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Everything posted by yaniv14

  1. You can use the core updater module to upgrade latest fixes that are not build in a new version yet. It called Bleeding edge.
  2. yaniv14

    Font Size

    You will need to extend tinymce editor configuration. There is a really old tutorial that might be still similar to what tb have today, but I am not sure because I didn't check it. https://mypresta.eu/en/art/prestashop-16/extended-rich-text-editor.html
  3. Are you using different php version for the new shop? if so, make sure you have all php required extensions installed for the used php version.
  4. I doubt if that error is the cause of the 500 error. can you enable tb debug mode? edit file config/defines.inc.php and change this define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false); to define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true); and reload the page and see if you get some other error.
  5. When you change to the new folder/shop, nothing works or you just have an issue with 1 module? I am looking at earlier posts and don't understand the exact error you have. If you want to look for hard coded strings inside files you can use grep command. like: grep -rn "jv74.se/httpdocs" /home/jv74/public_html I am not expert in mysql and I think that if you want to lookup inside your database you will need to dump it first and than run grep. like: mysqldump --compact --skip-extended-insert -u your_db_username -pyour_db_user_password db_name | grep "jv74.se/httpdocs" "-pyour_db_user_password" => the "p" is for password and your real password should be with no space.
  6. But what is the issue now? I am browsing on https://www.jv74.se and I don't see any issues.
  7. Are you sure you are pointing the domain to the correct root folder on the server?
  8. By doing this, you will get your self to the same situation you are right now. Try to download your db and files/folders to your local computer and see if you can get it to run.
  9. What about trying to deactivate the module from phpmyadmin. look for the module name in tb_module and set active to 0.
  10. and if you run. sudo find /home/jv74/public_html/ -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \; sudo find /home/jv74/public_html/ -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \; sudo chown -R apache:apache /home/jv74/public_html/ it still doesnt work?
  11. Try setting file/folder permission. sudo find /home/jv74/public_html/ -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \; sudo find /home/jv74/public_html/ -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \; also make sure you are using the current user, check: ps aux | egrep '(apache|httpd)'
  12. Just change the owner and group to the same one you used in the old path. sudo chown -R user:group /home/jv74/public_html/ user & group should be real user and group
  13. Just make sure you use the same user/group in the new path like you had in /var/www/vhosts/jv74.se/httpdocs
  14. I think that gift card modules use regular product at the end. So it should direct you to regular product page (with some module customization). Maybe you have another product with the same url rewrite as the gift card product.
  15. @datakick Any different between the trial and paid versions?
  16. I can confirm @Traumflug replies that TB fully support PHP 7.2 I've upgrade a shop last week from TB 1.0.2 / PHP 7.0 to TB 1.0.x / PHP 7.2 in less than 5 seconds with no errors at all.
  17. I think that if you are not using PayPal rest api to process orders than the payment in PayPal happens prior to the customer being redirected back to your shop, which only at that point the Cart object turn into an Order object (thats how most payment modules works). So there is a chance that you will get money in your PayPal account from a customer but your shop did not process the order yet. If you are using PayPal rest api to process orders than only when the customer redirect back to your shop you can execute the actual payment from PayPal (which makes it a smoother process with less chance of failing in between). It references an order in our shop that belongs to another customer about this part it doesn't really make any sense how can one order post on different client. are you sure about that?
  18. In case url rewrites (friendly urls) is not turned on, you can use: https://denkspellenparadijs.nl/index.php?controller=prices-drop
  19. yaniv14

    Mail Alerts

    Did you setup email addresses in mail alert module configuration?
  20. Check that you don't have duplicated customers with the same email address lower and capital. like: MyEmail@example.com and myemail@example.com if you do find any kind of duplicates make sure you remove them all
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