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Everything posted by Pedalman

  1. Thank you Lesley, that is all I needed. I will go for either one of them.
  2. Hello I am still working on the best workflow for getting the most (well, near that) out of my product images on the visual and size side. I am in the process of learning how to shoot products with flashlights at home. My aim is to get a 100% white background. That is not easy when taking photos of teddy bears with white flur :) Anyhow, my workflow at the moment is this: I copy my /img/ folder from the live server to my local machine. Then I use TotalCommaner to make a search on all images that contain a "-". I delete the match. What remains is the original image I once uploaded. At least I think this is the case. Might be that I am wrong here. And caution - there are poduct image module that tough the originals (not only those that are created via /backoffice). for example M. Dekkers very cool ImageMagic module. Anyhow, then I got all the original images left in their original fodlers and subfolder. The idea is now to optimize them and compress them and eventually to upload the whole folder tree back to ThirtyBees image folder. On the live host then I go to backoffice images and start rerendering all the needed sizes with the option to delete! all old images. Bottom line is that I hope to get in this way the smallest and best looking images on my shop. Question is, if that workflow and thinking is correct and which way to shrink the images (in batch). Yes, you could even batch optimize them with Lightroom or whatever with auto optimizations like sharpening or what ever. On a Windows machine I know lots of nice tools like Irfan or Xnview that can utilize pngoptout, riotpng or what ever to batch shrink files. On sourceforge you even find the mega tool "FileOptimizer" that knows hundres of nice algos to shrink files even lossless. On the other hand there also nice SAS/WWW services like resmush.it / Panda / Kraken.io that promise to do the same on the fly with all images. But they cost as far as I know. However, good news is that there are to be found still some olf and free modules for smush.it that has new API now. I could not recode them sadly to use the new API. May be that is something for the gods of Code of Thirtybees :) There is also an old module I found where you can choose which folders/subfolder to look for images to optimize via resmush.it. Topical seems to be this one I found via google: "WAGOOD smushit" However, I did not find the right and satefactory way for now. Perhaps you know a nice way?
  3. https://i.imgur.com/qHwNx7M.png and hooks: https://i.imgur.com/KdaFaXx.png the hidden ones: https://i.imgur.com/2rB5tv0.png
  4. That is good news. So I wont have to temper with the email templates again. Anyhow, I had another look at the modules settings and I say all is fine. I also had a look at the mentioned tpl and then at the hooks of the AEUC module by clicking in module settings the positions link. I had already resetted the module and reset all (especially with close scrutiny to the "when to add CMS links to email templates" section).
  5. Hello I just noticed with horror that no CMS links are written to the email templates via the AEUC modul. This is a must for us in Germany and I am highly prone to pay for this since it many competitors and lawers look for this :( I already resetted the module but to no hope. I had a look at the email templates that come with TB 1.3 and could not find any variable for the AEUC module. I had a look at my overrides and could not either find anything. So, I must ask you to check wheter your system does append these links to emails.
  6. Hello that is great news since I stumbled today over this bug. Not so good news is that the patch seems not to help. I fetched and pulled the whole bankwire git from and copied it directly via FTP over the old files. The problem of not filling the variables remain in the sent emails. Then I reset / deinstalled / installed the module again but to no hope. At least the issue is not solved for an existing order. And btw, I noticed the issue also for an order we created via backoffice.
  7. Slick, are you using the eu compliance module? Is the screenshot from the 5th step in the 5er checkout?
  8. Maybe $contentdir or $moduledir smarty variable is better? I will comment out the logo until I know what causes it.
  9. Hello this issue I stumbled upon years ago: The backoffice logo.gif of PayPal is being loaded via http though the site is set to be encrypted via SSL in a whole. cheers
  10. Nice, that you found time to check it. I did rename the file and generated a new one on the live host. Differences are that I had to add, at the end: User-agent: * Disallow: Otherwise Google is not happy. I also added for my blog that I going to burry: Allow: */wordpress/
  11. Only for my information you are talking about the AEUC module and a theme? I guess Warehouse by chance? I am interested in this since I am planning to change my Shoply with Warehouse theme. I have to use AEUC for Germany, too. At the moment I just changed {* *} in hookOverrideTOSDisplay.tpl and put the changed file in theme/shoply/modules/.... as a theme override. In your case you could try to set the setting from YES to No and due to edit of the given file above no interaction of a customer is needed and you could even hide the contents asking the customer to do so.
  12. I found out that this is caused via the option to check out with the PayPal express option activated and user checking out via PP express. At the moment PayPal is configured to use "paying standards" & "paypal express". A customer told me today that he experienced issues with the PP Express checkout. From the shop to PayPal is working fine and the customer could "buy" via PayPal. But then he was redirected to our shop where it said he had to hit "buy" button again. If he did so a white page occured. He tried the same via smartphone and his smartphone already showed the white page or stopped loading at the ppoint when the redirect to the shop was due. So, he had the feeling that he baught the articles via PayPal but was unsure if all went well. Fact is that in PayPal transfer history the transfer was shown as successful. In Prestahop the order appears too but without any status. I would like to know if this happens in our stores too or if this Express checkout via PayPal is working flawlessly. And if there is meant to be shown a proper redirect page and a "Thank you after checkout page". PS: Until I know I I can expect help can I deinstall this TB PayPal module and use the Prestashop one? I hate asking but I am in very need of a working PayPal checkout (and Express and Login feature - this also triggers a 500 page not found error). PSS: Is it to assume that all these issues could be theme related?
  13. Nice, I am going to be another Warehouse user then. I just bought it and when I got the time and did some testing I will migrate from Shoply to Warehouse. (Issues might rise since the theme Shoply is ca 90% the same as Warehouse. Anyway, I won't deinstall modules in order not to loose settings and to minimise the time I will have to spent to get the same look I aleady have with Shoply in Warehouse. I will just delete Iquit Shoply modules via FTP and then install Warehouse, deinstall Shoply. I think I will be good)
  14. Hello in my case (TB1.3 and latest PayPal module: TB GIT each time a customer checked out via PayPal successfully there is not status set in BO. Just "--" . fact is, that the transfer was successful when going to paypal.com order history. I assume that might be the case since I might have swapped arround the standard order status IDs in DB at some time? Or may be that I do not have any EN lang anymore in DB?
  15. Super Michael, it works. Thank you. Do you think it makes sense to add a from in the module for setting a cancel URL? I think this could be nice.
  16. Another issue I got is that after canceling the PayPal checkout customers land 'at the 1st step of shop checkout'. That is not nice for customers. The PayPal documentation says: Show a cancellation page Normally when a buyer cancels a payment, the buyer is returned to the parent page. Instead, you can use the onCancel function to show a cancellation page or return to a shopping cart: So, it would be nice if we could set this URL in the module settings. I know about the 'return URL' in the API settings of PayPal that is nicely described in ThirtyBees PayPal module documentation. But I do not know if they are the same and, anyhow, I would like to have customers at the last checkout page in our shop where they can choose an alternative payment if the cancel PayPal.
  17. Hello, in TB1.3's PayPal module we can set our preferred language. Anyhow, PayPal iframe is loaded first in English and customers have to switch to our target language German via this tiny switch in the PayPal frame. Also, as the title here suggests, the PayPal Express button does not show the correct language. I found in the official documentation that you can set it and I think the module has this already implemented but I am no coder. On a page of the official documention doc & live edit you can live edit button js code. Inserting for example locale: 'fr_FR', or locale: 'de_DE', changes the languages of the button. That is nice. So, I suppose the language variable set in the module is not being transmitted?
  18. I can also recommend StoreCommander. I renewed subscription once in 5 years though it always worked. What I am saying is that you get a great product (time saver) for the money and you do not have to spent this each year again (there is also JTL Wawi with JTL Connect you could try for free but it is not a like a module. I walk with the cheapiest Chromebook through the warehouse and have my StoreCommander WaWi if you want so with me ).
  19. HI DaoKakao, HEidiSQL is great. I use it all the time while switching live and local installations of 30bz. Funny thing is, today I tried to migrate my Yotpo reviews (those we gathered in our shop over years) into the productcomments module's tables you have shown above. Since I can not mysql by heart I tried it via Scalc CSV and a normal texteditor. But I ran into much search&replace issues and so on. Biggest issue is, that my Yotpo review export, that comes in CSV, has only customer name and customer email but not customer_ID. You need that for the module. So, may be I am going to use mysql INSERT table by table. So, why I am telling this :) Well, actually I would be much happier if the product comments module could be enhanced. At least for an CSV import function. Just like the general csv import functions for categories and articles etc that offer eben a template csv download. Then the module could merge or bind customeremail with the relating customerid that is already in the db of customers who at least registered their email. Next step would be then to enhance the module with the jsonmodule-v1.0.1markup, after checkout reminder mail and Bees are ready for SEO and customer usability (sensing visually good products in the hive :) in the future without being dependent on Yotpo and Co. vulture companies. /vote4kickstart
  20. I want to position the PayPal checkout button more flexible. In my case I would like to have it inline, with other express checkout modules to come (e.g. I might install Amazon checkout), right under the submit to cart button. At the moment the module does not allow to hook it to very much positions. I could modify the paypal.php to hook to a custom hook of mine. BUT payment modules are special and I do not want to alter them. Mostly cause I fear I could miss so important security updates in the one or other way. So, I am asking the devs to implenet a more flexible way of hooking this module and may be to add this "HookExpressCheckout_Modules" to TB :)
  21. That is great news for sure! The first time in 5 years of Prestashop that I feel not constricted in some ways. Thank you for testing and willing to spent the time to do so.
  22. Hi I had some struggle with the generated robots.txt and Google's own testing tool for Google access vs robots.txt allows/dissalows restrictions. Anyway there are two lines that make me wonder: User-agent: * Disallow: /* The first line I thought would allow access of all bots that could be seo-wise nice :) The last I thought would be a general disallow. But since this line is at the end I thought that would be fine since bots are allowed at the top already. In summary Google was not allowed to crawl my site optimal with these settings. I had to comment # Disallow: /* and to add User-agent: * Disallow: (at the end of robots.txt) to give Google's bots and crawler free access. In a nutshell, since we are in ecommerce I wonder waht the optimal robot.txt is to boost seo/Google.
  23. I did not know about the Migration Module either. Looks very interesting. Now, our shop runs already TB1.3 after a migration form PS1.6.15. Anyhow I am more than interested in the possibilty to start with a clean install of TB1.3. Maybe it works this way, too? TB --> TB?
  24. Hi I migrated PS 1.6.15 to TB1.0 via upgrade module and updated to TB1.3. Since I have at the moment three critical problems on our live shop I thought about comparing core files agains a clean TB1.3 install. I noticed that there seem to be several files left from my older PS1.6.15. Is that possible? I thought that they were all deleted in order to be replaced. Ok, I know this is very general talking, but anyways. Only a few examples of files I got on live server after migration the clean TB1.3 install has not: /DB/DbMySQLi.php /DB/MySQL.php /DB/Discount.php /DB/PaymentModule.php Files that are in the clean fresh install of TB1.3 and not to be found on live server after migration! /DB/Product.php Only named a few. My question is now of course what I shall do :) Is it safe to delete all those files on the migrated shop that are not to be found in TB1.3 clean install (backup is for sure) and to copy those missing from clean TB1.3 onto the migrated live server? It is my best guess and at the same time I wonder how that could happen?
  25. Taht is absolutely reasonable and I think another thumb up for a homepage builder in the communtity theme. Until then I will need help to get of my actual bugs that drive me nuts or a sunny weekend to migrate to a suggestion like Warehouse, Transformer or Panada ...
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