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Everything posted by nickon

  1. Would be great if was a module like tinypng is. Seems to compress better than tinypng
  2. @simchgab and the question is who will do that? Changing the default theme takes hours away from core development @mdekker has gone and god knows when he will be back and @Traumflug and @datakick are the two main ppl that contribute with real code. So although you are totally right, I don't know if this the right thing to do atm
  3. @rubben1985, for our website the time spend on mautic and the whole gdpr mess is not something i want to trouble me atm
  4. @wakabayashi I stopped using it about 6 months ago mainly to the gdpr. The learing curve that mautic has does not make it worth your while if you don't have a huge mailing list. To use it to monitor abandonet carts etc is overkill
  5. @lesley . I managed to make it work after many trial and error. The module is not stable at all and the support is ... lacking.
  6. @Jonny I am soon changing server that can support tb. Waiting for transformer theme to be updated :-)
  7. Hi, I have a strange problem that keep comming up from time to time. I have used shiptopay and/or a tutorial from nemo to show selected payment methods depending on the carrier the user selects. As I already said this does happen radomnly and I can't blame shiptopay because this also happened with hardcoding a similar solution based on a nemo tutorial. I have to select an other carrier then select the old carirer (or refresh the page) for this to be fixed. So the question is can I have no default carrier or force the user to select one. Or make the page refresh automaticaly. Thoughts?
  8. what I find interesting is why woocomerce is no1. Maybe I mssing something but setting up an eshop on top of an blog platform seems strange to me. Last time I tried that with joomla/virtuemart I found it was a big mess. @cdwebman themes is the easiest thing to fix if you are willing to pay, This community has proven that it will do everything it can to support it's users even for free. Sure I find thing in tb that I don't like but this does not mean that it has no future. I am really glad that @lesley says tb is starting to make money. This project is a marathon not a sprint.
  9. nickon


    looking at the image I see LLNN LLNN but you give LLNN NLL
  10. Hi all, Preparing a secondery site we have to tb. Before that wanted to upgrade from to as I think it would be easyer to go to tb from that. This secondery site has for the customers group a discount set in the customer group tab. The idea is to show the original price and the new reducted price both at the same time. this works fine on But in it only shows only the reduced price. Enableing debug and looking at the smarty variables I don't see the pricewithoutreduction variable in but it show in Question is : is it the same in tb ? Any idea on how to solve this? Kind Regards
  11. Hi Is is possible to mass update product accessories via csv? @datakick your module ?
  12. Hi, @datakick tried to use the online demo . When selecting other country (Greece I can not proceed) with czech I can Like the option in the backend to move the summary box. I still find it all confusing. In the fist box You have a title "Select Carrier" But you ask for country. In shipping optionsI would prefer to have no carrier selected by default and when selected to move to the next step removing the "Select payment method" If in the backend I have default (or only one carrier) skip the shipping option asnd move to next step. In personal data I have no option to use guest checkout. In backoffice I should be able to select which fields should be enabled (address2) or checkboxes. Also having the option to expand all would be nice.
  13. @datakick I have shown it to a couple of customers (told them to do a purchase (the "products" where a bit"strange" :-) ) and the first question was where do I put the email. I haven't seen any shop implementing something like this and I don't know how it will work on real shops. Eg what if I have shipping cost based on zip? Do I ask the zip from the customer without address ? What if it is based on city + state ? Why would I want the customer (that is not asking for shipping cost ) to put half of his address. And even if you fist put the shipping section first why not automatically open the personal information tab when I select deivery? Also all opc I have found have the summary box on the other side. this opc module does to many things to diffenent for us to consider buying. But this is just us.
  14. @datakick From my expiriance not all cusotmers want that. I don't disagree with you it just I think most customers expect personal data first and then shipping. I suggested the calculate button under the summary for those who want to know but for the rest it must not be confusing. Best case senario for is to have the normal checkout as an option in the BO
  15. @datakick One of the main problems you want to solve is the shipping cost right? What about this idea: Instead of reinventing the whole ipc why not add a button on the cart summary block with text "Calculate shipping" From the backoffice a merchant could assing the string that determens the cost (country,zip etc) On the frontoffice when a customer clicks on that button it will expand and he will add the field and it will show him the cost. Meanwhile the strings are automatically added to the address fields on the other block.
  16. @datakick "enter shipping details" button should not exist. Use as little buttons as possible. Selecting a field should automatically open the next
  17. Hi, Can we call this module dead or is it still worth waiting for ?
  18. @datakick keep in mind the the opc should stay simple. Your approach is quite unique and I don;t realy know how ppl are going to recieve it. For me (and some clients of mine are are three problems with the 1.6 checkout 1. that I must save the address to show the rest of the page. 2. that I must select a carrier to view payments 3. that AFTER I have done the above I have to go to a second page to confirm my order So If I had the skills I would fix those issues instead of going to something different. I haven't seen the final product yet. but please include an option to have the "standard" wasy as well
  19. @datakick I understand what you are trying to do but I think things can get complicated the way you propose. Eg the shipping cost may depend on multiple values eg postcode + country. As I said before the customer should put as less of data at the checkout and use his thinking brain as less a possible. For calculation cost it is much prefert to use a solution like https://addons.prestashop.com/en/shipping-costs/24457-estimate-shipping-cost.html instead of the checkout.
  20. One thing I notest is that if you complete the first section and push next. It's not clear how to get back to the first section
  21. Hey @datakick Funny that you posted this module as I am looking for a opc checkout module for a client of mine:-) What I like: The sticky product summary. The fact that you don't have seperate login and new account option What I don't like: The "next" button after choosing shipping. It should not be neccesary The fact that you put the shipping first may be a bit confusing for many. What I would do: In the backoffice have option to put the summary left or right and putting the shipping on top or second Have the option to disable customer registration and use only guest checkout Have the opiton to complete the order without email (in that case use an demo email in the backoffice.
  22. Hi all, I was wondering if I disabled all stats module and use Google Anaytics 1. Would it make the site faster 2. How reliable would that be? Kind Regards Nick
  23. @Traumflug For me the opc page must be with as less entries as possilbe. It does not make sense to me always show the VAT field. Have done some A/B testing in the past and the results where 40% to the hidden VAT field
  24. Hi, @Traumflug Greece is one of those countries. VAT number is crucial if your company want to purchase an item. I have solved this as follows. On the OPC page I have added two extra radio buttons. The one is makred as "receipt" and the other as "invoice" (there in Greece retail customers must have receipt and companies must have invoice ) the recept button is selected by default and no extra VAT, Company name etc are shown. If you select invoice then VAT, Company name are shown. In order for us to know if a customer want an invoice we use the "gift button" so when "invoice" is selected the gift button is Green in the BO. This works quite nice. There is just one problem. I haven't found a way to make the VAT Company name etc mandatory if the user selects invoice. I can give you access to a test site of us if you need to check things out.
  25. @datakick I tested it. Comments: 1. I would put the revws subscribe block UNDER the ps/tb thank you block. So that the user is not confused 2. When clicking on the subcribe button I would change the button to "thank you for subscribing" 3. The checkbox of the email subscription should be on gdpr module where I could check/uncheck the consend I didn;t use my email so I did not reciece one. So no comment on that atm Great module When you get the final release out ping me and I will translate it to Greek for you so you can target some more users here.
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