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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. Yeah I have loads of un answered questions.. Like the latest about what theme you use .. It looks like every one uses Panda and warehouse
  2. Mine is already ticked on v 0.6.4 ..Haven't manually checked module says it is Don't know , but may be making the change soon if I get my money back from knowband..1 of their modules just doesn't work for me.So swapping over
  3. Have I found a error ????.. I would have thought password would be a requirement and should be in red as well .. Or am I wrong
  4. AndyC

    New Theme

    Hi I am looking for a new theme for my jewellery website... I don't want to use a Sunnytoo theme ( not against them as have Panda already for my main site ) Just looking for something simple and clean looking and works with TB..What other themes are in use for TB with members as I have seen different styles Thanks
  5. I have a different checkout anyway .but thanks for the warning.. These damn tabs are going to be the death of me. I just wish I could find a module that will work by letting other modules into tabs..
  6. No.. is the honest answer.. I may get my guy who helps me with issues to have a look.. Need to update Panda properly first.. I have tabs and just can't figure out how it's been done and upgrading easy checkout as well
  7. It works on 1 site but not the other ...It may be because I have fast easy checkout installed
  8. I'm more after the code I would need as I know it can be added
  9. While I see this thread. Is there a way to add a the tick box to other places rather than just create account.
  10. When I go to checkout and go though the process and click pay , it opens up a box to pay. When you press the pay button it goes back to my checkout to pay again
  11. OK am using PayPal ..Stripe just goes round and round ..Mollie you need a tax number .2checkout wants me to remove modules. List is endless. Waiting for skrill and Nochex to clear as used to have accounts with them
  12. Don't know where this post came from ... But I am having a hard time finding a decent Payment option.Every time I do I find the module doesn't work or there is a monthly fee or I need a tax number Is there a list of payment gateways as at the moment I have 20 or so and none of them work for me as I need If there isn't a list of fee and monthly options would be great
  13. I did wonder.. As I tried delete orders module from my presta ... Have had a 20 to remove. I only saw after that it doesn't remove everything. But was just a coincidence that I pressed Out standing module
  14. Hi I was going though some tabs and my outstanding tab has a 500 page error ( Never really used it to be honest) Anyway turned on debug mode and got this error message with line 175 in red Is this a easy fix Source file: controllers/admin/AdminOutstandingController.php 156: /** 157: * Print outstanding calculation 158: * 159: * @param int $idInvoice 160: * @param array $tr 161: * 162: * @return string 163: * @throws PrestaShopException 164: * 165: * @since 1.0.0 166: */ 167: public function printOutstandingCalculation($idInvoice, $tr) 168: { 169: $orderInvoice = new OrderInvoice($idInvoice); 170: if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($orderInvoice)) { 171: throw new PrestaShopException('object OrderInvoice cannot be loaded'); 172: } 173: $order = new Order($orderInvoice->id_order); 174: if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($order)) { 175: throw new PrestaShopException('object Order cannot be loaded'); 176: } 177: $customer = new Customer((int) $order->id_customer); 178: if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($orderInvoice)) { 179: throw new PrestaShopException('object Customer cannot be loaded'); 180: } 181: 182: return '<b>'.Tools::displayPrice($customer->getOutstanding(), $this->context->currency).'</b>'; 183: } 184: 185: /**
  15. AndyC


    Hi ..I definitely know it is there as I have seen it ..But not sure if it is a C or c.. Have just downloaded and all are lower case except the Readme file..
  16. AndyC


    Just thought I would test on another website and host ..Get the same result
  17. LOL ..Looked this morning and had over 200 emails... I think it is down to my hosting .. As my other site stopped getting them once I moved over
  18. AndyC


    Hi Yes can add other modules... I've added about 10 or more in the last few days ,mostly payments ,of which some didn't work or more to the point some just didn't work correctly. But they all loaded OK and installed
  19. Good luck for next week .. Hope all goes well
  20. Well either the emails have stopped or it's working as not received 1 of them for an hour thank you
  21. AndyC


    Is anyone using this module... I only ask as it is not working at all for me I've used ftp and used the add now button and both fail to install. After I have added it does not show up on the Modules list.. although there is a error that appears /mywebsitename/myhtml/modules/nochex/config.xml could not be loaded. Any idea what this can be thanks
  22. I do think you should give the guys time to answer the question. They may well be off doing other things like family or just having some time off at this time of year.
  23. Thanks ...Will have a go this evening and see how it goes
  24. Sorry to sound stupid but how do I do it as a override
  25. If it was in the right place it's not working ..Got 5 more emails. I thought putting down my other website address as a email but that didn't help either
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