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Everything posted by nickz

  1. Nö das hab ich auch nicht gesagt. Auch in England gibt es Dropshipper. Durch ändernde Regeln kann das Zweisprachige Shopsystem auch irgendwann mal im Ranking abstürzen. Kann wie gesagt also bracht man das nicht zu interpretieren was IMHO eh schon zu oft geschieht. Eine LTD kann dir sogar mal hilfreich sein so wie die Deutsche Steuer zulangt. Da ist allerdings eine ziemlich saubere Trennung der Shops nötig was auch nicht gerade Ideal ist. Den Bezug zur LTD habe ich da unsere Nationale Firmenform in der EU kaum bekannt ist. Ich lebe auch nicht in der EU.
  2. Darum ging es mir allerdings nicht. Klar wenn die Kunden dich kennen ist es egal, aber bei Neukundengewinnung ist es ein anderes Thema. Darüber mal nachgedacht? 🙂
  3. Das bringt höchst selten etwas. Welcher Engländer kauft bei einem Shop der in D sitzt oder Vice versa? Besser sie zu trennen und für die Englische Seite eine LTD nehmen.
  4. nickz

    tool.js error

    if its the old theme, could it be that the earlier jquery-1.11.0.min.js:2 were a tat different?
  5. In which setup version theme you are wondering about it? And why does it bother you, you are the only one seeing it at set up
  6. I wonder why? I prefer 1.2
  7. Hardly anyone decides to use a guest account. Most know they have to register. To get your order an address is needed. Nothing to do with paranoid. Have a look into your log files and read that line again.
  8. What is the reason for that? I would not advise anyone to accept guest orders as internet is full of people filling in ghost orders.
  9. First install no other attempts?
  10. Go VPS or Dedicated Server More independence.
  11. nickz

    1.2 vs 1.3

    Hi @ll I wonder what is your take on TB 1.2 vs 1.3. I prefer 1.2 as it seems to have an easier approach on customization. I did not install any additional modules just out of the box. Both Downloads from the TB Site.
  12. in my experience the shorter the way to finish the purchase the better it is. ideally clicking on a product picture and have the choice between paying right away or keep reading on.
  13. We found Zerothemes pretty much agreeable. https://www.zerotheme.com/ You need the newest Themes you need to purchase them. Tweaking the free themes works pretty good though.
  14. I wouldn't know as I can't recommend really big outfits
  15. When having a shop I would not advice to take a mass hoster. Too much can go wrong. Say your hoster outphases a php version you rely on and your shop has 250 visitors a day. The host will gladly offer you a service to maintain that version at a cost. With VPS you can upscale without a gun to your head.
  16. Some shops are easier and some are more complex. if you ask a general question you get a general answer. TB is faster as prestashop in an comparable environment with comparable visitor count. When I work for people or companies I try to convince them to use a server environment which has plenty of room. Shop-holder in Germany have different requirements than people in i.e. South America or even in GB. People in the EU could not use a generic shop as easily. Those generic shops need to be connected to API, no one click modules available.
  17. That would depend on the shop, its theme, how many modules are active. Scripts installed. Its wise to have plentiful resources which can be used when needed. Don't install a shop into a 2 GB RAM environment with little space just to safe a few bucks.
  18. I wasn't aware. Time flies by. Hopefully it gives TB a little lift.
  19. What does it take to push Thirtybees into the Softaculous installer platform?
  20. New is better most of the times. Like a house move you have the chance to clean out all rubbish accumulated over the years.
  21. That is the very problem. Due to the financial motivation the Internet provides we have 90% useless info. It costs a ton of time to search thru it. A chance for forums to have a second awakening.
  22. Hat es schon jemand hinbekommen?
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