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Everything posted by the.rampage.rado

  1. Do you have backoffice access? The code you have given is not very descriptive. Put the information from Collect logs module where you can see the error.
  2. Thank you for supporting thirty bees community Daresh! In your demo site the information is visible in two places - once at the tabs and once under all the product page information. Is this configurable if we want to display this info only in a tab?
  3. There is no such feature. But you can make a custom query in the SQL manager in BO and pull this list: (adjust the table prefix to your needs) In general - if you want certain list to be created and it's still not a part of thirty bees you can do so with ChatGPT and save it in the SQL manager to use from BO. SELECT email, COUNT(id_customer) AS customer_count, GROUP_CONCAT(id_customer ORDER BY id_customer) AS customer_ids FROM ps_customer GROUP BY email HAVING customer_count > 1;
  4. Thanks! Tomorrow I can make PRs for the modules that have the same 'issue'.
  5. If you are in the guest profile you should merge into the customer profile. Just check which is which.
  6. The error message 'Your email address is blocked from sending messages through contact form. Please send email to xxx instead.' is currently not translatable. I'll split this offtopic later.
  7. Of course... 😄 The rule is working as expected!
  8. I don't want to register such account. 😄 Thank you!
  9. Thank you! Will those filters work or I did not set them correctly?
  10. I don't see the second module that was mentioned with the 1.6 release, I only have Contact Form IP address blocker.
  11. @DRMasterChief if you are on 1.6 the first two rows are already implemented in the core (one as buttons in the Carts section and one as automated maintenance task), we can make something similar for the other two rows.
  12. In general you use CMS similarly as a blog - why don't you simply use thirty bees blog and share those posts?
  13. Do you have the error?
  14. So now the images are visible in BO?
  15. Thanks, will use lowercase in the next version!
  16. New feature - check voucher page in FO and one question... Why in 2 separate installations the module works with a controller named VoucherCheck.php and on another install it does not work and looks for vouchercheck.php (all updated to edge)?
  17. Try the following: 1. Regenerate your htaccess file. 2. Clear status and regenerate your thumbnails. 3. Check if the source image is in the appropriate folder. (it might be corrupted or missing altogether)
  18. The module is not updated up until now as this bug was not detected. This module is not very popular.
  19. Preferences -> Themes and upload the appropriate format for the appropriate place.
  20. By any chance your source images are smaller than 870x217 because now you have this image with large transparent background?
  21. Thank you for looking into that! I'm not even sure if I can process card payment and not apply VAT currently as here we are obliged to issue a fiscal receipt and my machine is not configured to issue 0% VAT. What about if we limit the vouchers to the country of purchase - we detect the invoice country and pass this information on the voucher creation logic. Not that it solves anything else other than the possible difference in VATs. When I purchase a voucher in Bulgaria they issue me with receipt as a normal purchase and apply VAT at this moment. I'll have to look into that.
  22. The bots crawl and look for exploits, they don't care if your module is called XYZ or ZYX. If your module has the same code in it the name does not matter. In some cases the module names is even not visible.
  23. Here is a tiny module that is s till in alpha stage so please test and use with care. You want to offer virtual gift vouchers to your customers? OK then! Virtual Vouchers Generator How to use this module: 1. Create your voucher products - set those as Virtual so they don't incur delivery if ordered alone. The value of those products will be picked as voucher value. If multiple products are ordered at once the value will be combined into one voucher. 2. Specify the Product IDs for those products in Virtual Voucher Product IDs. 3. Specify the proper statuses when the virtual voucher order is considered paid in Paid Order States (IDs). 4. Configure the rest of the options to your liking. 5. Copy the cron URL and run it at proper intervals (recommended 5-10 mins). Configuration page: Email sent after order validated as paid: Check voucher page (in Niara - adjust module css to your liking!): As I'm still learning, so please keep in mind this module could (and most probably will) have some bugs. And still the lookback logic for validating the orders is not so cleared out. If in future somebody want to take over development would be more than happy. Changelog: 0.7.3 alpha (12/1/2024) - Fixed bugs with translation strings, new email template (single column, mobile-friendly), fixed bug with cron link not including https. 0.7.2 alpha - Minor bugfixes with multistore reCAPTCHA settings, voucher check page, and controller name. 0.7.1 alpha - Introduction of 'Check voucher' page where the customer can see how much funds are left into their multi-use voucher. Integrated with Thirty Bees' reCAPTCHA module (if it's installed, enabled, and configured the reCAPTCHA will be shown here too) - the customer has to enter the validity date of the voucher as a safety measure. The page's friendly URL should be configured in SEO & URLs (or if you don't use SEO URLs, access from here: /index.php?fc=module&module=tbvirtualvouchers&controller=vouchercheck). 0.7.0 alpha - Option to limit the voucher country based on where it was ordered (from invoice address), email tweaks and fixes, new logo with attribution. 0.6.0 alpha - New email template, Bulgarian email language. 0.5.0 alpha - Initial release. To do: further voucher settings add T&C section to configuration so those are attached to the email. pass conditional information to email for country restriction (if available). introduce changelog in the module. tbvirtualvouchers-0.7.2.zip tbvirtualvouchers-0.7.3.zip
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