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Everything posted by lesley

  1. The error before was a template error, does the template error still happen?
  2. Try changing this line https://github.com/thirtybees/paypal/blob/master/controllers/front/pluseu.php#L86 to $this->setTemplate('paypal_plus_payment.tpl');
  3. @musicmaster This is exactly why we are trying to rewrite the module from scratch. As we have mentioned before we are a small team, anything we can do to save time on tasks is something we have to consider. Since the builds and upgrade builds are so time consuming and this module is so unstable we found this to be a must to do.
  4. Sure, like looking at this sitemap, http://redwrappings.com.au/1en1_sitemap.xml You might need to save it and explode it out something like PHP storm or something. You can see the image files are referenced to the CDN, but the CDN by default has https://cdn.redwrappings.com.au/robots.txt so it is denying the crawling of the images. This is common with some CDNs and an option with others. I was wondering if it would be considered more beneficial to most people if the module just skipped the whole CDN and output the image urls to the source server.
  5. I am looking at how the sitemap module handles media servers and CDNs. What is the general thought of the community? Currently, the module outputs the images to the CDN. Should the module skip the CDN url and output the canonical image address?
  6. Is this using the default theme?
  7. I have been watching this post since it was opened considering how best to respond. I guess I do not understand what kind of progress updates everyone wants. For 1.0.4 we have pretty much finished with it. As @musicmaster mentioned he did a couple of bug fixes in the migrator / updater. They were not included because we are trying to write a more robust solution and not just patch the current solution. This is what the hold up with releasing 1.0.4 is. Our current updater takes around 8 hours to make a version update for. We are trying to do something more streamlined so we can release faster updates, but we need to get the updater fixed first.
  8. The web service will be yes. At some point, we are going to have to start breaking module and theme compatibility though.
  9. Have you modified that file? Or set the permissions differently on that file? You might upload a fresh version from github.
  10. Does anyone know if they actually add sites? Or seen one added before? It seems like over time the list can be billions of lines long and would need to be truncated when sites go out of business.
  11. No worries. They are right. I would disable them all if you are working on the site though.
  12. Right, but the reason for that setting is so that if something caches the front end, like Google or a full page cache, it does not break. Its actually there specifically for the problem you had.
  13. That is the problem. Do not do that.
  14. I do not think the web service API is strong enough right now to handle that. You need a lot of data that cannot come from the webservice. I would embed buttons manually if it were me.
  15. Hmm weird. All that option does is not delete files. Do you delete files from your cache manually?
  16. I would disable all caching opens everywhere, then start turning them back on. Then make sure this setting is always on, https://www.screencast.com/t/Da4GsLZAy and do not manually delete files from your caches.
  17. Are you using the full page cache in your shop?
  18. There is something caching on your server. The pages are not being updated to reflect that those caches are disabled.
  19. Turn these settings to off, https://www.screencast.com/t/wmv6CGrs
  20. Check the error log for any errors on the payment return, that would be the first place I looked.
  21. Actually turn it off for js too. It looks to not be loading files from the themes/your_theme/cache directory
  22. Turn off CCC your style sheet is not loading. Make sure you have a cache directory in your theme.
  23. Likely it was not caused by thirty bees, that is generally an issue with something on the server that causes that error.
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