2|236 [ttl] => 31536000 [num_hits] => 1 [mtime] => 1733916760 [creation_time] => 1733916760 [deletion_time] => 0 [access_time] => 1733916760 [ref_count] => 0 [mem_size] => 2184 ) [9] => Array ( [info] => smarty~themes/warehouse/modules/blockcontactinfos/blockcontactinfos.tpl~blockcontactinfos|1|1|1|3|2|236 [ttl] => 31536000 [num_hits] => 1 [mtime] => 1733916760 [creation_time] => 1733916760 [deletion_time] => 0 [access_time] => 1733916760 [ref_count] => 0 [mem_size] => 2112 ) ) [deleted_list] => Array ( ) [slot_distribution] => Array ( [102] => 1 [179] => 1 [430] => 1 [711] => 1 [1206] => 1 [1567] => 1 [2969] => 1 [3267] => 1 [3307] => 1 [3964] => 1 ) )
  10. Despite running my store on APCu for looong time just tested this for the first time and it returned an empty array for me on the first test. Then I installed APCu Manager module and the array got populated and now appears to work properly - after each new visit it changes values and increases in size. I uninstalled APCu Manager and the array is still populated and working but should we keep the module installed so the system works properly?
  11. It looks like that in Module list: After you install it go and try the update again and post the information that is present in Collect PHP Logs.
  12. Install this module by thirty bees and let it run on your working version for a while then check the information that is gathered there and try to fix it. If you can't fix those by yourself you can contact datakick here - he is the man to call for thirty bees custom work.
  13. The easiest would be to hire somebody to modify this module to work with thirty bees 1.6. Everything else is an option - you can export and import the reviews but for sure it will be more expensive and time consuming job. What errors do you get? Do you have installed Collect logs module to check on the errors?
  14. No, only litespeed. Will send you a link to test the speed and caching of my site.
  15. Yes, I have never experienced the issue you mention. When I update the price FO displays it right away. I also use litespeed cache over everything else - no issues I can see too.
  16. If a merchant is trying to be serious about their shop I don't see any other alternative rather to hire the best person they can find to work on their shop. In our case it's very easy as we know him. 🙂
  17. As somebody said - most of those 'issues' are fixed very quickly as they are trivial syntax change. Of course for me this is not the case as I'm a code noob. If you also don't feel secure you can hire a php developer and they will help you out. I even know a very very good one - datakick. As a bonus - you will work with the project's mantainer, currently there is nobody more experienced with thirty bees' code and inner workings. And of course by hiring a developer fixing your shop they can find some bug and help develop the platform for everybody else! 😉
  18. 7.4 is not supported version of php (by php developers, not by thirty bees - it supports it!) anymore but you should use it as a stepping stone to update your modules, fix any bugs that are present on 7.4 with your modules and theme and then follow the steps from above. If your site is not working on php8 it wont magically start working on 8.3 as there even more things that change between those two versions. You (or your developer) should work to iron out the issues with modules/external theme. Thirty bees does not have control and is not to blame if they don't work on 8 or later. My sites are also on 7.4 but I plan on migrating slowly to later versions in 2025 but for this to be done a developer should make my old theme work first. And this is nothing to do with thirty bees - natively it works on 8.2 (or even 8.3).
  19. So you have some modules that don't play nicely with php8 too. Install thirty bees' Collect logs module and look what it gives you as info on 7.4, fix some of those and try again. The update method is as follows: 1. You are on 7.4 and your site runs without notices, errors, warnings, exceptions, etc. 2. You update using Core updater by pointing it to target version. 3. Your site is now broken because some dependecies don't work on php 8 4. Your switch your server to php8 5. Your site is working again because at step 1 you fixed all stuff that thirty bees has no control over (external theme and modules). If you want to proceed updating to php8.1: 1. You are on php8 and your site runs without notices, errors, warnings, exceptions, etc. - THERE WILL BE NEW ISSUES in Collect log module 100%. .... proceed according to the list above. If you want to downgrade and not use a backup and your BO works after the update of php version (not your case obviously): 1. You are on php 8.x. and your site works 2. In Core updater you put target version 7.4. 3. Update dependencies with Core updater 4. Your site is broken. 5. Downgrade php on your server to 7.4 6. Your site works if it was working before on php 8.x
  20. Remove the last comma on line 5579 in classes/Product.php then continue with the DB update aswell: $depthImpact = null, should become: $depthImpact = null
  21. In order to update php versions you have to follow "strict" procedure which is described here: This applies for vanilla thirty bees and Niara or Community theme. If you use another 3rd party theme (ones inherited from PS) they WILL not work on php8 straight out the box. 99.99% theme has issue with block cart override in the theme itself which leads to Error 500. You have to run your shop on 7.4, fix all notices for such issues then update to 8.0. Again fix all notices and warnings and then update to 8.1, etc. The update procedure is not vicious its strict and it's made that way because thirty bees dependencies sometimes work on 7.4 but not on 8+ and vice versa.
  22. Thank you Daresh! I would like to have this information as a tab.
  23. Do you have backoffice access? The code you have given is not very descriptive. Put the information from Collect logs module where you can see the error.
  24. Thank you for supporting thirty bees community Daresh! In your demo site the information is visible in two places - once at the tabs and once under all the product page information. Is this configurable if we want to display this info only in a tab?
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