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Everything posted by Wartin

  1. Hello. I'm trying to export my products database and use that to import again with updated prices and quantities. The problem is with quantities, it seams that column quantity in tb_products table is not what I see in products' page. For example, I have a product with reference number 1001109 and ID 131. If I look for that product I can see: Now I look for that item in tb_products using phpmyadmin I expect quantity to be 3. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
  2. Hola! Qué probaste? qué errores te dio? En general es bajar el paquete, descomprimirlo y entrar en la página. Tenés que crear las bases de datos, por ejemplo. Decinos qué errores dio, mandá capturas y te vamos ayudando. Saludos!
  3. It's not a very good idea to try things on a production site. You should make a clon of your site and then try there. Just in case!
  4. Hello. I read in the github of mercado pago's module for PS(1) that: "Mercado Pago checkout for PrestaShop version 1.6 will be disabled. As of the next update (4.10.0+), there will be no Mercado Pago checkout for PrestaShop version 1.6. Follow the instructions and upgrade so you don't stop selling. SEE HOW TO UPGRADE" This is, we won't be able to upgrade the module we use in Thirtybees. What can we do? (1) https://github.com/mercadopago/cart-prestashop-7
  5. Hola! Perdón pero no entiendo bien la pregunta. Tenés un precio base y cada combinación le suma una cantidad?
  6. BO stands for Backoffice.
  7. Hello. You can try backing up your .htaccess file, erase it and then in the backoffice regenerate it. From Preferences -> SEO and URLs, just in the bottom there is a 'generate .htaccess file' button.
  8. Yes, I had to add a line to make it work. Yes, you can offer a discount, but it can just send a mail with a custom message. I'm using it just for that.
  9. Hi. I use this module https://module-presta.com/abandoned-cart-customers.html It's price is $0, you can 'buy' it and download it. It didn't work out of the box, I had to add a line somewhere.
  10. I was using firefox in desktop, in a real mobile it looks great. In firefox it was 320x480: search bar now looks great 🙂 summary centered looks lovely too.
  11. Hello, Zen! I was trying the last version in the demo site. I have a couple of suggestions. Is it posible to hide the slogan bar? In mobile 'test slogan' text takes some precious space. I was thinking how to make it fit in one horizontal bar. Maybe use just 1, 2 and 3 without the zero? Or maybe Summary/Address/Payment? Something happens with the user name (ADSF) overlaps logo: Maybe user and bag icon smaller in mobile? Search bar seams pretty big and heavy for mobile. Maybe something like: And maybe these centered? Well, nice to see it growing and ready to try! congratulations!
  12. I was just seeing the new menu, very good! This is a topic very discussed, but I'm not sure if it should be managed by the theme or not. I had deleted the options I didn't want to appear in my Niara. I'm talking about "Mr. Mrs." or Birthday date. I didn't need those, and had to change the tpl. Maybe this could be a theme option?
  13. The overlay works as expected in desktop. On mobile product's images are pretty big, so you have to vertical scroll to see the whole thing. Maybe two rows, the first one for the image and the second with product's name, quantity and total. Other thing I was thinking about. What if you just delete the title 'Addresses' here: It takes a lot of space and it's not that important.
  14. It's awesome already. I liked the 'add a new address' that appears when you unclick same address checkbox (maybe the other 'add a new address' could disappear in order to not have the same button again. I was trying mobile and noticed this: It's a little detail, but maybe you can make that modal bigger without horizontal scroll.
  15. Obviously it's just my opinion, but I think the darkest should be the step you are in. This is how it looks in my shop (in step 2, step 1 done): Yes, I deleted step numbers, I thought there were not necessary. Bye!
  16. Maybe just mark the step where you are in? As there are just three, if you are in step 2 is because you have done the first already. Then, in step 2, it would look like gray black gray. in step 3, gray gray black Just an idea.
  17. I don't see addresses being shown in step 1: What I see it's not very clear is colours from the bar, gray is actual step, black is step finished. About hidding addresses, what I did (and forgot to tell you) is to write the actual address next to address' name, like "My address: 515 street, state". In that case, client can read where this will be sent and billed.
  18. Great! Another thing I used in step 2 is hidding both addresses when 'same address' checkbox is checked. If you uncheck the box they unhide and you can update them. PD: this
  19. Hello again. This is the summary in the checkout, it adds a horizontal scroll. In Niara I changed that using some... wait a minute, it was your changes at github. Let me search for it... https://github.com/thirtybees/niara/pull/19
  20. hey, it's working! very good! I'm sitting waiting for my cup and coffee 🙂
  21. Really nice! Just a little thing here, when checking out: looks that some style is missing for payment_module and the 'continue shopping' button? Anyway, it would be nice less steps in checkout, maybe 3 like https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/2673-3-page-checkout-sort-of-for-community-default-theme/ Thanks and keep going!
  22. Try it a lot, I had troubles with custom properties, and had to stop using it in version 1.1.x. Try adding and then deleting products from cart, and then add again.
  23. Same here, using Niara with the 3 steps checkout hack from @toplakd, with some changes I had to make and uploaded here: I do think that it's very important the very first thing you see after installing this software. Good luck, wakabayashi :)
  24. Si tenés error 500 podés buscar el código de error y desencriptarlo desde el backoffice. Pero lo idea sería revertir los cambios que hiciste. De cualquier manera, como se dijo en el hilo, es mejor quitar todo lo relativo a contenido enriquecido de las listas de productos, y que solo estén en los productos por separado. De cualquier manera el buscador entrará en todos los productos. Saludos!
  25. Hola! Estuve viendo y no parece tan sencillo, pero por lo menos te acerco algunos datos más. En general lo que propone el mensaje es que se cambie el lugar donde la función getProducts pide a la base de datos algunos campos, para agregar el fabricante. La función está en classes/Cart.php, pero no deberías tocar esa función, sino crear un override (que significa más o menos copiar Cart.php a /override/classes/ y borrar todo lo que no es la función que estás modificando). La función en Cart.php empieza así: public function getProducts($refresh = false, $idProduct = false, $idCountry = null) Y abajo está donde crea los left joins para hacer la búsqueda en la base de datos. Te diría que sigas buscando algo más sencillo, tal vez algún módulo que haga eso que necesitás. Suerte!
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