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Everything posted by Traumflug

  1. Delete cache/class_index.php, it might be outdated. It'll get recreated automatically.
  2. All these releases should appear in 1.0.7 and earlier as well, except for tbupdater.
  3. Aaaand ... yet another chunk. These are all just code maintenance releases: ctconfiguration blocklanguages blockmyaccount blockmyaccountfooter blockpaymentlogo blockpermanentlinks blockreinsurance blockspecials blocktopmenu blockuserinfo tbupdater themeconfigurator blocklayered These have additional fixes: blocklayered: Fixed a retrocompatibility bug, settings from earlier versions should work now. Thanks to @Captain-FLAM! blocktopmenu: New feature to limit the menu level depth. It defaults to 2. Thanks to @pauld-codes! tbupdater: Disable the configuration page. Merchants should (and can) no longer update thirty bees core with this module. There is now Core Updater. Nevertheless, tbupdater should stay installed, it's still needed for module updates. tbupdater: Upgrade to the new version on thirty bees 1.0.8 or later, only. To allow merchants to still update to thirty bees 1.0.8 using the previous version. Cheers!
  4. It's probably not too complex. For each CSV line do: Try to find a matching product in the database. With a match found, load it: $myProduct = new Product($idProduct); If there is no match, create a new product: $myProduct = new Product(); Copy CSV data into this found/new product. $product->save(); For getting rid of products no longer in the CSV, one has to go through all products in the database and try to find a match for each in the CSV. In chunks of 10 or 100, of course.
  5. These are all code maintenance releases: homeslider homefeatured vatnumber trackingfront producttooltip productscategory productpaymentlogos blocknewsletter blockmanufacturer blocklink blocksearch blocksharefb blocktags blockviewed ecbexchange crossselling dashgoals dashactivity dashproducts dashtrends socialsharing statsdata sendtoafriend These have additional fixes/changes: homeslider: new images for thirty bees 1.1.0. homefeatured: A distinct template for the tab on the home page, views/templates/hook/homefeatured_home.tpl. Default is compatible with theme community-theme-default. As with all templates, this can get overridden by the theme, but doesn't have to. Most of the releases in the list above were actually done by @datakick, big THANK YOU to him!
  6. Looking at the code ... https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/blob/1.0.x/classes/ObjectModel.php#L538 ... save() makes always sense. It does an update() for existing objects and an add() for not yet existing ones.
  7. This isn't much of a surprise. With a user being logged in, additional data, like its address, is available, which can give reasons for not having a carrier, of course.
  8. If it's just about syntax, there are HTML validators, like https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=https%3A%2F%2Ffront.thirtybees.com%2F Even the default theme isn't entirely free of warnings, still you can look up whether your theme shows more glitches.
  9. The camera image is --you guessed it-- a placeholder image. Nice thing is, it gets delivered for the original URL. Which means, one can look up the URL of each camera image (they likely have distinct URLs) to find out what's missing.
  10. Obviously this didn't happen. The day after the 1.1.0 preview publication some 20-30 commits appeared in the repo. If I build a distribution package with this, I get this for the shop front page ... ... so I'm kind of back to square one. Building a distribution package for previews and testing this goes like this: ./build.sh --no-validate HEAD
  11. This text is embedded in the image, here's the sample banner: https://github.com/thirtybees/blockbanner/blob/master/img/sale70.png (also in modules/blockbanner/img/ in your shop installation). Accordingly, to create a different text, it needs a different image, made by GIMP or PhotoShop.
  12. It's just a lack of a default message, nothing serious. To not forget it: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/982
  13. Not really. Three times more Debian/Ubuntu installations than CentOS: https://w3techs.com/technologies/details/os-linux/all/all
  14. By looking up each modules' repository. It's Open Source! https://github.com/thirtybees
  15. True, I forgot to upload the famous all.json. Corrected a minute ago.
  16. These are all just code maintenance releases: bankwire blockbanner blockbestsellers blockcategories blockcms blockcmsinfo blockcontact blockcontactinfos blockcurrencies blockcustomerprivacy blockfacebook These have additional fixes: blockcart: support for properly rounded prices ... to be continued tomorrow.
  17. Let's not forget this: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/978
  18. In the upcoming days, a whole lot of releases of existing modules are planned. Sometimes just code maintenance, sometimes substantial improvements. I'll post release notes here, so you don't have to look up all of them on Github. Today it's Core Updater: Make the Ignore community themes switch aware of the new community theme, Niara. Substantial performance improvement when scanning large sets of (product) images. Some hosts simply timed out when searching 100,000 product images, making updates impossible. Code maintenance. coreupdater-v1.1.0.zip (also arriving in your back office)
  19. This will happen as part of the release. And I hope I don't forget to copy community-theme-default translations to Niara, because as far as I can see, they're pretty much the same. Niara is about looking good, so mostly Sass/CSS changes.
  20. Let's not forget this: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/976
  21. Your fix looks good! https://github.com/thirtybees/niara/commit/61440184b371d09ea91069e0b790b01e11b130e4 Maybe the first time we see delivery times for all carriers 🙂
  22. Done: https://github.com/thirtybees/niara
  23. Just in case anybody is interested, here's a preview of thirty bees 1.1.0. It still shows up as version 1.0.8 after installation. thirtybees-v1.1.0-preview.zip
  24. ... and for those who care about email security. Phishers can't hide URLs or do fancy JavaScript tricks in plain text.
  25. Yes, this was the idea. Actually working on improvements turned out that one can pretty much always provide a backwards compatibility path. What's left is removal of old, no longer needed stuff. For example, PHP 5.5 support. Or support for the old (pre PS 1.5) image storage layout. Or support for multiple encryption algorithms. Or support for mixed secure/insecure pages. Lots of performance and reliability improvement opportunities without breaking existing themes and existing installations.
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