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Everything posted by SLiCK_303

  1. I dont know if i would call this a bug, but... I'm using v1.2.0, and have Default customer name format set to Krona. Well when the person actually has one setup it works fine, however if a person doesnt, instead of using Krona settings, it uses a hard coded(?) John D. format, it should use krona Default Display Name, I would think.... edit: hmmm. maybe its because i did an upgrade and not a fresh install, I'm not sure. But when I change the Default Customer name format, the change isn't showing in the FO. edit: my 1.0.12 site is doing the same thing, when I change the name format shouldnt I see the changes in the FO?
  2. @datakick, I have a question.. In the old version (1.0.12) there was a /views/templates/hook/product_extra.tpl, which I could override. I don't see that file any longer, is there any way for me to change the look there anymore? The first image is my override on 1.0.12, the 2nd stock 1.2.0.
  3. I don't know if this is really a 'bug' but.. If you are at the bottom of the tb BO, the following is on the screen. two things... 1) Google+ doesn't need to be there anymore 2) the link for Bug Tracker doesn't point to the correct url anymore
  4. @x97wehner problem was a server issue. how's your issue still coming @Pilou?
  5. bummer. It's the modules fault I'm 95% sure, so I hope the author can help you/us
  6. did you migrate with tb's migrator or MigrationPro?
  7. did you migrate manually? or with a .cvs? or with the tb migrator? what...
  8. It's a theme issue, or rather the module for it, stadvancedbanner. Hopefully the author of your theme/module will fix it. Have you tried to reset or uninstall and reinstall that module? Assuming you are on your test site, not your production site with 50 different banners or something....
  9. this is when you are creating a new product, or editing one?
  10. Have you uninstalled that module AdvancedEUCompliance? Just to see what would happen....
  11. I dont use that module, so I'm clueless, sorry....
  12. Can you get to all the tabs on the left side of the screen while you are editing a product, or is there one that is blank, or something...?
  13. @Joint Systems, have you tried turning on the default My Carrier shipping, and disable all your other ones (Fedex)? OR have you tried uninstalling the Fedex module altogether, and just tried with the stock carrier?
  14. Works fine for most of us.... I'd guess its an override issue, or a module installed its not liking. Have you tried a clean install of 1.1.0 and see if you can edit products then? If you have a clean install, and it is still not working, its a server issue. But I assume both of you did a migration to tb?...
  15. edit: didnt see @yaniv14 post b4 i posted....we said the same thing, it's a position issue hopefully. I would guess it's just a position issue. Goto BO>Modules & Services>Positions look for displayTop, make sure your's looks like this ...
  16. ...have you tried to replace that file from a previous backup?
  17. Everyone knows, I've used it since day one, and swear by it.... 🙂
  18. if the problem is the BO, it's tb problem. If the problem in just on your FO, the problem is your theme........
  19. well, as near as I can tell the .tpl for blockbestsellers has a line incorrect, I'll probably do a pull request for it. In the meantime you can goto /themes/naira/modules/blockbestsellers, and edit both files. You are looking for the following line. <h2><span class="tm-over">{l s='What others' mod='blockbestsellers'} <span>{l s='love' mod='blockbestsellers'}</span> {l s='most'}</span></h2> iit should read <h2><span class="tm-over">{l s='What others' mod='blockbestsellers'} <span>{l s='love' mod='blockbestsellers'}</span> {l s='most' mod='blockbestsellers'}</span></h2> This will put the word 'most' into the translation localization of the block. (the same place you found the translations for 'What others' and 'love')
  20. You sound like you made the modifications needed to do this on a ps 1.6 site? If so, maybe you should do a pull request on tb...
  21. This should go without saying, but please try this on your test cloned site, or something, before your production site, just to make sure it's gonna do what you want. It's a pretty simple module....
  22. yup, thats the one. I've used it for a couple years now, never sold one... hopefully you'll have better luck.
  23. I used GiftCard by Loulou66 and Eolia, you'll have to do a search for it...
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