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Everything posted by Wartin

  1. Tenés acceso ahora al BackOffice? El .htaccess se regenera desde allí. Fijate la parte donde puse esto más arriba: 2. borrar el archivo .htaccess (o por las dudas cambiale el nombre) y después lo regenerás. Pego unas instruccines en inglés, cualquier cosa decime si lo hacés(sigue)
  2. Desde el backoffice vas a Parámetros avanzados -> Rendimiento, y ahi aparece: Poné en SI el 'Modo depuración'. Eso es para que te muestre errores en vez de solamente un error 500. De cualquier manera, si está en producción no deberías prender el modo depuración, sino copiar el mensaje encriptado que te da en la página del error 500 y desencriptar el archivo que te baja en Parámetros avanzados -> Registros/logs
  3. Wartin

    Add New Carrier

    Double check zones and limits (weight or price). If it let you go until the last page the problem could be there.
  4. Wartin

    Modules lists

    We are using Prestashop File Uploads from FME Mercado pago's module for payments Blackhole for Bad Bots (Datakick) Login as customer (Datakick)
  5. So, Pack:isPack() error is gone?
  6. Tendrías que volver a hacer lo mismo pero al revés, imagino que la parte de recrear el htaccess es lo que te está dando problemas. Para que no sea solo un error 500 tendrías que permitir el 'modo depuración', para que te dé un error más interesante. Saludos y suerte!
  7. Wartin

    Add New Carrier

    You just can't press finnish button? is it inactive? Check if you have all the tabs completed, for example what happens when the order is out of bounds: Yes, I think you can't duplicate a carrier easily.
  8. Do you have any overrides in place? you can check it installing the module 'override check' from back office.
  9. Hola! Sí, h ay un par de cadenas que vienen hardcodeadas y no se pueden editar desde las traducciones, en este caso la palabra 'most'. En tu caso es el módulo blockbestselers (themes/niara/modules/blockbestsellers/blockbestsellers.tpl). Fijate que estoy editando el tema niara, si usás el otro template que viene instalado se llama community-theme-default) yo edité para que quede así: <h2><span class="tm-over">{l s='What others' mod='blockbestsellers'} <span>{l s='love' mod='blockbestsellers'}</span> {l s='most' mod='blockbestsellers'}</span></h2> Entonces sí van a aparecer las tres cadenas, 'what others', 'love', y 'most' para traducir cuando vas a traducción de módulos. Saludos!
  10. Tenés razón, al parecer no puede hacerse... estaba buscando por las dudas en algún foro de prestashop, pero no...
  11. oh, perdón. Lo que pasé es para que aparezca tu CMS en el menú, sí. Vos querés eso pero como subcategoría? o sigo sin entender bien.
  12. Hola! Sí, tenés que ir a configurar el módulo que hace el menú. La forma más fácil es buscar 'menu' arriba a la izq en el back office Entrás en 'Block top menu'. Y en lo que aparece ponés 'Configurar' A la derecha te aparecen los CMS que tenés, es cuestión de ir agregando con el botón 'Añadir'. Saludos!
  13. Hello, and welcome :) As Thirtybees is a fork of prestashop 1.6, sometimes is useful to search for example "prestashop pdf file upload". It seems you have to make an override in order to accept PDF uploads: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39925327/prestashop-allow-customers-to-upload-pdf-ai-and-eps-files-as-product-customiza We are using a (paid) module from FME that adds a file uploader and let you manage files from the BO. It's pretty complete, and the support was fine too. You can upload multiple files, a feature really needed: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/additional-information-product-tab/21373-file-upload-by-customer-from-product-cart-checkout.html
  14. What i've meant is that, in order to make changes in email templates, I had to edit .txt and .html located in /themes/niara/mails/es Check if you have your templates there too.
  15. Maybe you changed /mail and not /themes/your-theme/mail?
  16. Hello Maybe different cookie management of the browser? did you updated your browser? You can try another one.
  17. In theory every theme that works in PS 1.6 should work in TB. Did you add the currency under Localization in backoffice? PS: welcome :)
  18. Pensaba que tal vez al entrar con el navegador en otro idioma elige el idioma que corresponde. Pero no uso multi idioma, no estoy seguro.
  19. Hola, Antonio! Unas preguntas, tenés la tienda con varios idiomas (en Localización -> Idiomas)? El enlace que querés poner en el Top menú es a algún producto? Saludos!
  20. Helo! After reading your comment I searched for a module. There is a free module and found a paid one too. Is this the same you used in Prestashop? https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/1011838-free-module-out-of-stock-combination-change-ps-16-ps-17/ edit: I tried that free module and it works OK in TB. Just commented some lines as a comment suggests, in order to prevent an error. Anyway, it would be a great out of the box feature.
  21. Hello! This is about combinations. Imagine you have a product with different colors. Then you have selected one as a default. But that color reach quantity 0. Then, in product's page, the 'add to cart' button is not shown anymore, but you do have more colors of the same product to sell. It would be nice that TB selected another combination (in this case color) as default, in order to not show a product without a 'add to cart' button.
  22. You could start disabling some modules, one by one, to see if this a module problem. I wrote that before watching the video. Pretty weird indeed... you can finish the sale and **then** could not enter to any other page until you delete your cookies? Is it the same with some other computer/cellphone/OS/browser?
  23. Wartin


    Can you at least enter to your matomo installation? the problem is that your visits don't get listed? In 'source code' you see the matomo code? maybe you could try removing the code in your footer and install matomo module in TB
  24. Wartin


    Hi, Andy. Does it works stand alone? I mean, directly entering to Matomo (ie: your-domain.com/matomo)
  25. Wartin

    Multiple choice

    When you start using something it's pretty normal you won't do everything that you want to do in just a couple of hours. Just be patient. I think you're not entering the product's page, that's where it will show you the combinations. I have disabled shop button in products with combinations, so the user has to click in the item and go to it's page. It's a setting in the shop.
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