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Everything posted by lesley

  1. I am closing this topic, is has swerved into so many directions. I have opened a topic here, https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/1639/the-state-of-thirty-bees discussing thirty bees and the future and how we can involve the community more.
  2. This topic is linked to our blog post from here, https://thirtybees.com/blog/the-state-of-thirty-bees/ Join in, lets talk about how we can make thirty bees better for all merchants!
  3. Just to give everyone a heads up I am going to release the blog post tomorrow during the US time during the day. I am trying to go to bed at a reasonable hour tonight.
  4. @wakabayashi Is right, I need to update the docs. Sorry about that.
  5. @nikon I will look into putting an ad package together or something like that. I do not think people realize how little thirty bees makes. A pizza and a beer is like 20% of the monthly income from the company.
  6. What would we give him back?
  7. @nickon I have been trying that. This is pretty much our compatibility program.
  8. We have actually been thinking about purchasing the rights to an already made theme and using it going forward from 1.1.x.
  9. I will make a post on our blog tomorrow with an update and using some of your ideas to coordinate somethings.
  10. Because there is a lot of speculation about it, yes, the plans with postnl are for it to be a paid module that works with other platforms. While it will remain free for thirty bees.
  11. This has really blown up. This is what I see. I see one bug report from 2 days ago as the only issue on the stripe module. I see a couple issues on the paypal module, but no blockers in terms of taking payments. I have to say I agree with @yaniv14 with his assessment. If these are huge issues, consider contacting one of us for a paid fix. We are all trying to operate businesses here. None of us run charity websites. I think everyone in the community understands that we are trying to make this project more profitable where we can spend more time working on it and pushing it further into the future. If it is cheaper for you to close your shop and redevelop it from scratch, than to purchase a 2 hour support package from us, then what is your time actually worth? That being said, we are not trying to release broken software so we can charge people to fix it. In the last year both @mdekker and I have taken huge pay cuts to try to get thirty bees a foothold in the marketplace. We could possibly make more money if we exploited our users more. We have been approached several times about providing integrations that sell your data to companies. While the money is attractive, we have declined in all instances. I am sorry to see you go @zimmer-media but there is one thing I would ask. Let me know when you find another platform or community where you can message one of the developers and get dedicated help for free. I remember helping and fixing bugs on your site personally when you were launching it. As the community grew we just do not have time for that anymore, or that is what we would be doing all day everyday.
  12. Your products are not syncing from the module?
  13. No, it is not dead. I have had to take a couple of weeks off to revamp my company's site so I can start changing the focus of the offerings. I know @mdekker is also trying to balance making a living with thirty bees as well. So, it is not dead, we are just having to balance making enough money to pay our bills and working on thirty bees.
  14. Slack is invite only, gitter is open to who ever pops by. I would assume close the slack channel down before the gitter channel.
  15. Starting the first of April I am going to try to do a progress post every two weeks letting people know what we are working on. We have so many different channels and mediums that it is difficult sometimes. I know in the past week I have talked about us working on the updater to our slack and gitter channels. But have not mentioned it on the forum I guess. That is the need for the blog posts I assume.
  16. How is your server setup? APCu will only cache once users log into your site as well.
  17. You might make a new post with the contents of that file if you cannot work it out. It seems to be line 41 that is the problem.
  18. Hmm its actually the warehouse theme template that is the issue. It sounds like it is missing a } somewhere. You might put in a support request with Marcin about it.
  19. Disable the block currency module, it looks like there is an error in it. What version are you using?
  20. Copy the error message and paste it in the log area in the back office and let us know the output.
  21. Those are notices, not errors. Is the account being created? Or is it white screening?
  22. How many products did you import? That is a lot of memory that it is using.
  23. I am not understanding, is the module working?
  24. Which paypal module are you using that is making this error, you list both in the first post.
  25. Hmm, change that line back, its a different error actually.
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