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Everything posted by SLiCK_303

  1. The javascript snippet didn't seem to do it for me, any other suggestions? It looks like this now... ``` public function hookHeader() { if(Tools::getValue('idproduct')) { if (Module::isEnabled('productcomments')) { $html = ' '; } return $html; } } ```
  2. So change the product url to have '#post_review' after it as well, instead of just '#'?
  3. @datakick I am trying to modify the module sendreviewrequest to work with your module here, however my listen isnt working, I was hoping you could help. This is what I'm using now, that worked for the productcomments module, but it's not working for yours.. ``` public function hookHeader() { if(Tools::getValue('idproduct')) { if (Module::isEnabled('productcomments')) { $html = ' '; } return $html; } } ``` Is there a small piece of js I can use to replace the above part? As you can see, right now, I'm passing the url to the product with a '#' at the end.
  4. @zimmer-media said in Keywords autocomplete in the products page: please please please admins or moderators -> move this topic to the category “tips & tricks” we are think category "technical help" is between false done
  5. Is this RC1 or lastest source? Which browser?
  6. Very nice, keep up the good work, you'll get there.
  7. As @wakabayashi said, you can edit maintenance.tpl, and make it look how you want, but I think you would want some sort of BO settings for the timer. I think this would have to be a module.
  8. First off, to install this you need to change the name in the zip file from ImageOptim-master, to just ImageOptim. After that when you hit install on it, it takes forever for it to come up in it's configuration menu, I assume because it is processing all your images. Next, I have 31208 results it comes up with, I don't think there is a chance in hell I'm going to click on these individually to re-mush my sites images! So, getting the 'generation by lot' thing going, is going to be a must to make this a practical module. Its a good idea though, keep working on it. These are the results I got on the one image I did do...
  9. I'm outta ideas, hopefully someone else has some....sorry
  10. open the setting on that page for last year, then compare to this year, thats all I can think it could be.....
  11. No problem. I hope you get your overrides working....
  12. Assuming you have data in the db, and all related modules installed,(like graphnvd3, gridhtml, statscatalog, and statscheckup) I dont know what to tell ya, maybe someone else has ideas.
  13. This is what the preferences menus look like in tb. Just make yours look the same... Goto BO>Administration>Menus, then add the couple you dont have (Duplicate URLs, and Source Code) . Click on the add new button, next to the refresh button on the topish right. Then in Name type in Source Code, then in class, type in AdminCustomCode. Do the duplicate URLs the same way, looking at my image here. Here is Duplicate URLs for example...
  14. hmm..ok. Do you have any info in your database, in the tborder* tables?
  15. that didnt anwser my question.... ;)
  16. Hit the config button on the top right, next to the refresh button. Do you have any numbers set in there, or are they empty/all zeros?
  17. Making sure that your dev site is fully working first, right? Changing the shop url's and the settings.inc.php, ect. Are you doing this on a localhost or a subdomain? How many products do you have? Since you have a proper backup of your site, I would not select the backup files option, or images....
  18. Are you using the migration module, or doing this manually on your dev site? I just did a migration for fun on my localhost, it worked like a champ using the migration module. Do you have a lot of overrides, or have you modified the core at all? What version of PS are you going from?
  19. ..Also, the module ProductComments is on version 4.0.3, for both tb1.0.3 and 1.0.4, so if thats what version you have, you're on the latest. I would consider looking at @datakick 's module revws though, it's a big improvment on the stock module, and you can import your old ProductComments reviews into it. Again it will work on 1.0.3 and 1.0.4.
  20. I recommend, instead of trying to do this migration on your live site, you try it on a localhost or subdomain, are you doing that? Also, in tb there is a file in the /classes folder called CryptBlowfish.php, if it is not there I would try coping it there and trying again.
  21. @Pedalman The newest Payal v6.0.0beta4 will work with tb 1.0.3 and 1.0.4.
  22. Thanx for the new build! Works like a charm so far. edit: Ok, so, if you do a review as a guest, then it gets approved, then you look at the item you reviewed again, you can edit your review. However once you sign in, then sign out, so you're now a visitor again, and look at that product you reviewed again, you have lost the ability to edit your review. You also now have the ability to write another review.
  23. Thanks for the latest build, thats all I wanted.... :) edit: So I still for the life of me cant get the new options to show up in the BO settings. I've clearred my sites cache, cleared my browsers, ctrl-f5'd the page, nothing....
  24. @datakick Could you please do a new release? I am trying to get your latest source working, and it just isn't. I can't get the new options in the BO to show up, and the changes don't show in the FO either. I've cleared the site cache, and my browsers, nothing helps. I've tried removing my /themes/mytheme/modules/revws folder too, and just rolling with your stock config, still no joy. I'm hoping an install of the official release will make it work. I assume the two javascript files have changed, and I don't have the new ones, and that's the problem...
  25. This is personally the way I have mine setup, thankfully you can change the tpl files for your theme. It's closer to the way Product Comments was setup. or if you cant post a review, because anon. users can't post... or...if you cant post, and theres no reviews.. or..you can post, and theres no reviews...
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