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Everything posted by the.rampage.rado

  1. You can directly update to edge channel. No breaking changes and MANY bugfixes and improvements.
  2. 1. I would like the option to turn off this field altogether because I don't need this information, I don't do such statistics and it's slowing the registration + GDPR.... 2. I'm not sure that if the customer is logged in they should not be asked for a pass for changing anything other than (stored) payment details (which we don't store as far as know anywhere in TB). 3. This is a must for TB core as per GDPR. It would be nice to be extended with the other GDPR bloatware too. And there should be simple switch somewhere in BO (Do you need GDPR? Yes/No), then those options become visible. Merchants who don't care about it don't use it and their BO doesn't get bloated with stuff.
  3. Regarding the first 2 questions @datakick will help as soon as possible. Regarding the modules updates. In general in order to update your system you have to have permanently installed the following 2 modules: 1. thirty bees updater - to update the native modules (this function will be moved to core soon, but as of now this module should be installed in order to make the connection between your site and TB modules list). Not to be confused with migration modules which can be removed after you moved to thirty bees (if you did so). After you install it, there's no configuration page, just click on the button you already see (Check for update) and it will show the most recent versions of all native modules. In order to update 3rd party module you should follow the developer's instructions, but in most of the cases you can simply upload the new version and it will overwrite all files, db tables as needed. 2. Core Updater - to update the system to stable or edge releases, update the DB, etc. After you install it you can quickly access it from Preferences -> Core updater. The module is very powerful and stable and I advise to set your chanel to stable 1.4 as of now, update your files, then click on Database and update all rows there (yes, one by one, and don't be bothered by the dangerous message - just plow ahead, nothing wrong). With time when you set your shop and become more comfortable with it you can switch to edge channel here and apply the most recent updates as they come in. Before all that, please make a working backup of your files and DB!!!
  4. In the example above the visible names of both products in the last 2 pictures are the same. If you make a backup and update I'm sure this 'issue' will not be present as currently they are with different names in your shop (and because of that - different SEO urls). We don't know if you saw this and changed one of the products or not. This is your 'issue' - SEO URLs sometimes could end up the same (product or categories) and the system picks the first in the db and redirects any later matches to it. Not a bug but a inconvinient feature and it's really easy to go around it.
  5. If you make 3rd thread you will get an answer faster! Check your theme settings.
  6. @datakick - speaking of 8.1 compatibility - do you offer site audit for installed theme/modules? I have few bugs here and there, few notifications and warnings that I want to iron out. Not many third party modules. Theme - Warehouse.
  7. As I said I was rocking it since PS times and I didn't really look if TB uses imagick natively or not. Whatever... When removed the webp files generate and show properly.
  8. I had it since my shops were on PS but I removed it and now everything regarding webp is working fine. Few places in Warehouse where the modules call .jpg files but....
  9. After disabling the module the size of 70% webp is 1/4 of the 90% jpeg. Obviously the module has some overrides that conflict with the latest functionality. If anybody can 'heal' content creator module to use the webp version please send me a message with the fix!
  10. I'm running on the lates edge from 2 days ago (after the webp commit). Could it be that the culprit is the imagick module from M Dekker?
  11. Another stupid question from my side: Is it normal for them to have absolutely the same size? I had the webp on 90, but I saw that there's an improvement at around 70 and regenerated them again but I think this is really strange...
  12. Thanks for the elaboration. Will look into it with my host!
  13. I believe I'm not understanding what you mean. My issue is not that they show in front end to the customer, my issue is that they don't show up here: Some of my products differ only by tiny details (I can imagine it's not me in this siuation) and if a merchant's employee is not very familiar with differences in the products and can't enlarge this during order preparation this could lead to troubles. I'm in the same boat as you that the original images should not be visible in FO or by bots or scrapers, but they should be visible in BO (or at least let's make BO use some of the larger thumbnails with watermark) and keep the originals for regeneration only.
  14. Just updated the store to edge and did the same checks again - some items worked but most gave 403 for the product images. I moved the watermark code to the end and now every image loads in BO->Products. The save 403 issue in SEO persist no matter if I disable mod_security in htaccess or not (obviously forbidden by my host).
  15. @datakick, today at work I saw your fixes in the module and it was one of the first tasks today to update and check if it works. Unfortunately when the module code is added to the front of htaccess file it gives again the same 403 in product images. But if I move it to the end of the htaccess file they are working fine. The issue with 403 in SEO settings save is persistent. And by just testing it twice I got locked out by modsecurity. What settings are triggering it and what is the issue that makes the pictures work only when placed at the end of the file?
  16. What do you mean by 'uploading images with the old name'? Your product image descriptions include your last domain?
  17. In the end did you receive such fraud payment or they simply said 'i can do this!'?
  18. Do you have stock available for this product. This is a strange bug. Please, share screens from BO and FO!
  19. I think this issue was .htaccess related. Today I noticed that all my images are gone (no changes from my site, probably something from the host) and I deleted and made new .htaccess file. Now it works. Also the original file was not shown in the section in BO. Cleared all caches and everything is OK once again.
  20. Does editing the source code at the checkout page and sending a screenshot to the merchant count? 😄 😄 😄
  21. Same here, not a pain in the ..... but it was working few minor versions ago..
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