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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. AndyC


    It seems to be global as even checkout prices are blue product is id="our_price_display" Category id "class="price product-price" checkout id= "total_product_price_859_0_0"
  2. AndyC


    That was my first thought too, but the code I added wasn't for colour .But deleted it anyway.. Actually the odd thing was I changed this colour (blue) about 3 weeks and Friday evening I cleared my browser history and it changed within a page refresh. I've also changed the colour of the basket number from red to white and that hasn't changed either. I've also turned off cache for now,cleared my cache from host site ftp cleared smarty Even renamed cache folder to see if that would help lol.. Any other changes I make go though OK ,just colours seem to stubborn
  3. First off Happy New Year Everyone When I first joined I was doing very well on my previous site (although very well is different to every merchant) and was happy to donate in the beginning.. Sadly choices I made were not great and sales plummeted to zero, so I had to stop.. It's been a 2 year long process of getting my website up and running to a decent status, where orders are now being taken. I am only a drop shipper and don't get a lot of orders at the best of times being in the gift arena, but I do it for the love of Pewter.. .. If things start improving I may be able to start donating again. But prestashop modules don't always work as well as they should.. My biggest shock came when I had to start adding attributes and there was no way to add a cost to them, that should be the core and any platform. It would also be nice if there was a option for someone to charge a reasonable fee to fix issues a merchant has.When ever I have asked in the past there has never been any help so end up having to use or 1 of the hiring sites to get things done and that in itself has issues too
  4. AndyC


    @colorful-ant ... Could you help out with another issue My price colour has changed from red to blue I am sure this is the right option in theme's to change.. I've cleared cache even deleted smarty stuff
  5. AndyC


    Just be careful the litespeed module , it caused issues with my website.. Maybe not yours but check it over first
  6. AndyC


    Oh bother.. Thank you, I looked on that page and must have missed it
  7. AndyC


    I have for the first time used TB attributes list and have no idea how to remove this from the category page I'm using bleeding edge and Panda.. I've had to make image so tiny to fit it all in so you can see. It's a drop down list, 2 of them But on product page it is fine any ideas on how to fix this
  8. lol ..Yeah was reporting them as soon as they were posted lol
  9. I would love help, it's just hard to find and I welcome criticism as it can only improve things ... But yes I agree the logo is rubbish.. It was made 9 years ago when I first started and it's 1 of the things on the cards to do but not sure what I want to do with it. I have already changed the text and put a bit of colour in ... I'll look at it again ... Thanks
  10. AndyC

    UK sellers to EU

    Doubt it, as it all came into effect before we left.. Although it would be nice to scrap it as is such an annoyance
  11. I asked on another forum to critique my website.. The most common theme was it looked very dated and am using the Panda theme 😮
  12. AndyC

    UK sellers to EU

    Me too. I don't really sell to any other country as postage is a killer.. I do have the option now may just remove the EU countries completely as I don't really want to due to breakages
  13. Hopefully not like the agreement though as we haven't really left 100%
  14. Only reason I would move over is that all my modules can be converted to PS
  15. I thought as much, but doesn't hurt in asking with someone who knows better.Pity as my TB is failing on 7 points
  16. Can someone advise about the £100 PayPal module from the store https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-modules/payment/paypal-advanced Do you need to be PCI compliant for this module or is it just another page that opens up for payment Any other advice about it
  17. Preferences / Products / Pagination choose Default order by
  18. Might be the image is missing from Preferences / Images .. Also further down Regenerate thumbnails
  19. Panda on 1 site and the standard theme on another
  20. I am using the 3 page from toplakd
  21. I have seen a slight issue with social log in.. They forget which 1 they used lol
  22. I don't have create account any more.. I use social log in and guest checkout.. Don't know if it is a bad thing or not. but I too have the same issue on guest, Most people just put both addresses details on a single line if needed.. At least this year my checkout has had a good run and a very low abandon cart rate
  23. Sorry ...Edited I just see it's guest checkout ...So maybe already correct here Go to Localization / Countries..edit the country in question.. go to addresses tab and add address 2 under address 1 on the left and save.. So you end up with something like this firstname lastname company Country:name address1 address2 city State:name postcode phone If you are using the 3 page checkout from here it doesn't seem to work
  24. Have you any modules that add tabs to your products when creating new items example I have a extra tab that has caused issues in the past only trying to help
  25. Stupid question I know. Have you tried refreshing the page to see if it goes away.. I have issues sometimes when the page doesn't load correctly I get different errors come up sometimes
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