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Everything posted by the.rampage.rado

  1. This polifill was flagged as malware by everybody because the domain that served it was overtaken by some hackers and they used it to distribute junk. There is no records that it was abused on any thirty bees / prestashop shops The both thirty bees themes were updated right after this was disclosed. No need to scan for anything. If you have some tool build into your hosting - you can use it. Otherwise don't worry. In order to be on schedule with thirty bees' development you can track code changes here: https://github.com/thirtybees You can also help develop the platform by submitting issues or enhancement ideas here: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues As you can see in GitHub the development is active and many bugs are fixed, many new features are active. I would suggest if you want your shop to be in best shape switch and update to edge (also for your community themes). Cheers! EDIT: Just saw that you replaced header.tpl form a backup - this will not solve your issue. This code was part of the theme for very long time, before the domain was overtaken by those Chinese hackers. Its usage was normal and it had purpose on very old IEs. You have to modify the file as described in the link above - just delete the lines in red.
  2. 1. Anything in the server error log? 2. Anything in thirty bees log? 3. What version of thirty bees are you using? 4. If it's >=1.5 did you configure properly one of the email transport modules and did you assign its usage in Email settings? 5. Do you have Mail alerts module installed and properly configured with your email in it? In order to stop spam from your contact form use Cloudflare Turnstile v1.0.0 - by Emanuel Schiendorfer
  3. I forgot - did you succeed in making your system work with swiftmailer?
  4. Not exactly. All those modules create new tables and connect them with product ids, categories, etc. Their structure is pretty simple (shown in their pricing). If you want to duplicate 'description' tab half of the system will have to be rewritten. Just take one of those modules and use it. They in general are not very customer open - like they don't expect customer data input, files, etc. So it's harder for the module to be written in insecure way. Not a developer, just layman... 😞
  5. Group as many countries in 'multi-country' zones, then put those that shift pricing in 'single-country' zones. I name them after the country so it's easier when editing the courier. When applying the price you can have the same price for one or more zones so the customer will not notice this separation.
  6. What are you trying to achieve?
  7. Sometimes I feel really sorry for smaller merchants located in Germany - so much hard legislation. I'm still to hear for a case where a merchant was fined about GDPR in Bulgaria. Cookies? What is this!? Just put some stupid banner and don't bother to check its functionality if it really blocks them. Regarding the quoted Article: Without being a lawyer I would do the following: 1. Make a nicely titled CMS page and attach it to footer - in there list all manufacturers' details in the EU. For products that your company imports in EU and there is no 'dedicated' EU distributor your company is responsible for those products as an importer. 2. (c) - you already have those in the product listing - name, image, reference number, etc. 3. (d) - I would put this short information at the end of Description tab - put all the information there and put a link to the CMS page containing general manufacturer contact information. Regarding the product information sent with the product - this should already be on your product if it complies with EU law and have some special requirements.
  8. Give more specific info about the information you want to display. I imagine you will format some text but do you need the same tab to be visible per product, or per category or you want every product to have separate 'unique' tab? Do you need manufacturer association?
  9. Nope, I still use it. This module offers one global tab (which I have configured to show delivery information) and one per-product custom tab that I use to show information for product per category similar to you, in my case - ball pressures, sizes, etc. It was part of Warehouse for PS1.6.
  10. There is no native module unfortunately. If you want this information to be visible on page load I would suggest adding it to the Description field of every product. If you have the products grouped in certain categories you can use something similar to: UPDATE ps_product_lang pl JOIN ps_category_product cp ON pl.id_product = cp.id_product SET pl.description = CONCAT(pl.description, ' <p>Additional information here.</p>') WHERE cp.id_category IN (97, 99, 98, 104) -- Replace with your category IDs AND pl.id_lang = 1; -- Replace '1' with your desired language ID And add html content with icons, paragraphs, images, whatever you want. This way evertything already in the description field will be kept. Of course before executing any update query - BACKUP YOUR DB!!!!
  11. If you have those product sheets and warnings in pdfs you can attach them using a simple sql query to every product you want at once. So the users can download them if they need them. You can rename the 'Attachment' tab as you want in any language (Warnings, Data sheets, etc.) Otherwise if you want to display text (or the pdf itself) on the page I would use 'additional tab' module which will hook this information based on your product preferences. Again this can be done with simple sql query if the module does not have 'mass edit' functionality. There are many additional tab modules available.
  12. Of course the issue was misconfiguration on my side. I saw the updated combinations file and I saw that I'm setting Reference and not Product Reference in my import template... 😞 Now they import correctly.
  13. The demo csv also have a space there. Now I tested without space and again it is not importing them.
  14. I don't have luck with the combinations in my test install. I made a python script that creates my combinations from two lists. The output is as follows: The files imports without issues but no combinations are assigned to the previously imported products with the same reference numbers. I noticed that the color and size attributes don't have the Bulgarian name properly translated - fixed that - no luck with the import. Pre-created the sizes and colors with the appropriate names - again no combinations imported. Otherwise, deletion the existing combinations can be achieved with a SQL query, then we import the current combinations. Question regarding the position in the csv file in columns A and B should it match the position in:
  15. This part of the system is quite complex and not many users actively use it so it's normal that it gets less attention (only bugfixes, etc). What is the result when you reimport the same product with different combinations? Are they combined or the first batch is truncated?
  16. When in doubt watch an Indian how-to video: 🙂 The process is 1:1 I just have one concern - as far as I see if we click "Delete all combinations before import" it deletes all combinations for all products in the store, not only the ones for the currently imported products? If so - if we import combinations over an existing product with combinations what is the behavior - are they automatically replaced or they are simply added to the already existing combinations?
  17. It sound like the installer is failing to connect you your db server. If Hetzner has Softaculous you can direclty install through it - select your subdomain (it has to be preconfigured), install the latest stable version, update to edge, voilà!
  18. Did you implement the code modification datakick made for your case in the other thread?
  19. Preferences->Store Contacts The email should match the email account you use to send email. This setting is multistore aware so if you have multistore you have to edit this per shop.
  20. One more place where you forget to clean the cache from when troubleshooting. 😄 😄 😄 Just joking. Of course if your site has thousands of visitors a day it will help, also it is useful as a first measure if somebody is trying to bring your site down. If your host is fast and your cache is working you might not see a big improvement in speed but for big sites it's a must.
  21. So check your thirty bees settings then. Be sure that the app is working, yes, there are unfortunately many ways you can misconfigure it (I had similar issues a while back and it was totally my fault).
  22. Misconfiguration of your app or your server is not thirty bees' fault. I would strongly suggest triple checking your setup and settings and if you can't find the issue search for paid support.
  23. If Mail alerts was not installed you never received one admin email as this is the only transport method for those emails since the PS days.
  24. I don't have this issue with my domains. They even show on first page when I search for the addon shops (something that Google does not do because reasons)... Shame that nobody uses those in Europe... 🙂 They say that robots.txt is respected but who knows...
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