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Everything posted by datakick

  1. Server-side rendering is so 2010 🙂 We all should acknowledge that the world has moved on. You are probably right. In my modules I personally try not to rely on any framework provided by theme to make module reusable in different environment (revws works properly both on tb themes and in ps17 theme) I'm really excited about this project of yours. Let me know if you need any assistance, or support from core.
  2. Unfortunately even that's not always possible, as there are modules that generate a views using javascript (heavily minified). For example Mollie, avarda payments, revws, etc... But of course, these modules are the outliers. Most modules should be able to tweak and make them to work with new framework. The question is how much work it will be 🙂
  3. Looks nice. I'm quite interested how easily it will integrate with third party modules that were not build with bootstrap 5 in mind. Looking forward for official release of your theme so I can test this aspect
  4. Database collation issue: Heads up guys. New version of mysql/mariadb database are more strict regarding table collations. Error can be thrown when two tables with different charset/collations are used in one query. Unfortunately, this happens for revws automation (premium version) If your automation list is empty now, you are affected. The fix will be released in new version of the revws module. Until then, you can fix it yourself. Execute following sql commands: ALTER TABLE `PREFIX_revws_email` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; ALTER TABLE `PREFIX_revws_subscription` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; Just replace PREFIX with the correct prefix you are using (tb, ps, ...)
  5. I don't use elasticsearch module in production, but I worked on it lately -- fixing some bugs, adding support for newer ES server, etc. It seemed to be working quite nicely, at least in my limited localhost installation.
  6. Unfortunately crowdin integration is not yet fully automated. Currenty we have a tool that allows us to extract translations from core, themes, and modules. But this tool actually requires working instance of thirty bees, with all modules and themes installed, and export is a manual task. It's not easy to prepare and keep such environment, so we do this only for major release. There is a task item in our backlog regarding automation of this tedious manual task. Once finished, we will have on-the-fly integration between github -> crowdin.
  7. Hi everyone, we have forked and adopted prestashop 1.6 watermark module. From now on we will maintain and extend this module, so if you have some requests or bug issues, don't hesitate to report them. The initial release 1.2.0 is slightly extended version of old ps watermark module. The differences are: watermark source images are no longer kept in watermark module folder, but uploaded to main /img/ directory. This prevents problems with watermark images being lost during module update webp support Important note: If you are currently using ps16 watermark module, please do manual module update -- download zip file and extract it over your existing /modules/watermark module. If you used automatic update, thirty bees would delete current module directory and replace it with new one, and you would loose watermark source image that is stored in module directory. In future, update from 1.2.0 to newer versions will be without issues, because images will be stored outside of the module directory Github repo https://github.com/thirtybees/watermark
  8. There is product customization feature that could be used for this
  9. Ouch, this is beautiful bug: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/1355 To fix it, either update to bleeding edge, or edit file classes/Cart.php and on line 2398 change if (carrier::useProportionateTax()) { to if (Carrier::useProportionateTax()) {
  10. Hard to tell what's wrong. You should enable debug mode, and then look what does the ajax response looks like. There might be some hints there
  11. @SLiCK_303 could you give me access to your back office so I could investigate the issue further?
  12. This ajax error without any details is most probably mixed http/https CORS issue. Basically, if you - have SSL enabled on your store but access your back office using http:// - have SSL disabled on your store, but access your back office using https:// then the browser can blocks ajax call, because of mixed http/https protocols. I have fixed this issue in core updater and will release a new version soon. Meanwhile, just ensure that you access admin via https:// if you have SSL enabled, or using http:// if you don't.
  13. @Adik do you have override for class Configuration? If so, please consider if it's still needed
  14. core folder is just a very, very small part of the thirty bees codebase. It's like 5%. If you want to update manually, you need to download thirtybees.zip file, and upload entire content to your store (with the exception of install/ directory). After you do this, you need to delete /cache/class_index.php and you should be able to access your system. It is not properly updated, though, as database changes were not applied automatically. You will have to use core updater to figure out what changes to database schema should be fixed
  15. @musicmaster / @Mark thanks for the questions. I don't have time to answer right now, but I'll make sure to reserver some time for detailed explanation of both features later, sometimes during the weekend.
  16. There are no 'known' problems with core updater. All reported problems were fixed and new versions were released. You can download the latest version here. @jmeca did you try my suggestion about updating /tools/cacert.pem ? That should fix your certificate validation issues, and you should be able to update the store.
  17. What does that mean? Did you deleted all core directories (vendor, classes, Core, Adapter, controllers, admin*, tools,...) ? Might be corrupted cache/class_index.php. Delete this file.
  18. The ajax problem will be, most likely, caused by mixing http and https. Browser might block ajax requests from http to https. Make sure you are logged in to your back office using https:// protocol, and then try update again.
  19. Looks like this commit is the culprit: https://github.com/thirtybees/niara/commit/6abc6b7e555caadb48b02e662ffd8da105a927f8#diff-25beb89b157fe43848421e7b4cf456c7fa1a603879047d3c1e5c636aa5dff62e For some reason the working templates were overwritten with this mess. Probably not an intention. I will revert this commit
  20. Yes, that's the advanced functionality that we plan to put back there in the future, very well hidden so that nobody will use it 😉
  21. I believe the easiest solution for you is to just tall your store to use old prefix. To do that, edit file /config/settings.inc.php and change value for define('_DB_PREFIX_', 'tb_'); for example to define('_DB_PREFIX_', 'ps_'); Then go to core updater and check database differences. If there are some critical changes, apply fix. Please backup your database before. If this prefix changing is not the right approach for you, for some reason, you will have to copy every table independedly. Use sql like this for every table (ps_product is source, tb_product is target) truncate tb_product; insert into tb_product select * from ps_product; If the columns or their position are different, you will have to enumerate all fields as well: insert into tb_product(id_product, id_supplier, id_manufacturer,.....) select id_product, id_supplier, id_manufacturer,..... from ps_product; Very tedious task
  22. @jmeca download this file: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/main/tools/cacert.pem and upload it to your thirty bees /tools/cacert.pem
  23. Server certificate on api.thirtybees.com is not expired, it's completely valid.
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