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Everything posted by lesley

  1. lesley

    1.0.4 soon?

    @Raithlin You can clone your current site, then download the repository and upload the files over your cloned site files. That works for this release since there are no database changes. @DavidP Same thing as above. To address your deleted message. People should test for stability. Don't you want your shop to be stable? Don't you want bugs you have noticed to be fixed properly?
  2. lesley

    1.0.4 soon?

    It will likely be just a 1.0.4 final release we are testing it pretty well and the rc releases are getting virtually no downloads and testing.
  3. lesley

    1.0.4 soon?

    Here is the plan as it stands now. The migration from Magento to thirty bees, I am not sure what @DavidP is talking about. We did write some pages sometime last year when we partnered with cart2cart about migrating different platforms, https://thirtybees.com/migrate/ We just updated the content a little bit for formatting when we launched the new site. The updater does need a big rewrite, but unfortunately, we are going to try to hobble along our current updater for one more version, so that is really not a huge hold up. What we have left on our list for 1.0.4 is this: Changing the way mailchimp collects email addresses from new shops. Integrating Patreon in the back office. Finishing the ad server so we can create a module page that draws modules from the store. This is the first step in doing away with the modules feed in your shop and showing only what is installed in your shop on the main modules page. (this is not to be confused with showing you more recommended modules in your modules list). Fixing a few more bugs. Everytime we think we have everything fixed a new bug comes in. Its a hard position to be in where you have to tell people that we aren't going to fix your bug in this version. re crowdfunding and other things: The development of the crowdfunding will start after 1.0.4 is released, so it makes sense to announce it, vote on it, and try to get it funded before then. The crowdfunding is a way to both add value to the project as a whole and bring money into thirty bees. Last year, including the crowdfunding for elastic search, thirty bees made $3600. This is not enough to cover the services that we need to keep the project running muchless either of us being compensated for our time. I am spending more and more of my time associated with the project trying to bring in revenue. We currently have 10k shops running thirty bees and only 21 of those shops feel like our software is important enough for them to donate to, to help keep the project alive. This is why we are spending more time looking for ways to monetize thirty bees. I have personally decided to not take any money from thirty bees until @mdekker can have a monthly salary and all the bills are paid. Going this route will accelerate the core development and is what should be done. Maybe this is too much information, but we have always tried to be as open and honest with our community as we could, we believe in transparency.
  4. Leave them and use the page to offer the new updated products.
  5. Hmm, I wonder if it had to do with out new GA module. You are in the EU aren't you?
  6. I wonder what they mean by no sass dialect yet. That could be a show stopper.
  7. I have never seen them done like that before. this is how I have seen them done Redirect 301 /old-url/page.html https://site.com/new-url/page.html
  8. Not that I am aware of. But if the page is ranking well anyways, then not much is lost by changing it. Just put in a 301 redirect and all the link juice will pass.
  9. I cannot speak for this module or company because I have not contacted them or used them, but I did see that they supported both banggod and thirty bees, https://mydataprovider.com/wholesalers-list It might be something that works for you.
  10. Its not that it is not important, its that we need to come up with a solution that includes as many use cases as possible.
  11. Returns are a rarer event in the US and the non EU world, since the buyer pays shipping both ways.
  12. I think they cancel the order and remake it.
  13. These things are where the complexity comes in tbh. Most shops do collect money on order, so things like that have to be taken into account.
  14. I have a question with a case in point. Say I have a shop that sells widgets and I take payment with paypal and stripe. Then I have two shipping methods, free and express. If a user calls and wants to change to express, but it increases the order total by $10, what do I do?
  15. No, I take that back, it looks like we might be affected.
  16. We use a later version of smarty that does not have that exploit. We use 3.1.19
  17. I have been wondering where I can add all the blog posts I have done about different speed related things. There are quite a few on our blog that break some of these things down, but not one central article. These are some of the better ones https://thirtybees.com/blog/the-problems-with-speed-optimization-tools/ https://thirtybees.com/blog/pagespeed-is-dead/
  18. In the core we return a ps_version to make prestashop modules work with thirty bees.
  19. Yes, we have already discussed different ways to accomplish this internally, it will likely be a feature in 1.1.x.
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