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APC cache has been enabled, but the APC or APCu extension is not available




While running the TB migrator module we came along the following error when pressing configure:


APC cache has been enabled, but the APC or APCu extension is not available
at line 43 in file classes/cache/CacheApc.php

38.      * CacheApcCore constructor.
39.      */
40.     public function __construct()
41.     {
42.         if (!extension_loaded('apc') && !extension_loaded('apcu')) {
43.             throw new PrestaShopException('APC cache has been enabled, but the APC or APCu extension is not available');
44.         }
45.         $this->apcu = extension_loaded('apcu');
46.     }
48.     /**

    CacheApcCore->__construct - [line 131 - classes/cache/Cache.php]
    CacheCore::getInstance - [line 175 - modules/psonesixmigrator/psonesixmigrator.php]
    PsOneSixMigrator->getContent - [line 868 - controllers/admin/AdminModulesController.php]
    AdminModulesControllerCore->postProcessCallback - [line 1117 - controllers/admin/AdminModulesController.php]
    AdminModulesControllerCore->postProcess - [line 178 - classes/controller/Controller.php]
    ControllerCore->run - [line 43 - override/classes/controller/Controller.php]
    Controller->run - [line 367 - classes/Dispatcher.php]
    DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 58 - admin/index.php]

Can I just under WHM -> Module Installers -> install those modules? Without interfering in the current installations?

Or does this error comes from somewhere else? In my mind it did not happen on another installation on the same server (php.ini is not changed)

We are trying the migrator in a test environment.


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On 4/23/2019 at 8:15 AM, wakabayashi said:

Does anybody use APC Cache?

When I try to save a manufacturer in BO, I also get: APCu cache has been enabled, but the APCu extension is not available.

Edit: Probably this was caused, since I changed the php version some time ago...

That's exactly when I get this! When I save a manufacturer. How is this fixed? I can't add any manufactures now, and I am starting to get more clients. Please assist asap. 😞

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        if (!extension_loaded('apcu')) {
            throw new PrestaShopException('APCu cache has been enabled, but the APCu extension is not available');

This exception is thrown because apcu php extension is not loaded. You need to configure your server. How to do this exactly depends on your hosting provider, on platform you are using, etc. For inspiration: https://serverpilot.io/docs/how-to-install-the-php-apcu-extension/

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