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Everything posted by movieseals

  1. Just select the cms pages tables in your old prestashop database and export those via PHPmyAdmin. Then modify the sql tables names in any text editor to reflect the name of your TB table - ex. ps_cms to tb_cms Then import those tables in your TB database using the import function of PHPmyAdmin and you are done.
  2. We have been using the Canada Post PS 1.6 module from Presteo-Changeo for three years. It is very accurate, does a great job overall, not too pricey and very good support: https://www.presto-changeo.com/prestashop-shipping-modules/73-176-prestashop-canada-post-module.html It plays well with TB as well.
  3. Every time I make a change, I try to refresh the cache. Or I set it to force recompile (with cache off) if I am doing a lot of tweaks - and I disable all the other means of caching: CCC, system cache, full page cache, etc.
  4. First of all, I love the new HTML block module in version 1.1 of TB. It helped me get rid of so many modules. Love it. I also noticed in 1.1 that instead of uninstalling modules, it suggests to disable them instead. However, not for all modules but for a lot of them, granted most are prestashop modules, even if they are disabled, their hooks still appear to do something. For example, I had a category module for my homepage. It has a hook in home. It is disabled but still loads the images on the page, even though we do not see them! So I had to go ahead and unhook it from home so that it does not load useless content. What is the logic there? If the module is disabled, why does its hook is still active? Also, I notice that a lot of modules have hooks everywhere, even modules who do not appear visually on the front end. I assume those in footers and headers are to load some javascript. But some of the positions for the rest do not make any sense. How can we determine what is safe to unhook and what is not? Thank you!
  5. I am getting the following errors in my php log: PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant _TB_IMAGE_MAP_ - assumed '_TB_IMAGE_MAP_' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in config/defines_uri.inc.php on line 66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78 PHP Warning: Illegal string offset 'categories' in defines_uri.inc.php on line 66 I get a 500 Error in the backend when I try to access Catalog>Products and Preference>Duplicate URLs. Eveyrthing else appears to work fine.
  6. Interesting. It at least gives me a direction to investigate. Thank you so much!
  7. Modules and themes catalog is empty for me. Normal? One page checkout was broken but got it fixed with the proposition that can be found on page one. Now, I have the same problem as Slick: All carriers logos are a no show.
  8. That is interesting. However, I only use the auto generated htaccess created by TB.
  9. If you guys went this morning (my time zone), all the caches were disabled. I was busy replacing some modules with the brand new HTML block module! I was able to replace about a dozen modules so far! Great touch! Caches should be back to normal now.
  10. Sorry! It used to be in my signature: https://www.librairiezbookstore.com. Thanks for the help.
  11. Hi guys! I have a problem that puzzles me. My website is really slow: clicking a link, even a link with barebones stuff in it, is very slow. But if I test pages directly, most of them load super fast. I have optimized my images, still have work to do to combine css and javascript but it is getting there, I score high on time to first byte for most of the pages and get high score for optimization and compression overall. Yet, clicking on a link can take up to ten seconds before the page is show. Entering the link directly in the browser is ten times faster. Anybody knows why? It does not matter what page. I have all the caches enabled, so I am at a loss for the probable cause. I also installed mod_page speed, which help with some of the css and javascript issues, but still does nothing for the very slow linkage. Could it be related to SSL? I checked the SSL and we score high too there for connectivity. Any clues will be appreciated.
  12. OK. I shall look into those. Thanks.
  13. I am using the Bleeding Edge version of TB. While trying to remove Custom CSS from the Custom Code menu, I get a 500 error. When I decode the exception error, I get this: Call to undefined method Configuration::updateValueRaw() in file classes/controller/AdminController.php at line 4479 Needless to say, I cannot remove the code I was trying to remove.
  14. I had this problem before. To simplify your life, use this script: <?php /*prepare list of broken images*/ require(dirname(__FILE__).'/config/config.inc.php'); // you might need to change the path to the file 'config.inc.php' if you are not in the root folder $id_lang = 1; //getting links for one language. This is enough to identify empty images $i = 0; $limit = 100; $filename = 'broken_urls.txt'; file_put_contents($filename, '', LOCK_EX); //remove old content //file_put_contents($filename, '', FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); //append content do { $images = Db::getInstance()->executeS(' select * from `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` i limit ' . (int)($i++ * $limit) . ', ' . (int)$limit . ' '); //receiving the stack of images foreach ($images as $image) { $imgObj = new Image($image['id_image'], $id_lang); $image_path = _PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_ . $imgObj->getImgPath() . '.' . $imgObj->image_format; if (!file_exists($image_path)) { //verifying, whether the file with the image exists $productObj = new Product($image['id_product'], NULL, $id_lang); //creating a product object for link generation print_r($image['id_product'] . ' => ' . Context::getContext()->link->getImageLink($productObj->link_rewrite, $image['id_image']) . chr(10)); //die; file_put_contents($filename, $image['id_product'] . ' => ' . Context::getContext()->link->getImageLink($productObj->link_rewrite, $image['id_image']) . chr(10), FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); echo '<br>'; } } } while(count($images)); echo 'success'; ?> By visiting the script (saved as a PHP file - I call mine broken_image_TB.php), the script will generate a text file called broken_urls. You can then go and fix them.
  15. Seems like the blockbanner module will not update - it keeps the yellow button requesting an update no matter what I do. All the others updated flawlessly.
  16. I currently have it disabled.
  17. I had read about that. They got wiped too! I was also told to add !important; at the end, but that did not work either...
  18. Is there a way, for example, to remove a product from a category after a certain date is reached? For example, I have a preorder category. I would like the products to automatically get removed from that category when their availability date is reached.
  19. Personally, I think it is way overdue and a great idea!
  20. The reason I am asking is that I have a module that needs to use fontawesome and something systematically strips anything that is placed inside /modules/slider/css. If I change the folder name, nothing gets stripped but for some reason, the CSS changes and it does not treat the images the same way. It is very odd. If I look at the code, all the forward slashes are stripped from the CSS, causing things to appear as F0... instead of the image it should be. HTML purifier is disabled. For example, the CSS should be: .tab-content .bx-controls-direction a.bx-prev:before { content: "\f0d9"; font-family: FontAwesome; padding: 0; } However, if put in a folder called css, no matter what I do, even adding !important;, the forward slash gets stripped: .tab-content .bx-controls-direction a.bx-prev:before { content: "f0d9"!important; font-family: FontAwesome; padding: 0; } If I change the name of the css folder to say views, then the arrows appear correctly but the rest of the CSS, which I did not change at all, does not behave like it does in the CSS folder, instead the images are cut off around the edges... Changing the folder name back to css seems to fix the issue. Very odd.
  21. Well, that is the source of all my problems. After speaking with tech support at my host, I finally learned that previous versions of ES, at least the free ones, are not secured. The server will not accept anything below 6.8 because there is no security in the older versions unless it is the paid versions. So it is impossible to make it work with the module at this point. For the record, it would have been nice to know which versions of ES are supported in the documentation - it would have saved me a week of stumbling in the dark...
  22. I managed to reinstall the module and it seems to work, although it still refuses to connect. The only version of elasticsearch I can manage to install on the server that actually connects properly on port 9200 is 6.8.0. No other version will work: neither before or after (7.1.1). I tried to delete the vendor folder, set a composer.json with 6.8.0, run composer update then composer install, and I get this error: Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages. Problem 1 - The requested package elasticsearch/elasticsearch 6.8.0 exists as elasticsearch/elasticsearch[0.4.x-dev, 1.0.x-dev, 2.0.x-dev, 5.0.x-dev,6.0.x-dev, 6.5.x-dev, 6.7.x-dev, 7.0.x-dev, dev-loekvangool-patch-1, dev-master, dev-sarwarbhuiyan-patch-1, dev-sarwarbhuiyan-patch-2, dev-sarwarbhuiyan-patch-2-1, dev-travis, v0.4.0, v0.4.1, v0.4.2, v0.4.3, v0.4.4, v0.4.5, v1.0, v1.0.1, v1.0.2, v1.1.0, v1.2.0, v1.2.1, v1.2.2, v1.3.0, v1.3.1, v1.3.2, v1.3.3, v1.3.4, v1.4.0, v1.4.1, v2.0.0, v2.0.0-beta1, v2.0.0-beta2, v2.0.0-beta3, v2.0.0-beta4, v2.0.0-beta5, v2.0.1, v2.0.2, v2.0.3, v2.1.0, v2.1.1, v2.1.2, v2.1.3, v2.1.4, v2.1.5, v2.2.0, v2.2.1, v2.2.2, v2.2.3, v2.3.0, v2.3.1, v2.3.2, v2.4.0, v5.0.0, v5.1.0, v5.1.1, v5.1.2, v5.1.3, v5.2.0, v5.3.0, v5.3.1, v5.3.2, v5.4.0, v6.0.0, v6.0.0-beta1, v6.0.1, v6.1.0, v6.5.0, v6.7.0, v6.7.1, v7.0.0, v7.0.1] but these arerejected by your constraint. So clearly the 6.8 package is not there... Like stated, I tried various other versions but they will not connect on port 9200 server side. As for the elasticsearch module, it used to see the elasticsearch version, now all its states is: Elasticsearch version:Unknown It still refused to connect to anything, regardless, claiming: Unable to connect with the Elasticsearch server. Has the connection been configured? Yet, if I run curl -X GET "localhost:9200/", I get the following: { "name" : "2ZwYVKY", "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch", "cluster_uuid" : "OTZDSTDgQieIL1C7AL4rZw", "version" : { "number" : "6.8.0", "build_flavor" : "default", "build_type" : "rpm", "build_hash" : "65b6179", "build_date" : "2019-05-15T20:06:13.172855Z", "build_snapshot" : false, "lucene_version" : "7.7.0", "minimum_wire_compatibility_version" : "5.6.0", "minimum_index_compatibility_version" : "5.0.0" }, "tagline" : "You Know, for Search" } Which is apparently what needs to be returned when the connection works... 😞 This has been an incredibly frustrating ordeal. In the meantime I found this: https://webkul.com/blog/prestashop-elastic-search/ It seems a little more well thought out and appears to be compatible with PS 1.6 - which most of the time works with TB. However, my level of success with developers being willing to fix things for TB versions has been pretty low so I am not sure if I want to risk $200 plus on a module considering the struggles I have encountered so far with elasticsearch. So currently looking for alternatives to the default search engine that actually works with TB without all the elasticsearch headaches. Any suggestions?
  23. I tried for many days now. I give up. It is not normal that a plugin has to have anyone jump through so many hoops without any clear path. I tried versions 5, 6 and 7 (I tried the composer.json trick another poster mentionned in here), I tried several things for days. Nothing works. They do say it is a beta but it does not work and there are no clear indications as to why in the errors logs. Is there any other alternatives to the native search engine that actually works with TB?
  24. I reinstalled 6.8 because that was the only one that had some sign of life in that stupid module. 5 will not connect at all, even after wiping everything. This is clearly not a workable solution. I tried about half a dozen times. It just won't do anything with 5. Elasticsearch, as promising as it sounds, is clearly not ready for primetime in Thirtybees!
  25. No, the port is clean. Nothing else on it. I went on github to get the latest version of the module. Things got worst. Now I get an error message: [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :/home/zbookstore/public_html/modules/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.php:require_once(): Failed opening required '/home/zbookstore/public_html/modules/elasticsearch/vendor/autoload.php' (include_path='/home/zbookstore/public_html/vendor/pear/archive_tar:/home/zbookstore/public_html/vendor/pear/console_getopt:/home/zbookstore/public_html/vendor/pear/pear-core-minimal/src:/home/zbookstore/public_html/vendor/pear/pear_exception:.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php71/root/usr/share/pear') I am going to have to look at something else - this thing is buggy as hell and clearly cannot do the job! Over 12 hours on it and still not even close! It makes no sense that a module be so complicated to setup!!!
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