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Everything posted by SLiCK_303

  1. Works fine for most of us.... I'd guess its an override issue, or a module installed its not liking. Have you tried a clean install of 1.1.0 and see if you can edit products then? If you have a clean install, and it is still not working, its a server issue. But I assume both of you did a migration to tb?...
  2. edit: didnt see @yaniv14 post b4 i posted....we said the same thing, it's a position issue hopefully. I would guess it's just a position issue. Goto BO>Modules & Services>Positions look for displayTop, make sure your's looks like this ...
  3. ...have you tried to replace that file from a previous backup?
  4. Everyone knows, I've used it since day one, and swear by it.... 🙂
  5. if the problem is the BO, it's tb problem. If the problem in just on your FO, the problem is your theme........
  6. well, as near as I can tell the .tpl for blockbestsellers has a line incorrect, I'll probably do a pull request for it. In the meantime you can goto /themes/naira/modules/blockbestsellers, and edit both files. You are looking for the following line. <h2><span class="tm-over">{l s='What others' mod='blockbestsellers'} <span>{l s='love' mod='blockbestsellers'}</span> {l s='most'}</span></h2> iit should read <h2><span class="tm-over">{l s='What others' mod='blockbestsellers'} <span>{l s='love' mod='blockbestsellers'}</span> {l s='most' mod='blockbestsellers'}</span></h2> This will put the word 'most' into the translation localization of the block. (the same place you found the translations for 'What others' and 'love')
  7. You sound like you made the modifications needed to do this on a ps 1.6 site? If so, maybe you should do a pull request on tb...
  8. This should go without saying, but please try this on your test cloned site, or something, before your production site, just to make sure it's gonna do what you want. It's a pretty simple module....
  9. yup, thats the one. I've used it for a couple years now, never sold one... hopefully you'll have better luck.
  10. I used GiftCard by Loulou66 and Eolia, you'll have to do a search for it...
  11. Well, the module is now upto version 3.3.2 these days, so if you haven't upgraded lately you might want to. I just added an option so you can have the module send emails only to people with the newsletter enabled. If you are upgrading, you might wanna go into the modules configuration and change the newsletter option, if desired, and hit save, just to make sure the new variable is saved in your tb config. In case you forgot where to get it.... https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-modules/administration/send-review-request or https://github.com/SLiCK-303/sendreviewrequest
  12. Well, the module is now upto version 2.2.2 these days, so if you haven't upgraded lately you might want to. I just added an option so you can have the module send emails only to people with the newsletter enabled. Thanks @cienislaw for the idea. If you are upgrading, you might wanna go into the modules configuration and change the newsletter option, if desired, and hit save, just to make sure the new variable is saved in your tb config. In case you forgot where to get it.... https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-modules/front-office/birthday-gift or https://github.com/SLiCK-303/birthdaygift
  13. what theme do you use? edit: nevermind, following the link, it's Niara.
  14. SLiCK_303

    Broken images

    prior to 1.1.0....... I always assumed the _default part of the image name was referring to the theme's name, guess I was wrong... 😉
  15. SLiCK_303

    Broken images

    @Mark, you are correct in what you are doing. You have a problem you cant figure out, you goto the forums and try and get help. Keep up the good fight! You'll get this figured out....
  16. you might simply delete it, then re-upload it, via ftp, and see what happens. Maybe you're missing some files.... I would delete it, then goto the bo theme page, then upload it, and refresh the theme page again. Might work....
  17. So...there are many mail folders. one in the root (so /mails), these are tb's 'core' mail files, those are overridden by your theme in like, /themes/yourtheme/mails. Also a module may have a mail folder, like /modules/mymodule/mails, which would then be overridden by /themes/yourtheme/modules/mymodule/mails
  18. sure...this is most of it, i fixed a couple of them.... Looks like most of them have to do with price, and rounding I assume.
  19. Making that change let it work, thanks. Sorry I missed that commit, thanks for the link to it. 90% of mine said critical....
  20. I'm wondering if the Database Schema is supposed to work yet or not? All I get, on every version on tb's I've tried is....
  21. I guess it worked now. It looked to me that it was taking money from my cc on file with Paypal, rather than coming from Paypal itself. I guess I'll keep an eye on it and see. edit: ok..i just checked on Paypal, and it is indeed coming out of my Paypal account as it should. So..... good job guys getting this up and running, I hope it works better then past endeavors. Keep up the good work!
  22. So I just tried to use the new Supports system you have here on the forums, it would not let me pay via paypal. It gave the following error for me.
  23. I see the edit for Specific Prices is a pull request as we speak, https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/pull/959 I hope it works and gets committed, or they find a different way to do it....
  24. @Briljander, I'm too lazy to figure out how to multi-qoute, so I'll just do numbers for each of your paragraphs. a lot I imagine, I do, and so should you... 😉 it's not about getting more, it's about giving a little support, to the people who help you make money. agreed help by getting your developers onboard with tb, if enough people ask for support for it, they will give it. Also, I certainly wouldnt say ps is more accepted than tb, but rather more common. thats an easy choice, 1.7 sux in soooo many ways, tb is far superior to ps no matter the version at this point.
  25. In my mind, the newest version is always the best option. They have cleared out countless bugs. Ok, maybe they add a few more on occasion, but overall it's the better option.
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