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Everything posted by musicmaster

  1. The difference between UTF-8 and utf8mb4 is marginal. All shops migrated from Prestashop use utf-8
  2. Try copying text from a source that is guaranteed utf-8 and not latin, like this: https://www.bbc.com/russian/vert-fut-48422051 What happens when you try such texts in product names?
  3. What char set are you using in your TB database?
  4. I have a problem with the display of customizations during checkout that happens both in the default theme and with Panda. The normal display is this: This looks ok. However, when you disable stockkeeping in the backoffice you get a problem. In that case in the first row the availability column disappears but in the second column the description keeps occupying three columns. That gives the following result:
  5. Deleting cookies is not the same as deleting the cache. If the main site is another site then somewhere you must have mentioned that main url. Otherwise it couldn't find it.
  6. A redirect to the home might be caused by some bug in an url: either an extra space, a variable indicating the path that was not set or some javascript error. Did you clean your TB cache and the browsercache?
  7. Try to create a text or html file in the root of the domain and look whether you can see it. That way you will have excluded every influence of the shop software.
  8. I have downloaded the program and may have a look at it later. You can use Prestools as an alternative.
  9. What happens when you delete (rename) .htaccess?
  10. Shipping is complicated and it is easy to do something wrong. The standard algorithm is to put the cheapest "carrier" first. So if there is a free option - even when it is retrieve in shop - it will come out on top. However, there is a page where you can change that sorting algorithm.
  11. I don't understand this setup. You have multishop. So there should be at least two shop urls in your story. Yet there is only one.
  12. Hands on I might be able to solve this. But from a distance it is hard. It seems you have an empty isocode field for a language.
  13. Can you show the whole of the messages? Now you have a picture that doesn't show the filename and the line number. I see two different notices. Are these the only two?
  14. That is called Ajax. It means that the software calls a page in the background and then uses the results of that page to change the page you see. So you never see the page that was called. However, when you have the network console open on the moment that you press this submit button you will see that page come along.
  15. I tested on my site and I didn't find any problem changing the track url. It makes me wonder whether you see any error in your log files.
  16. Only those entries in tb_carrier seem interesting. As for tb_employee, just check what that is about. It may be just the last thing you have done. Remains the puzzle why updating the deleted line doesn't work. Do you see any errors in your error log?
  17. Emptying the line and pressing Finish doesn't work? These data are very likely stored in the tb_configuration table of your database
  18. In the menu : Tools&Stats -> Override List
  19. The first step is to look whether your Aftership module really is gone. You should look for that in the modules directory. Make sure that you have really uninstalled it and not only disabled it. The next step is looking for overrides that might have stayed behind. It is easiest with Prestools you can also just explore the override directory. Of course you should also have emptied the cache.
  20. You might consider opening the network tab in your browser's console. There you can see the actual communication taking place and click on each of the file names to see what was returned.
  21. Can you enable debug mode so that we get the real error message? https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/224525-how-to-turn-on-error-reporting-for-debug-information-blank-page-500-internal-server-error/
  22. I see you have Same story. This version of TB has some problem with 4-part version numbers for some modules. paypal.php
  23. I was talking about the file in the Alabaz module. Not the file that comes with TB.
  24. A quick hack is to change the version number of the Alabaz module in its file paypal.php from '' to '16.0.1'
  25. You missed the core of what I wrote. The Ajax call returns some text in some predetermined format (not always json). When there is a warning in that returned text the format no longer matches and you get the kind of message that you see. However, this is half of the php warning - so completely useless. You need to have a look at the complete returned text or your error logs to see the complete message: problem x happened at line y in file z. I told you how to do that.
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