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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. @Occam Thanks for your answer. I have seen the fix already before, but I guess this will soon be included in the bleeding edge anyway.
  2. I can not confirm this for my shop, but didn't test this long. Could you downgrade to 1.0.8 with core update, to see if the problem is away? It takes a only a few seconds to down/upgrade, so its very easy to test this things.
  3. We create a lot of orders from BO. So it's possible but could (and probably should) be improved.
  4. I can confirm that with german. We have the same issues...
  5. Yeah you would need to copy it somewhere and then execute it. I normally add it to the get_content method of a module. Then go to modules page and click on configuration. Thath will trigger it. I don't think there is an easy solution, to achieve this. You need an array with all the info. Unfortunately I can't find any function that allows this. Of course you could create a function that returns the needed info.
  6. I dont know about datakicks module. Probably he will respond here too. If you really wanna add this fastly you could use the following script. But please make a backup before. $ids_add_accessory = [3862, 3861]; $query = new DbQuery(); $query->select('id_product'); $query->from('product'); $ids_product = array_column(Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($query), 'id_product'); $inserts = array(); foreach ($ids_product as $id_product) { foreach ($ids_add_accessory as $id_add_accessory) { if ($id_product!=$id_add_accessory) { $inserts[] = array( 'id_product_1' => $id_product, 'id_product_2' => $id_add_accessory, ); } } } Db::getInstance()->insert('accessory', $inserts, false, true, 2); You basically change the values in $ids_add_accessory. If you want to just add this tags to some products (instead of all), you could also work with $ids_product manually. Example: $ids_add_accessory = [1,2,3] and $ids_product = [100,101] This means that products with id 100 and 101 get the accessoires 1, 2 and 3.
  7. Well it depends, which modules you are using... Have you looked at the new html block module? About the stores. There is a controller in your menu called "AdminStores". I don't know how the menu point is called, but it is inside "Preferences". In general it's easier to answer such question, if there is one topic per problem. For example you say you are using module xy and it creates problem z.
  8. I believe lesley has already talked to this dev multiple times...
  9. Yep I have missed that with xampp. Still: like that I can't help. If it were my store I would compare the two version. Check if the html structure is exact the same. If yes I would check css.
  10. It's not about you fixing the bug or something. But how should I understand the problem, if you don't share a link to the issue. I don't have transformer theme...
  11. @Occam Datakick clearly explained the issue with the foreach loop. If there are other issues, we need concrete bug reports otherwise we can't fix it.
  12. What are you talking about? :S About the screenshots. Can we check the html code somewhere? To me this looks like a css or html issue.
  13. Well I bet this module was developped for 1.7. I could look into it, if I have the ftp and BO access.
  14. This error doesn't make sense to me. It says unexpected " but there is no " at all. Probably we would have to see more, to solve it.
  15. Try instead of 'title' => $this->trans('Save', array(), 'Admin.Actions') the following: 'title' => $this->l('Save')
  16. @Pedalman Yes that is the intention of the module. @Briljander I am working on a new module for products tags. But I am not yet sure, if and how I will release it. @danwarrior I will send you the module right now. Would be cool, if you can test it a little.
  17. Ok I have just internally released v.1.1.0. This version fixes the issue of adding a new language and has a much cleaner way of using object model. If you are patreon, I can send you the new version. Just write here in the thread.
  18. Is somebody using this module on his shop? I probably have to release 1.1 soon, as I found an issue, when adding a new language to your store. So if you found any issue or have other improvement suggestion, please place it here 🙂
  19. Is there any issue with the sum of ratings? I just got a review. It's the first of the product. Obiviously it should be 4 stars (as showed also in BO) but the overall Rating is 5 stars: https://www.spielezar.ch/brettspiele/architekten-des-westfrankenreichs
  20. We dont have any payments then. Its basically bank transfer.
  21. Normally when a customer orders by phone we use a firstname.lastname@our-domain.com. So just a fake email. If the customer really wants his email, to be stored, we use a manual password. Same as you, but we tell the customer that he should use the "Forget password" to set a new one...
  22. I would guess you can just download the from: https://github.com/thirtybees/niara/releases
  23. Can it by a comma instead of point issue?
  24. Thanks for your post! Thats exactly how I think about it, too!
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