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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to know too, was looking forward to it! Dont wanna go the way back to PS, but there are too many problems with Paypal Module etc


Seems that Mollie module migration for TB is not coming. But who knows..

You talk about PayPal module issues. Are you referring to the PS or TB version?


Well, both, kind of.

With the TB Module i get no order confirmation page where you see the order overview and can make the final click.

With the PS Module im still using, i cant upgrade to the newest version because it stops working, so i keep an old one, which can be disadvantage in security etc of course.


PS module is working. I'm using 3.17.0

Replace L2761 with following line in paypal.php

            'cart_image_size' => version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.5', '<') ? 'small' : (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.6', '<') ? ImageType::getFormatedName('small') : ImageType::getFormatedName('cart')),
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  • 2 weeks later...

I am using since two years`? the PS version: V3.5.5


But I thought that the module development for PS V1.6 and TB stopped in 2021, too?

I am now very confused why you use V3.17. And moreover, I found a git repo 'mollie/Prestashop1.6" and it says:

Changes in release 4.5.3
GitHub Release notes:
1.6.1.x - 1.6.x.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.x - 7.3.x


  • Fixed href issue where html was escaped
  • Removed reference variables from translations.
  • Fixed issue where not secure credit card would sometimes throw error on checkout.
  • Fixed issue where on php5.6 order api would not change status in some cases.


It says it is not compatible with php8.x and as far as I can remember there were endless issues with the mollie module in those days. Active development for PS1.7+ seems to be much more stable. So, I hoped we could expect to use an up-to-date mollie module for Thirtybees, too. Mollie has become a big PSP in Europe.



Posted (edited)

Thread went into Paypal PS module direction 🙂 so my comment was regarding latest working Paypal module not Mollie
PS Paypal module v3.17 is latest compatible (when modified for php 8.x) with TB and PS1.6

Edited by toplakd
  • 1 month later...
On 4/27/2023 at 6:42 PM, toplakd said:

PS module is working. I'm using 3.17.0

Replace L2761 with following line in paypal.php

            'cart_image_size' => version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.5', '<') ? 'small' : (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.6', '<') ? ImageType::getFormatedName('small') : ImageType::getFormatedName('cart')),

I also use this module without the code change you described. I regularly receive payments through this module. What is the effect of omitting the change?


But since this is about Mollie - I'm having compatibility issues with PHP 8.1 and contacted the support. The support of the PS module wrote me the following answer:

"Thank you for the additional information.

At the moment, we have a stable Mollie version for PrestaShop 1.6, which is compatible with PHP 5.6.x - 7.3.x, so the errors are related to a PHP version mismatch.

For the time being, we are not planning on updating this version of the module, as compatibility with PHP 8.1 is possible with the latest versions of the module 5.4.0 and 6.0.0, which are created for PS 1.7.0-8.0.x.

The task is added to our backlog, although, I can promise when or even if this task is going to be added to our development roadmap"


  • 10 months later...

I am now running the 3.3.1 version of Mollie with Thirty Bees 1.4.0 (compiled for PHP 7.4) and PHP 8.1. It works but I am stuck. Upgrading Thirty Bees will crash my Mollie module. And newer versions of the module don't make a difference. 

Are there any plans for an upgrade?

19 hours ago, musicmaster said:

I am now running the 3.3.1 version of Mollie with Thirty Bees 1.4.0 (compiled for PHP 7.4) and PHP 8.1. It works but I am stuck. Upgrading Thirty Bees will crash my Mollie module. And newer versions of the module don't make a difference. 

Are there any plans for an upgrade?


1 hour ago, 30knees said:

Mollie v4.5.3 works!

Mollie module, like many other modules, depends on third party libraries. These libraries are part of  module zip file. And module contains some specific version of the library. For example, mollie it can contains on guzzle v6.0 while stripe can contain guzzle v7.0.

These libraries are load on demand using autoloader. The first module that is used will load its version of library. 

For example, if the stripe module hook is called first, then system will use guzzle v7. If the mollie hook is called first, system will use guzzle v6. What's worse, system can use different library versions for different requests. 

So, if the module works on not may depend on existence (and installation order) of other modules in the system. Crazy.

There is nothing tb core can do to prevent this.

We can implement some detection mechanism and warn user if there are two (or more) versions of the same library on classpath. But that's about that.

  • Like 1

Mollie module is the reason why I have not upgraded Thirtybees, too. Thinking about getting rid of it and using PayPal only as 8 years ago, or worse.


Native mollie modue is coming soon. It will have it's library dependencies namespaced / prefixed, so the problems I wrote above will not be present.

The module is based on latest mollie version for prestashop backported to thirtybees - some functionality had to be stripped because they utilized ps17 features, but most of it survived.  

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1
  • 4 months later...
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