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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. lol As you can see I just figured it out lol But I normally say "your theme "
  2. Hi Have looked everywhere and don't have a webpoint folder or files
  3. No, but am still waiting for wrong country under company name
  4. I think you may be after the same thing I did that worked .Go to live view and there should be a removal button to delete the paypal button.. I know there are other ways ,bu tit was the easiest..Oops I see you say product pages , so may not work there.. If not try the positions there may be a way to remove there too
  5. Sorry 🙂 ..You did say that 😁
  6. AndyC

    Payment Method

    Why do I always seem to have issues with payment modules.... ex PayPal was working great on my 1 checkout module ,I am upgrading to Chex module but I get the same old return to checkout rather than going to PayPal so I can pay
  7. Also may have found another issue.. When using social log in ie logging in via facebook.When checking out it is still asking me for my name ..It should only just ask me for my address as the name is already there Can I also ask ..When checking out you full in country first and state county and you have to do it all again when filling in address.Should it not pick that up from previous page .So it stops all this repeat of lists
  8. Find images under preferences / admin and regenerate them all and see if that works
  9. Gave up waiting for a extended trial and bought it Although I do have a problem with it already... I have added extras and they don't show up when you go though to checkout out. Also having a issue with payments not working correctly Image just a example of what is needed ..Hopefully it can be done
  10. It is a PDF .. It's the delivery note image I've added. I don't use invoice as the customer can do it themselves if they need to
  11. Hi Under orders tab when I go to print out either a Invoice or Delivery Slip on a order I end up with with the wrong country under my Shop Name.. I did a quick google search and there was 1 that said put the country under Contact details. But hasn't made a difference , it still says United States.. Any other ideas as to how I can get it to say United Kingdom Using Latest Version and Panda 1.5.1
  12. I know you would think these dev's would jump at the chance to revive their dead 1.6 modules as 1.7 is now the version
  13. Yes with signut.. Am pretty sure UK is Length, Width and Height as said
  14. I'm still waiting to find out what they all mean from a post from last year I think.. If there is no way to understand them I would also like to stop getting them
  15. I've had this before..Clear all your cache, browser in admin and host .. I think what is happening it is picking up a outdated version.. You may be different but try anyway
  16. I would update first to the latest versions of panda 1.5.3 and TB 1.1.0
  17. Maybe also.. Who is your provider for ex siteground has a limit and has caused me no end of hassle. Am looking for a new provider
  18. I had this exact same problem with Braintree .Payment options only showed up after they logged in.. I too have lost a lot of customers this way.. I have since removed and am trying to organise alternative payment methods that show up whether they are logged in or not
  19. Don't think it is that was the 1st version worked ,so the latest should work too
  20. Yes I know you said before 🙂 which is why I want to trial it again before buying.. If I am able to
  21. When chex first came out I tried it and it worked fine but wasn't really any good at the time so chose supercheckout instead. I just want to check Stripe with Chex and if it works I'll be buying a 2nd licence as it works fine on my other website which is on another Host site.
  22. I am now seriously looking into changing to Chex and getting rid of my Knowband checkout as nice as it is it can't take stripe and I can't update it.I reinstalled the module but all I get is a 500 page.. I know I ask before but is it possible to have another trial period to try and be able to sort out why it doesn't work thanks
  23. AndyC

    New Theme

    Basically that was why I was asking .. I don't want to buy a template and find it is useless ... I was sort of hoping there were other templates that worked OK.. Even Panda has serious issues which I have buy a years cover just to get it fixed , which I do find a little unfair when I haven't made any money yet by moving over to TB so can't afford to keep buying buying buying
  24. AndyC

    New Theme

    Just the normal things like quick view, Something where you can buy a set and just a nice layout with a category on the left hand side like the TB theme
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