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Everything posted by Chandra

  1. Hmm, I see search working fine on the site? @lesley Great you take out time to help.
  2. Error 500 on sign in page when Ciphering algorithm is set to Use the PHP Encryption library with the openssl extension (highest security) on TB1.0.8 'Use the custom BlowFish class' works fine. Interestingly the PHP encryption option works fine on a new site with the same setting. Reckon this is a bug? Thanks. ``` [ThirtyBeesException] String expected for argument 1. Boolean given instead. at line 98 in file vendor/defuse/php-encryption/src/Crypto.php @return string */ public static function decrypt($ciphertext, $key, $raw_binary = false) { if (!\is_string($ciphertext)) { throw new \TypeError( 'String expected for argument 1. ' . \ucfirst(\gettype($ciphertext)) . ' given instead.' ); } if (!($key instanceof Key)) { throw new \TypeError( Defuse\Crypto\Crypto::decrypt - [line 76 - classes/PhpEncryption.php] - [2 Arguments] PhpEncryptionCore->decrypt - [line 601 - modules/referralprogram/referralprogram.php] - [1 Arguments] ReferralProgram->hookCreateAccountForm - [line 776 - classes/Hook.php] - [1 Arguments] HookCore::coreCallHook - [line 486 - classes/Hook.php] - [3 Arguments] HookCore::execWithoutCache - [line 288 - classes/Hook.php] - [7 Arguments] HookCore::exec - [line 173 - controllers/front/AuthController.php] - [1 Arguments] AuthControllerCore->initContent - [line 262 - classes/controller/Controller.php] ControllerCore->run - [line 253 - classes/controller/FrontController.php] FrontControllerCore->run - [line 837 - classes/Dispatcher.php] DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 33 - index.php] ```
  3. Thanks @dosbiner I went through some threads on PS forum and recollected this was achieved either through large code hacks or a paid module. That said, I think the Add to cart button should ideally show up without having to hover on it, keeping with mobile first philosophy. I remember this was the reason I had to stick with PS default theme. What do folks think? Is there an easy way to get the Add to cart button to show up a la default-bootstrap?
  4. Hi, How do we tweak the default theme to enable: 1) Choosing the product quantity or option before addition to cart directly on the main product listing page? (see attached 3 styles). It is much more efficient than adding to cart and then updating quantities for each product. 2) Showing the add to cart button on each product without the user having to touch the product to make it show up. This is a bit cumbersome on mobile. The PS default theme has the button show by default but TB default theme has a different behavior. Appreciate thoughts, thanks.
  5. @wakabayashi Hi, it has been a while that I set it up but in summary, new customers in TB get identified in mautic. I had to create some fields in TB module configuration to achieve this. I get to see the customer interactions and behaviours on the shop with the mautic pixel and of course the orders and carts. Also helps to create newsletters from mautic to TB customers. I also have a CMS blog, so I know what new and old customers are reading. I also do a periodic dump into mautic with additional fields.
  6. I use it with TB and the prestashop module works well for the integration.
  7. I can see the stats populated only with full page cache on.
  8. @movieseals Thanks for the find. How did you manage to install it? I seem to get an override error even after uninstalling and deleting the default recaptcha module (which still shows in the list btw). I have cleared cache too. ``` The following module(s) could not be installed properly: notarobot : Unable to install override: The method postProcess in the class ContactController is already overridden by the module nocaptcharecaptcha version 1.0.2 at 2018-02-25 22:50:32 . ```
  9. Yes, the form can be submitted with out answering the captcha challenge. There is another bug where in multistore, the key details are not saved for some shops.
  10. Ended up creating a free module to show 'in stock' products: https://forum.thirtybees.com/post/19476
  11. I have played around a bit and note the following: Error 500 comes when I have the Server Side Caching method as file system and have full page cache. It does not come up when I use APC Having 'index' in full page cache makes the home page lose formatting in all different settings I have used Even when everything seems to be working fine with inclusion of 'product', product pages in 'home' category lose their formatting; products in other categories work fine. However, I think product will be an important page to take advantage of caching.
  12. Stock updates are showing up right on my site. However I see an issue where the formatting is not right for some products only. Suspecting the cache clearing isn't working correctly as you note.
  13. @TestTB4Store I have these on full page cache and the site runs with no problems: bestsales, cms, contact, manufacturer, newproducts, pricesdrop, product, search, supplier Enabling it for index screws up the formatting. I have apc on php 7.1/nginx/tb1.0.5
  14. @SnowyCat Hi, can you help on the above question on how the chat window shows up please. Edit: Found a free module that opens up whatsapp web on computer and whatsapp on phone. Cheers.
  15. @One-Man Hi, is the demo working still? I can't seem to get to it. Does the chat window appear like regular chat such as tawk or livezilla?
  16. Here you go: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/1897/free-module-block-in-stock-products
  17. This module adds a tab for products that are in stock on the shop. The module is adapted from the native 'block new products' module. Similar to the new products and best sellers tabs, this module creates a tab that can be positioned on home or in a column. Settings for number of products and time to cache exist on the configuration page. I have not tested the 'show always' setting very well. This is the first module I have created ever and is in response to my need on my shop to have all 'in stock products' on one page for customers to be able to shop without spending effort scrolling through a long list of products. Please test and use at your own risk. I am a merchant and less of a developer, so support will be limited. Install from tb's modules and services, enable, configure and adjust the position as necessary. Download: Thirty Bees Store Source/Issues: Github
  18. @movieseals I have created a module for this, my very first. I will release it as a free module on tb store shortly. Working fine for me, use it at your own risk :) Thanks all the folks for the support and advice.
  19. Thanks @wakabayashi @W-Kara I just tried the order of products preference and it appears to sort the products in all categories but not the home category. Looks like a module is the way to go.
  20. Hi, I need a module that adds 'in stock products' as a tab similar to featured products and best sellers. Our products go in and out of stock quickly, so a page with in stock products alone saves a customer the effort to scroll through many products and find what are all in stock. I want to retain the existing featured products and best seller tabs as they are and add a new 'In Stock Products' tab that shows up when some products are in stock. With my limited knowledge, I am thinking it is best to create a new module, copying the Best Sellers module. This would mean copying the module in its entirety and then changing the name of the module in the module folder name, module files, including in the xml, php, tpl and css files? Or is there an easier way to extend the Best Sellers module with smaller changes? Much appreciate help.
  21. @lesley Thanks for an open and direct message that inspires a lot of confidence in the team and the project. Clearly something needs to be done to make the finances better. Please continue with the great intentions you started the project with, and build a mechanism for the community to provide opinion and support. Best wishes to all of us.
  22. I can't since I don't have a test region now and my cron runs each Friday for the orders of the week. Is there a field I can update on an existing order to push the email request once again by running the cron?
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