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Everything posted by lesley

  1. Try disabling the express mode, its not something we are going to support because it is a broken system.
  2. The module has several different paypal methods you can use like standard, advanced, plus, ect. Which method are you using that is causing that error.
  3. There is not currently a way to remove the address at checkout. It is used for fraud protection.
  4. Ahh no, I did not realize it, but the forum has a subscription feature. It was just turning it on and configuring it. The only custom thing we did was a part about the store modules and the ground work for a new feature we are going to be launching soon for the store / forum.
  5. Good point, I am trying to get all of the links and things rounded up today.
  6. As some of you might have noticed (or read the blog post yesterday) we are starting to move off of patreon in favor of our own system. We are going to use our forum as the base of the new system since it will allow a tighter integration with the systems we already have. It will also give us more control over your data and it will no longer be shared with third parties (Patreon). In addition to that, it will allow us to keep more of the donation amount as well, so we can put it to use making thirty bees bigger and better. The tighter integration is going to go a long way with the plans we have in the future. We are going to be able to automate the supporters.md file, supporters will now have custom flare on their posts in the forum. We also have a few other things in the pipeline as well, to make thirty bees more of a social, helpful ecommerce experience. One of them will be displaying developers modules that are in the thirty bees marketplace on their profiles. Like: https://forum.thirtybees.com/profile/186-datakick/?tab=node_tbmodules_tbmodules https://forum.thirtybees.com/profile/175-mediacom87/?tab=node_tbmodules_tbmodules If you want to read the article, you can here, https://thirtybees.com/blog/twilighting-patreon/ Or if you want to test the new supporter platform out you can here, https://forum.thirtybees.com/support-thirty-bees/
  7. I am familiar with the making it use a funding source. It seems when you do a subscription with paypal it makes it where you have to use something other than your paypal balance. I am not sure why, but I have noticed it in the past when I set up recurring payments with it.
  8. Hey, I replied to you in slack. I am not sure what was wrong, but I regenerated the api keys and tested it, it worked. @Factor You can, we are twilighting patreon and switching to an internal system we can better control.
  9. You, everyone in the community. We release beta versions for anyone in the community to test. We test things on our end, but the more people able to test the more bugs that are found and fixed. We unfortunately do not have access to every module or use case with thirty bees, that is why we need community testers, that is why we release release candidates for people to test and provide feedback on.
  10. If you are wanting to go that route you should look into vuestorefront, it uses the webservice to communicate and runs on its own. https://github.com/DivanteLtd/vue-storefront
  11. I guess its time for another one of these posts. @wakabayashi The reason I never launched the inhouse solution / alternative to patreon is that I do not trust wordpress. I bought a plugin called give for wordpress, We paid a couple hundred US for for it. But the amount of attacks we get to our site is staggering for some reason. The marketplace, running thirty bees, its fine, there are no exploits in thirty bees. Our main site running wordpress, I don't trust it as much. I don't trust it enough to store payment tokens for people in the community. On any given day We get about 2-3k admin login attempts. We block after 2 failed logins. I liked the thought of paying less fees, but honestly, I am not willing to give up security over that. I have scrapped the plan of using that module. @datakick Its the ebb and flow of things. We lost 2 donors. That does suck, but we also picked up 4 direct donors as well, it evens itself out in the end. We are all thankful here at thirty bees for everyone that believes in what we are doing and chooses to either run your shop on thirty bees or donate to the project. We have actually started turning a bit of revenue in the past 6 months, so we are not solely dependent on the patreon. We have done this without selling your information, constantly bombarding you with ads, or removing features from our software and selling them back to you. Things are actually progressing pretty well. We have a couple hired developers helping fix bugs, we are working on a new back office redesign, and some new modules. The future is pretty bright from where I sit.
  12. It is sent now. I try to send all of the payments on the 1st. I had just emailed you a while back because your account email is different than your paypal email so I wanted to make sure.
  13. The comment / messaging system for the store is a bit buggy when it comes from the merchants. I did email you some months ago asking if your paypal is correct, but I never heard anything back. IS the one you have entered correct?
  14. lesley

    Editing Products

    I didn't put this on github, but another version of fixing this would be to use the cache system we use with the front office for the back office css and js files. It would make things a little bit faster too maybe.
  15. It is up now. I think the page was just hung up in the cloudflare cache. I am going to update the demos this weekend.
  16. Likely you are setting mod_security off on your server. Contact your host and ask them to whitelist the rule that you are tripping.
  17. As I mentioned before, you will need to ftp into the site and put that at the bottom of the htaccess file. I am not sure it will take it from the back office. But on another note, you are not in a country that works with paypal plus either, so that could be an issue as well.
  18. Hmm this should not cause a 500 error, I tested it on a live server. <IfModule mod_headers.c> <FilesMatch "\.(ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff|woff2|svg|txt|html)$"> Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" </FilesMatch> </IfModule>
  19. Hmm there might be a bug, can you add it to the htaccess directly, or if not, at the very bottom of the htaccess.
  20. Ok, I just tested, it seems chrome 73 has changed something, add this back to the htaccess and modify it to what I have. Notice I added |txt|html to the end of the filesmatch <IfModule mod_headers.c> <FilesMatch "\.(ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff|woff2|svg|txt|html)$"> Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" </FilesMatch></IfModule>
  21. Ok, try this, these lines should be near the bottom of your htaccess, remove them <IfModule mod_headers.c> <FilesMatch "\.(ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff|woff2|svg)$"> Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" </FilesMatch> </IfModule>
  22. At the top, try this one: Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
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