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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. AndyC

    PCI Compliance

    Hey All I am using PayPal and Braintree for my payments.. I am not storing any card details only a reference number in regards to the transaction and of course PayPal ... Do I really need to be PCI Compliant ,or is SSL enough. More of a curiosity than anything else as I am failing on 5 minor items at the moment
  2. Yes it is .. Every module I have had including zencart has never had the correct option and you always have to edit text to correct this. Then every update it is yet another thing to remember where it is
  3. Module is coming along nicely ... Can I ask 1 for the people in the UK .. We don't use States , we have "County" Any chance there could be a option to choose either
  4. Been experimenting a bit with the module.. Am I imagining it or has the name changed from Chex... Anyway my question on the state drop down list I have my normal live ones that people can click on but also have the list of disabled States in the drop down list but greyed out ( I can't screen shot as list disappears every time I try ) .. In countries list in TB they are all disabled with a red X.. Apart from deleting them from the country list in TB is there a way to remove the greyed out drop down list
  5. I too actually like Chex , sadly I bought Knowband checkout first as Datakick had only just started developing it.. But yes it does need a error message then if even just a line in red if something is amiss.. But thanks for managing to point me in the right direction.. I've only just upgraded tonight... Am loving the way you can change details and add new items
  6. Oh bugger .. I see your point .. I am East Sussex with facebook .. I had West Sussex as my county .. So they didn't match .. Now that I have corrected on my account it is fine at checkout ...oops me at fault again
  7. Do you mean at checkout ..It's just blank ..Hop you can see it as I had to make it quite small to fit into 1 screenshot
  8. Please can I ask a general question ... I've got the full module installed TB 1.1.0 Chex 0.5.0 If I log in with my facebook account (that has my address registered under account) if I then checkout I am asked to fill out my address again ... If I do this on my Knowband website it doesn't ask me to fill out my address again.. Although if I make a account (via log in) it seems to work fine
  9. @rubben1985 .. I found a site that helps with redirects and it gave me from the first / ... It worked fine Have to leave out https website address Been going though my old version of website on another hosting and found my last sitemap file , so will try and work from that
  10. Not really. A lot of product names have changed somehow when importing them .. My real problem is trying to get hold of the old URL's ... I still have the old version sql database, but not sure if they are kept in there or if I can retrieve them
  11. Hi ..OK just figured it out ,have to use only from the first / and not site url and my first 1 is forwarding to right url .. Was always trying to use https etc which is why it was always failing..Will have to be next on my list as I am almost finished tidying up my meta descriptions Redirect 301 /es/concepto-lesielle-cosmetica-personalizada/13 /es/concepto-lesielle-cosmetica-personalizada_13
  12. It would be 1 at a time as I will have to go though the list and find the new live link
  13. I do have a list of old urls , but everything I have tried leads to errors with TB as not sure how to do a redirect correctly for multiple urls
  14. Yeah the order I mentioned was a repeat customer. I remembered the name as it so unusual. But will keep plugging away and finding things to improve
  15. Yes I have tested payments and so has Knowband tested it all too. Also had a order about a month ago.. I have matomo installed and it shows you when someone goes though the checkout
  16. Yeah I have json installed and filled in.. I see the errors on the link but have no way of figuring them out or how to fix it. I know they only warnings
  17. I had to started from scratch and I realise that is 99% of why sales have dropped. I am just trying to do the very best I can to get the best out of TB. Hopefully in time for the Xmas rush.. Like my Google indexed pages have finally reached near to 1000 pages and error count is dropping so things are going in the right direction.. Can't hire anyone now as thanks to google ads they have now bled me dry
  18. Hi ....Just checked eans and the are stored in the right place.. I think reviews are working fine on google as when I search products with stars they are showing up. More worried about google console and these warnings.. I have read they can have a negative impact on your site.. I sometimes regret moving over as I was getting orders with Zencart .. Haven't had a proper sale since moving over
  19. Almost 2 Months on and I still have this issue with google console.. I have the full Revws module.. Have filled in the Brand and obviously have description filled in.. About 99% of products have a gtin code.. How do you go about getting rid of these errors in TB or do none of you have these console errors
  20. Decided this afternoon it was time to set-up prestools and learn how to use it I now wish I had done this sooner. As after learning what I was doing wrong before. I got passed the install and set-up and managed to get in and use it for the first time. Just done about 3 days work in a couple of hours lol as opening every page in admin does take hours.. Also going to make my next project of meta titles and descriptions much much easier.. The only thing I see is it doesn't show you how many letters you are using , so will have to keep an eye on that.Going to have to install it on my shops as well sometime Thanks for the great tool
  21. Thanks ..I was looking for manufacturer.. Thought brand was something else as when I used it all I got was the default image . Although I do need to move it up a bit if at all possible Get a error page when I tried with this .. I may have taken to much {if ($show_brand_logo>1 && $product_manufacturer->id_manufacturer) || (isset($sttheme.display_pro_tags) && $sttheme.display_pro_tags>1 && isset($product->tags[$cookie->id_lang]) && count($product->tags[$cookie->id_lang]))} <div class="product_extra_info_wrap"> {if $show_brand_logo>1 && $product_manufacturer->id_manufacturer} <p id="product_manufacturer_info" class="product_extra_info clearfix"> <span class="product_extra_info_label">{l s='Brand:'} </span> <a {if $enable_google_rich_snippets} itemprop="brand" itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Organization" {/if} href="{$link->getmanufacturerLink($product_manufacturer->id_manufacturer, $product_manufacturer->link_rewrite)}" title="{l s='All products of this manufacturer'}" target="_top"> {if $enable_google_rich_snippets}<meta itemprop="name" content="{$product_manufacturer->name}" />{/if} {if $show_brand_logo==2} {$product_manufacturer->name} {else} <img {if $enable_google_rich_snippets} itemprop="image" {/if} alt="{$product_manufacturer->name}" class="replace-2x" src="{$img_manu_dir}{$product_manufacturer->id_manufacturer}-manufacturer_default.jpg" /> {/if} </a> </p>
  22. Hi I can't really find any real information about "manufacturer" tab under accessories , Can anyone enlighten me on the use of this Like does it help in SEO mostly and if yes is there a way to get it to show on the product page , don't really want a image just the name tia
  23. Thanks for confirming...First time I've seen that so wasn't 100% sure
  24. Quick question plz ... Under automation tab a customer has this message under sending status We don't have permission to contact this customer Does that mean they have not tick the consent box to send emails
  25. Hi Just found a spelling mistake under translations " revws-review-request " found subscribe spelt wrong. I have corrected myself may need corrected your end as well
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