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Everything posted by Traumflug

  1. It's certainly not as simple as clicking an 'update' button. thirty bees comes with a plethora of jQuery related files, one can update only all or nothing. On top of this, jQuery 3 is similar, but not entirely compatible with jQuery 1. There are compatibility files for mitigating the distinction. That said, jQuery 1.12 is considered to be safe (and compatible with the current 1.11.1). A request to update to 3.4 looks like a simple "use always the highest version number"-policy, without looking at the actual risks.
  2. I recently investigated such an installation and found that some files simply get deleted. This is what the hoster wrote: "Unfortunately, these files are deleted because our Firewall system consider them as suspicious. To my regret, they cannot be whitelisted. It is necessary to check these files and change the script." Notably, deleted files in question weren't uploaded directly through the network, but as a ZIP (module) package, so it's certainly not a firewall issue. Unpacking the ZIP resulted in 2 or 3 of the files missing, all others unpacked fine. I simply see no other choice than to turn off this "firewall", or if this is no option, to change hosting. If a hoster deletes files without telling the exact rules by which this is done, there is no chance to build a reliable system. That said, in the investigated case it worked to upload logos from another device. Uploaded from a desktop PC in the U.S. deleted the file, upload from a PC in the EU, or from a mobile device, worked. Totally bonkers.
  3. Antivirus on the server could delete such a logo. Solution is to turn this off. Antivirus on Linux is pointless.
  4. Rounding to 10 Rappen needs no code changes. One can set the number of decimals in general preferences, set this to 1 and turn auto-formatting of the currency off. Only caveat then: display after the decimal is limited to one digit then as well. As the second digit is always zero, it can get hardcoded in the theme. About prices and rounding: https://thirtybees.com/blog/prices-done-right/
  5. Da sollte man sich vielleicht nicht all zu sehr am Begriff "Rückerstattung" aufhalten. Technisch gesehen ist das einfach eine Rückabwicklung dessen, was vorher ausgestellt und bezahlt wurde.
  6. This 'keys' definition is used for database upgrades, only. Unused in normal operations.
  7. 4 hours ago, Occam said: You can avoid warnings like this by changing the count() function to _iscountable(): Not really. An empty array has a count of zero, but is countable: php > echo count([]); 0 php > echo is_countable([]); 1
  8. Ich betreibe zwar keinen Shop, doch Mindermengenzuschläge nerven. Da kauft man mehr als man braucht, nur um den Zuschlag los zu werden. Der Kunde bezahlt mehr, der Händler muss für's gleiche Geld mehr Ware verschicken, eine Loose-Loose-Situation. Deutlich angenehmer sind Staffelpreise. Braucht man nur drei Schrauben, kostet das Stück eben einen Euro. Juckt die Leute nicht sonderlich, deswegen kommen z.B. Baumärkte mit ihren Apothekenpreisen durch. Die Profis bekommen dagegen für ihren 500er-Pack einen konkurrenzfähigen Preis.
  9. People not talking about the module doesn't mean they don't use it. Quite possibly the opposite is true: it works flawlessly, nobody has questions. And yes, that's kind of a trap. All too often, crappy stuff gets more popular, because people have to talk about its quirks.
  10. Disabling a module just disables it. Which means, all hooks and overrides stay in place. To get rid of a module, one should uninstall and delete it.
  11. Still couldn't find any fault, uploading the logo worked just fine for me. 🤷‍♂️ ... which should solve the problem.
  12. This URL looks entirely fine. I'll have to look at this myself.
  13. I'd consider this to be a broken hosting. Especially when returning 503 instead of just queuing/delaying requests. 15+ simultaneous requests isn't that unusual, could be 20 images on a static page as well.
  14. Could you copy the URL of this not existing page into here, please? If there's something like 'adminXYZ' inside, where XYZ are some random characters, please remove them before posting. Also, did you move the shop in the file system, perhaps? Like renaming its folder or moving it into another folder? One can do this, but there's some extra work required. Renaming the shop is a bit hidden. Go to back office -> Preferences -> Store Contacts, then scroll down the page, there's a tab "Contact Details". First line is the shop name.
  15. Bonus points if you tell us the name of this plugin 🙂
  16. Setting up about 20 carriers (one for each variant) should do this. All these carriers can have the same icon and (AFAIK) even the same name, so customers barely recognize the distinction. And I wouldn't be surprised if eBay does it the same way, just hides this from merchants. Go to back office -> Localization -> Zones and set up a zone with just Ireland. Then set up a carrier which ships to just this zone (the just created zone will appear there), set billing to "According to weight" and limit weight to >= 0.00 kg and < 1.00 kg. For having a distinct carrier for other (cheaper) products, one has to define another carrier with the same settings (except price). On the "Shipping" tab of each product one can set which carriers can ship the product. Select only the ones you want. On cheap products, select the carrier(s) for cheap products, on expensive products select the carrier(s) for expensive products. It's certainly some work for all the combinations possible, but the fine grained control needed for this kind of setup is there.
  17. That's exactly the problem. I take it's futile to tell people that one can't cache dynamic pages as long as there are guys promising miracles. Some merchants have to learn by experience.
  18. Yet another attempt missing the point. Most shop pages are dynamic for a reason, not because programmers are too silly to make them static. We had extended discussions about this with the full page cache, featured directly by thirty bees. Before putting such a module into production, make sure it always gives the expected results, even when using it as distinct customers, from distinct countries, with distinct currencies, with distinct languages, with distinct cart content, with changed featured products, with changed prices, with distinct vouchers, and so on.
  19. While I couldn't reproduce the exact case you describe, this patch indeed removes some odd distortion of the manufacturer description. Probably code which was useful before HTML for these descriptions was introduced. Picked to 1.1.x to get it into the next release, see https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/commit/cba15288e79dc724ea237f78b40e2151bd7140f9
  20. Let's not forget this: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/1077
  21. Regarding improperly uninstalled modules: residuals in the database are usually harmless. More crucial are not uninstalled overrides, which one can find and uninstall with this module: https://github.com/thirtybees/overridecheck/releases
  22. Got it. This small change to Core Updater fixes it: https://github.com/thirtybees/coreupdater/commit/56ef3e2e1eb0e7ab9175477d9365ae33e6167a4e
  23. The workaround is to shorten the browser window. If I had code to fix this issue, I had committed it already 🙂
  24. A '@' is mandatory part of an email address, obviously. Perhaps you could give us a few examples of addresses which should work, but don't.
  25. This is (kind of a) syntax error message and usually easy to solve. Surprise here is, why was this message found now, while dozens of shops use this module already?
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