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Everything posted by the.rampage.rado

  1. Seems like some sort of cache issue. Try clearing all enabled caches in BO. If it doesn't work disable them. If this doesn't work clear your browser cache. If this doesn't work check if you have some sort of server side caching and clear/disable it. At every stage the fixing of the issue is different so please come back with findings and we will be able to help.
  2. All bugs will be considered when their time comes. At the moment there's push for 1.3 and I doubt non-blocker bugs will be considered in it.
  3. If he/she doesn't know basic sql sintax and does not know what should be replaced it's better to leave it as it is. I doubt there will be any issues.
  4. Disabling modules by htaccess file should be enabled but you can at least try... https://www.google.com/search?q=disable+apache+module+htaccess&ei=tMofYbbyK-OnrgSeuY-QBA&oq=disable+apache+module+htaccess&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBggAEBYQHjoHCAAQRxCwAzoFCCEQoAE6CAghEBYQHRAeOggIABAWEAoQHjoECAAQEzoICAAQFhAeEBNKBAhBGABQrCNYvlVgy1ZoAXABeACAAawCiAG-E5IBCDIuMTYuMC4xmAEAoAEByAEIwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwi2nLDW9b_yAhXjk4sKHZ7cA0IQ4dUDCA4&uact=5
  5. I don't want to ban the whole country. From regular spam it may escalate to attempts to hack my site just for banning them. And also there are vpns... Still receiving some spam every day.. 😞
  6. Today I managed to be on my PC when this happened: Blocked, will see if I would need to ban the whole country. Also, american IPs are browsing for out of stock items. When the email is registered for notification does TB send out an email? @datakick do you have any stats if this feature is used at all? I imagine very little people use it.
  7. It might be just the case. Too busy these days to search the logs but will find time asap. One or two emails a day.
  8. @datakick since your last update to this module I had no issues. In the past few days I'm getting spam on only one of my 3 shops. Module version: 1.1.2 (with 0 at login settings, but it should be fixed, right?) But I had 'disable captcha when logged in. Could a bot keep a cookie?
  9. Wait for @datakick to bump coreupdater version in the api and then update. Bumping it in github does not do so in our BOs, this is separate setting and I believe it's done manually.
  10. This should 'solve' your problem.
  11. Dude, you're becoming very annoying. Please stop your negative criticism, it's getting the project nowhere!
  12. 1. The tax rules should have been created already. 2. The tax rules must be applied according to customer address (not yours) if you sell more than XXXXX Euro in that country.
  13. He wrote couple of weeks ago that he was very sick and will get back when he's feeling better.
  14. I have updated to bleeding edge - everything works fine
  15. Yes it works but the oposite situation is much more important imho. And simply they can be build in the same place for ease and simplicity.
  16. I would be happy to see a tool which scans db and shows images that are no more associated with the shop and some easy option for review and bulk removal from storage. Also the reverse tool will be cool also - scan for missing images.
  17. I think he will issue his own Core updater which will be able to switch between the software.
  18. If you have time could you check those settings and say what you think? :)
  19. If I was you boys I would now sit down and try to bring @Traumflug onboard and three of you get on the task to make a clear roadmap for this project because as of now you're the glue holding it together. If @Traumflug is gone nothing good shall come to this idea. Please bury the hatchet and bring your best ideas to the table making sure you are honest about your intentions but also make sure that the other two are happy with the way ahead. The future of many of our shops depends of you three guys and I'm sorry but if you had worked so hard for this idea for so long time I believe that funding will have to wait. If you really bring the proj back on track (with clear and user-oriented roadmap, clear and open communication with us, timely bugfixes and code maintenance) I believe that the investment of money and time you made will pay back. And then you will have the community behind you as it was behind the founding members. If now the proj get a forge it's all gone - the money to be/have been invested, your time and energy. Forget about our shops, fuck it, the people that make money will migrate, the ones like me that do it like a hobby will simply close down when time comes. The idea of better, open source, working and user-oriented ecommerce platform will be gone...
  20. What issues do you experienced? I'm running it on 3 websites and sometimes if you mess the settings there could be strange things happening but I think I found the working settings for me. Can you share your settings page?
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