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Everything posted by nickon

  1. Hi @datakick tried the demo. didn';t get any message after order on the order page. No access to the module on the BO. Am I missig something?
  2. So while a got a a2 hosting to test various thing I thought I do a test upgrade from PS 1.6.0.xx to thirtybees 1.0.4. To be honest I didn't think I would be that easy. I have a shop with about 10.000 products + a transformer theme modified with some custom module and scripts. I wanted to share the process mosty to point out some querks and bottlenecks in case some of the devs see any reason to fix(?) them.I have put my thoughts in bold. So after setting up the PS 1.6.0.xx test site on the a2 hosting servers I took things very agressive since I believed that I would fail and I had to do things over again several times. I was wrong :-) Starting the proccess I don't get why the migrade tutorials are under "download" I was expecting a submenu under "learn" . I downloaded and installed the TB upgrade module. Why is there no direct link to the latest zip and I have to go to github? Don't see a reason for this extra step. Followed the standard module install in prestashop. When getting to the "start the migration" section I got confused because no matter what I chose (Stable, testing, etc) It only got me to version 1.0.1 I get that version 1.0.4 is not upgradable but why don't I get the 1.0.3 version. Also why get me the option for beta etc if none is available So I ignored this and did the upgrade to 1.0.1 upgrading went well. After that I had to find a way to get to 1.0.4 or better 1.0.3 since 1.0.4 is not upgradeble Since the devs know that a user can't migrade from PS to 1.0.4 why is there not even a link to the migrade page or a simple mention Next step is installing the upgrade module. Same thing on why there is no direct link to the module and I have to go github Upgrading with the instructions when smooth enough and I got to version 1.0.3. Now up to upgrade to 1.0.4. I know already that I can't upgrade to 1.0.4 So I logically go to download 1.0.4 from the download page Again I see consistancy problems as I don't see version 1.0.4 not mentioned in the version history. Also why is there no mention that version 1.0.4 is not upgradeble from previous versions? A link with "Upgrading from 1.0.3" with a link to the https://thirtybees.com/blog/version-1-0-4-has-been-released/ page would be nice From the whole process only the sql https://github.com/thirtybees/patchscripts/blob/master/sql/1.0.4.sql got me an error while running it in phpmyadmin. Since I am only testing I left it for now I upgraded all the module in the BO and all went well. The only real problem I have is that the import script gives me a Warning: Illegal offset type in /home/site/public_html/classes/ObjectModel.php on line 1070 Issues so far: I have strange problem where gzip doesn't seems to work as gtmetrix says. Also Minify HTML is worst compared to the original PS site The a2 hosting has a much faster disks (ssd) and the load time compared is half. If I have time I will upload the original ps shop on the a2 hosting server to have a better comparsion. Final thoughts: Is thirtybees worth the upgrade. YES. The migration proccess could be much smoother though. The main "problem" is that the thirtybees site needs some more attention. eg the lack of mention of version 1.0.4 on the https://thirtybees.com/download/ page is typical example. I have said it in the past that the thirtybees site doesn't represents the quality of the platform itself. That 's all for now... :-)
  3. Hi, Since my current hoster has no plans on updating the mysql etc on this server (he will be moving to a new server in the winter. I was browsing around for hosing plans and I stubmled across two a2 hosting plans that seems interesting. Currentl I am runnig on a shared hosting with a PS 1.6 and about 9000 products updated via cron every morning. I am using traffic about 18.000 per month with unlimited email etc. So I saw swift option for 4.20/month and tubro for 7,99/month. Tubro seems the best option I think. Since tb has(?) 1click install on a2 and a2 is also listed on the tb site as an prefert hosting service I wanted an opinion on a. How good the hosing plans/services are b. Since I will try them for a month (and if all goes well start using them )and hopefully mirgrade to tb atlast) is there a way I can help tb with this (by clicking on a link or coupon or... ?)
  4. I was really hopping that @mdekker or @SnowyCat could update us about the status of the gdpr module
  5. +1 for https://www.getdatakick.com/extras/revws-product-reviews/
  6. While waiting for @SnowyCat to complete the gdpr module I was wondering if someone has an opinion on sending emails to customers to leave review of the service/product on our site or an external review site
  7. While testing the module (in PS) and after deleting the user data via gdpr the stars are still shown on the product but on the product page it does not show the review. Is that how it should be ?
  8. @datakick You are a hero! Installed it on PS 1.6. Shows on gdpr module compatability list. In data from user it shows Module : Send Review Request idlogemail idcustomer idorder date_add 91 3049 2894 2018-06-12 22:01:12 Seems OK. I hope in a future version of the module @SLiCK_303 add a more detailed log like above. Would be usefull to see where emails have been send
  9. I think the official PSGDPR module is not the best solution and paciently waiting for @SnowyCat to releas the TB module. He said Monday. So it will a Monday just don't know which one :-)
  10. @datakick those are different cases. In our case (sending review emails) this has to do with when/why you contacted the customer. Nothing else. mailalerts and newsletter module does the same. It does not give the user the data of WHAT you have send them but when. An other issue I am not suer about is if reviews/abantoned carts email are considered promotional or not. But thats an other story
  11. @datakick gdpr is a mess. With the official module of PS when a user requests his data you should provide him with all the info related to him. That includes the emails you have send him. Better be on the safe site of things. Don't know how much trouble it is to make sendreview module compatable
  12. @datakick Thanks for the tip to make it work on PS. My consern is that sendreview should be GPDR compatable and @SLiCK_303 said this will probably not happen although it maybe simple to add as other modules eg mailalerts uses something like this public function hookActionDeleteGDPRCustomer($customer) { if (!empty($customer['email']) && Validate::isEmail($customer['email'])) { $sql = "DELETE FROM "._DB_PREFIX_."mailalert_customer_oos WHERE customer_email = '".pSQL($customer['email'])."'"; if (Db::getInstance()->execute($sql)) { return json_encode(true); } return json_encode($this->l('Mail alert: Unable to delete customer using email.')); } } public function hookActionExportGDPRData($customer) { if (!Tools::isEmpty($customer['email']) && Validate::isEmail($customer['email'])) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM "._DB_PREFIX_."mailalert_customer_oos WHERE customer_email = '".pSQL($customer['email'])."'"; if ($res = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql)) { return json_encode($res); } return json_encode($this->l('Mail alert: Unable to export customer using email.')); } } Maybe the above code just needs adapting. Maybe the whole module needs to be rewriten. With the whole GPDR mess it will be needed for TB as well. But I am not a programmer and can only hope that someone can implent it.
  13. @colorful-ant I am well aware. Even PS modules don't work on all version of PS. Can't blame a guy for hoping....
  14. @wakabayashi and TB is(?) compatable with PS 1.6 :-)
  15. Seems it's also not PS 1.6 compatable. I was hoping to use it together with @datakick reviews module. Seems I won't :-(
  16. @SLiCK_303 1. Realy sorry to hear that. I thought it would be easy to do as (I think) is only need to add the psgdpr hooks. We only need to know when the email is send. As I don't see it collecting emails itself. Mainly just as mailalerts does. 2. Yeah missed that option in the screenshot :-)
  17. @SLiCK303 Hi, Two feature suggestions :smilingfacewithsmiling_eyes: 1. make module gdpr complaint 2. Add option to send meial based on delivery status. Eg send email 1 day after delivery status is "Delivered" Can be usefull as not all packages are delivered after the same dasy Kind Regars
  18. nickon

    lazy loading

    I am using the transformer theme. So to implent it needs quite some work. Changing template is not an option
  19. It's funny how we (I) hate PS 1.7 but like how it looks. I transformed ours too look like 1.7 and I must say that the conversion has rizen quite a bit. Since this only happend about 20 days ago I can' t tell for sure but it looks like it. What I like about the 1.7 checkout is that the sum of the order is displayed at the side. Other than that I like the OPC checkout better. The main issue I am having with the 1.6/TB checkout it that the user must save his account to see the shipping. The whole checkout is a big discussion and I don't see anything changing before 1.1.xx. As for module like knowband I don't really like it as it is too confusing with too much info
  20. nickon

    lazy loading

    @Manisch as I said. this is too much work. I will better buy a module with 29E then spend time messing with templates Thanks anyway
  21. Hopefully @SnowyCat will release the module before fines are beeing set :-)
  22. @toplakd There will be a lot of issues. eg vodafone.com does not give you the option to opt out google. vodafone.gr does not even state what cookies they use. I dowd that companies this big will not cover their asses. It also makes me wonder why vodafone does not have a unified policy. eg vodafone.de is super analytic. welcome to the gdpr hell....
  23. nickon

    lazy loading

    @moy2010 maybe not 50 but from 20 and up yes
  24. nickon

    lazy loading

    @MockoB just looked at it. Too much work. Better buy a module :-)
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