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Everything posted by the.rampage.rado

  1. You have emails in each theme also - they get used first.
  2. Run your setup on php 7.0 - it's completely fine as when running on 5.6 but the speed is really good... 7.1 and 7.2 still have some issues here and there with tb/ps
  3. Just use https so you can use http2 and enter once ot twice the full url in the bar and then the browser will keep it...
  4. https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/558
  5. https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/558 - I've made this issue because recently stumbled upon this issue... Please vote for it...
  6. For me the test works but the contact form can be filled be not publishing the captcha. The other forms like login and admin login are working as normal. I had tons of russian spam and had to install another module. Probably this otherwise perfect one have to be checked for bugs. I can offer my shop if you want to see the issue i describe.
  7. @mockob said in Say hello to release 1.0.5!: You are completely right @doclucas! I hope you will decide to stay on the project and participate with your skills, because developers are what the project needs most! With all my respect to all that participate with code, I think the project is going to die really soon without the main person behind it @mdekker The reason for the recent bugs is mainly because the developers currently committing code are not so familiar with the core and make some unintentional errors. And I think it is time for clear statement from @mdekker if he will continue supporting the project, because many are worried even if they don't say it aloud. I think he's very busy. He's still contributing in the modules of TB but I can imagine he's busy and thus not so active here and on the main repo.
  8. The difference between the mod and original ps version is the additional hook (over the products). It's working just fine for 2 of my stores. I don't know what features were put in the tb version of the module...
  9. When manually updating the update is always sucessful when you have uploaded the files through FTP. The same with the db queries - if the db admin is green you're fine with that query... ;)
  10. How we can push the css of TB - the system creates numerous css and js files which are cached and with unique ID and i belive they are user based. How we can push the css and js without turning off ccc?
  11. Just wanted to check if it's the same with all of you before putting an issue @ github. Does your product page update when the product goes out of stock when you have full page cache enabled for product page? Mine doesn't and it's frustrating. If this is the case is it easily fixable? Also - when I clear my cache in BO the full page cache is not deleted. I have to manually delete cachefs folder contents. A bug or not?
  12. As I said - it's very strange because I don't see this issue on none of my tb sites. @TestTB4Store send me pls your site on direct message so I can check.
  13. Can you send me your sites so I can check this issue? What mobile browsers do you use? Chrome?
  14. @Traumflug - ok, i'll describe the test for my issue later this week and will post them here and in github so hopefully somebody who knows what's going on can check it out.
  15. <?php class ContactController extends ContactControllerCore { /* * module: nocaptcharecaptcha * date: 2018-07-06 22:39:10 * version: 1.0.2 */ public function postProcess() { if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=')) { return; } if (!Module::isEnabled('NoCaptchaRecaptcha') || !@filemtime(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.'nocaptcharecaptcha/nocaptcharecaptcha.php') ) { return parent::postProcess(); } require_once _PS_MODULE_DIR_.'nocaptcharecaptcha/nocaptcharecaptcha.php'; $recaptcha = new NoCaptchaRecaptcha(); if (Tools::isSubmit('submitMessage') && $recaptcha->needsCaptcha('contact', trim(Tools::getValue('from')))) { $recaptchalib = new NoCaptchaRecaptchaModule\RecaptchaLib(Configuration::get('NCRC_PRIVATE_KEY')); $resp = $recaptchalib->verifyResponse(Tools::getRemoteAddr(), Tools::getValue('g-recaptcha-response')); if ($resp == null || !($resp->success)) { if ($resp->error_codes[0] === 'invalid-input-secret') { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError( Translate::getModuleTranslation( 'NoCaptchaRecaptcha', 'The reCAPTCHA secret key is invalid. Please contact the site administrator.', 'configure' ) ); } elseif ($resp->error_codes[0] === 'google-no-contact') { if (!Configuration::get('NCRC_GOOGLEIGNORE')) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError( Translate::getModuleTranslation( 'NoCaptchaRecaptcha', 'Unable to connect to Google in order to verify the captcha. Please check your server settings or contact your hosting provider.', 'configure' ) ); } } else { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError( Translate::getModuleTranslation( 'NoCaptchaRecaptcha', 'Your captcha was wrong. Please try again.', 'configure' ) ); } $this->context->smarty->assign('authentification_error', $this->errors); return; } } return parent::postProcess(); } } This is in my override for ContactController. Obviously part of the module.
  16. In PS we have a bug with pack quantities always showing 0 when the least stocked item in this pack has more than 0 in stock. Also I've read about other bugs where the stock of the pack is not reduced when the items are sold otherwise (in other packs or by single purchase). I've followed back on TB changelogs but I did not notice any references to this area. Are some bugs fixed? I need advanced stock program and I know that TB will be ideal in our case but I need to get this fixed as literally all products we sell will be marked as packs and the individual components will be marked as products of those packs.
  17. The spam is increasing. Somehow they get around the captcha because now it's every 10 minutes. I've increased the the settings to maximum checks @ google captcha page but I doubt this will help. Very strange
  18. I also don't receive emails for new orders. Please can you check what's wrong with the module? The test email is sent correctly (from Email settings), the module is configured as in PS but no email is sent. I'll try to restart and reinstall now and get back with more info. EDIT: no, uninstall didn't do the trick. The customer receives email but the merchant doesn't.
  19. The official. The spam continues. It's 40minutes- 1 hour apart. Strange.
  20. Somehos my contact form using Captcha was hacked and some russian dude started spamming me. Any suggestions on how to tackle this? No spam until today, migrated to TB one week ago from PS - no issues there.
  21. Speaking of TB email - did we removed the plain password from the emails?
  22. Pink - cache on Green - dynamic loading. But even with green cart module I was unable to get it working. It loads the page with cached amoun and then gets replaced by ''empty''
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