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Everything posted by the.rampage.rado

  1. Is this available for BO login aswell? EDIT: it does not. @wakabayashi could we have this active in BO login aswell? EDIT2: if we choose invisible and there's an issue with the validation does Cloudflare display the challenge or it simply errors out on login?
  2. It should be an external module but it's probably still under development as @datakick is literally single person developing the core with little outside help. Many new and nice features were introduced in the core in this year.
  3. If you update to edge most of those deprecations should go away. Please, backup your files and db and update. There are MANY security fixes since 1.4 also!
  4. Very rad! This is the way! 🙂 What theme do you use?
  5. How do you find the new system? What branch did you migrate to? If you encounter any issues, please create a thread and we will try to help! 😉
  6. Nice looking site! (note to self - have to go into toys market!) 😄 😄 😄 Regarding the appearance - I believe with some small modifications and couple of lines of CSS the majority of this could be achieved with any TB native theme. Regarding the hover image - nope, I'm afraid this is new for me, even that I come to TB from PS1.5. Hover is always the second image in the list so if you can you can rearrange the images as you wish.
  7. OK please, get back to us and hopefully this is the issue.
  8. Regarding your edit - it doesn ot happen for the majority of us, so it's some sort of server misconfiguration/conflict. I know the type of error but as I said before I have not seen it since the PS days and it's very hard to reproduce as each server configuration is slightly different and there are plenty of things that can mess app.
  9. No need to change hosts if you don't have other issues. If you have let's encrypt SSL on the main domain go to yoyr control panel and simply issue new certificate for the subdomain. If this does not work we will try something else.
  10. It might, it might not. Depending on the type. If it's a free one most certainly not, the cheapest ones are also not wildcard (just non-www and www subdomains).
  11. You can turn off: but I would not do that as it does not affect the performance of GA4. Also with TB there's no need to manually edit your header.tpl. You can put custom JS and CSS code in BO in Preferences->Custom Code
  12. Do you have SSL cert for clean.bayouw..... domain?
  13. And you turned it back to Friendly URLS off... :) If you want help you have to follow up on advice, I'm very sorry to say that. You wont loose sales because for 30 minutes your site shows few blank images.
  14. Lets wait for the regeneration to complete, if it does not fix the issue I have few more suggestions. Regarding TB/theme versions used it's always advised to be on the latest one (better performance, security fixes and fewer (hopefully!) bugs). Please, write here when the regeneration is complete!
  15. I saw... Have you tried regenerating the thumbnails? Also what version are your TB and Niara theme?
  16. I know how it appears but I would like to check your live site. I'm online now so if you have 5 minutes you can switch it.
  17. Could you switch to Friendly URLs ON and give us an example link as you say it's not on all your products?
  18. Tell them you have this error: https://www.google.com/search?q=client+denied+by+server+configuration&oq=client+denied&aqs=chrome.0.0i512j69i57j0i512l8.6372j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 and that some parts of your admin sectiond don't load. In those results there are few fix proposals but I'm not sure if they are not security issues if applied. May be somebody may advice. The commands are different for apache 2.2 and 2.4, that's why I asked. Contact your host and they will know what to do for sure. Also there are results for page_speed conflicts, mod_security conflicts, etc. Might be this also.
  19. It's definetly some sort of server issue/misconfiguration. I've never seen such issue since the PS times.
  20. Fixed by @datakick in the most recent edge. Please update and clear cache.
  21. Sorry, wrong thread. I was referring to the other issue with the cart.
  22. I made a github issue here. It does it only for instock products w/o combinations. Tried out of stock products w/ combinations and instock ones w/ combinations - both conditions work as expected. This error is part of the most recent tweaks and optimisations. Please, wait for a fix today.
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