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Everything posted by lesley

  1. It looks like the module might not be creating all needed table, I would look through the module to find the mySQL and see what tables it creates and create the missing ones.
  2. Yes, if you are installing from source you will need composer.
  3. Interesting, is this a clean thirty bees installation?
  4. Unless I am wrong, nothing extra is required on our end. Just put a note in the privacy policy. It should be common sense that if you are submitting a form information is being saved about you. Nothing out of the ordinary is saved so I cannot see it requiring any notice.
  5. A solution for what, that is what I am not understanding.
  6. I am not following, what do you mean?
  7. Likely something in the extension library conflicts. I would report it to them.
  8. Honestly, I do not know enough about Norwegian law to know. I think you would have to consult someone there. Nothing can really be automated, since most issues are on a template level, you just need to fix / work with the template.
  9. If you have cpanel hosting, you can make sub domains and set the document root to the same root as your site. As for thinking they might not be better, that is not true. Its science, they are not better anymore.
  10. It is mostly template design. Out of the box thirty bees has focused on and fixed a lot of issues, that is not to say there are more that could be fixed. Did you happen to see our blog post on the matter today? https://thirtybees.com/blog/e-commerce-and-accessibility/
  11. Strictly, that can be done just using the product link. Something like, http://front.thirtybees.com/cart?add=1&id_product=5&ipa=15 will add a product to the cart and take you to the checkout. It could be played around with to ajax it so the user is not directed to the checkout page as well.
  12. This is not something that thirty bees can do. It is made to replace an existing website. There are a couple of platforms on the market that can do this, I think the newest version of Drupal might be able too, or Joomla, I cannot remember which one. Its a mess I have heard though.
  13. I am not familiar with that one. I know this one is compatible, https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-modules/administration/thirtybees-ebay-intergration-prestabay
  14. Cloudflare is not for media servers. Stackpath or similar is for media servers. Cloudflare is just frontend caching really.
  15. There is no stopping them unless you use a 3rd party service, but at the same time you can have users caught up in them and they will abandon your site. So its a tough choice....
  16. Its actually slower to use them with http/2 now, you have the extra dns lookup, which is slower than the streaming download of http/2
  17. Hmm, when I go to the login page I am getting that the site is in maintenance mode. https://www.librairiezbookstore.com/en/login That is likely the problem.
  18. Here are the docs on adding to the store, its pretty simple, you will need to make a release of the module and attach the zip to it. https://docs.thirtybees.com/store/free-modules/
  19. Does your server time out on the import?
  20. what does error reporting say when you turn it on?
  21. If you are using local media servers there is no benefit to using them, it actually might harm performance.
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