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Everything posted by Wartin

  1. Hello. There is this gray little '+' icon over the category list. It should do the same as "Add new category" button, but you can try.
  2. you're welcome It's pretty weird the error... I found a lot of forums searching for the error and the word prestashop. I see the shop doesn't have a lot of modifications from the very basic instalation. Maybe you could start all over again? Deleting the database and unzipping TB package. After doing it, it's recommended to use 'core updater' to update to the last bleeding edge. Boa sorte!
  3. Wartin

    404 redirect

    but the redirect now goes to the .org, not your website (if you click there)
  4. Wartin

    Sql query

    Hello. Not a big SQList, but, try this (after backing up the database!) UPDATE yourTableName SET secondcolumn = onecolumn FROM yourdatabase WHERE secondcolumn IS NULL
  5. Hello, and welcome. Are you using advanced stock management? I cannot find a way of limiting the quantity of products purchased (i did found a module in a PS forum, but you're not using special modules I think)
  6. I'm not sure, but maybe from Module -> Module position. Choose 'Block Image Slider' in 'show' dropdown, it will list where it is showing. I think you have to add a new hook in product page. (sorry if it's not a real answer, but some message is better than no message :)
  7. Hola! Me parece que solo se puede poner un mínimo por la compra completa, en plata (en Preferencias -> Pedidos). Tu idea es que no se pueda terminar la compra si no se compró un producto de algún fabricante en particular? Cómo sería? Si tenés a mano pasá el enlace a los módulos que no te funcionaron. Saludos!
  8. I think that's a template variable. I can see that several .tpl checks if it's set. try reading controllers/admin/AdminOrdersController.php
  9. Check the carrier, the second tab, it is possible that it's choosing the most expensive. I would prefer not to show free nor any price too. I'm not sure if it is an option. If it's not, it's time to read the cart code.
  10. I think it shows the cheapest shipping price. As I have 'pick up at store', it shows 'free shipping' to everybody. I couldn't fix that, some clients have thought shipping was free and then realized it wasn't in the checkout.
  11. I'm sorry, I was confused. The module is working as expected. Just have to click on the checkboxes that you don't want to get mapped. Reading the output I could create it as I wanted.
  12. Great! I use it already, but didn't know I could see that! Thanks! and thanks to musicmaster :)
  13. Under statistics I can see how many products has been sold, but I'd need to know what combinations of each product were sold. Is it possible? Thanks!
  14. As far as I know is one string = one translation, and it is supposed to be just text. if you want more lines, you will have to edit the template file and add your string there.
  15. You have to go from Backoffice to Localization -> Translation. Choose Frontoffice, your theme and language. There is a button to expand all the strings. Then search with 'Control F' in your browser the string 'Continue Shopping'. Then save that block of strings with the first 'Save button' you can find.
  16. You have to edit product.tpl in the theme you are using. If it's Niara, it's located in /themes/niara/product.tpl
  17. Indeed, it will hide all the occurrences of that very piece of code. The only way to go is edit the .tpl as told up here. It's not as difficult as it seems... Just save a copy of the original file and don't work in an online shop.
  18. Hello. You have to edit the combination (in the product, choose 'combinations') whose image you want to be the default. Check there the image of that combination. and down there is a checkbox that reads "Default _ make this combination the default for this product" (or similar, i'm translating)
  19. Wartin

    cloned shop

    I should be the same user the web server is running.
  20. That's a good one, veganline. @AndyC using that tip you shoud add to custom CSS this #auth_right_column{display: none;} that should hide that block, as you do with your browser.
  21. Wartin

    cloned shop

    I had troubles before adding a trailing / to the url, in step 3. Double check it.
  22. Wartin

    cloned shop

    well, it is a step forward. Try setting debug mode on to see what's the error about.
  23. Wartin

    cloned shop

    once you delete .htaccess you should re-create it. Have you done it? I paste my steps (I toke it from PS forum and change it to use it in TB): 1. Copy all files via FTP 2. Duplicate database to other hoster 3. check the php settings at your new hoster!! (PS <= is not yet PHP7 ready! so you wont see anything in these cases) 3. open Database and edit "tb_shop_url". Set the new path and domain for your new shop (don't forget the last /) 4. edit config/settings.inc.php and set the new database access 5. delete the .htaccess file in your shops root folder 6. login to the admin backend and go to settings > seo & urls and save the path and domain properties to create a new .htaccess file (after creating the new .htaccess file you will be able to view/use the frontend of the shop, not earlier as it contains all necessary info it needs to translate the friendly urls of the shop frontend) good luck!
  24. Hi, @AndyC. I'm not using Panda, but Niara. Anyway, I think the file you are looking for is /themes/panda/order-address.tpl If it is not, as you know what you are looking for, if you have access to a linux terminal you can go to the themes directory and execute this command: grep -Hr "auth_right_column" It will search recursively for the string "auth_right_column" that you want to remove. Good luck!
  25. I'm sorry, I don't understand the question. Do you want to have guest clients buying without creating an account? or you want to remove the left part of your screen capture?
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