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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. Please search in your tpl files for "check_autobid" and then post the code of the tpl.
  2. I can't find the correct place... Either it's still the wrong tpl or it isn't a checkbox at all. A link to an example could help.
  3. I dont think that is the right tpl. It should be have something like: input type="checkbox" Edit: yes the second one looks better.
  4. @AndyC and @datakick Is this an en error from conseqs or something of my module krona? Btw: I haven't forgot about the expiration. It's still on my todo list. I just have too much other works, to do right now...
  5. The checkbox is probably inside a tpl file from the module. So we need to see this code...
  6. Probably what you search for are the tpl files in the theme folder. Best way to find such things: you download your website to your desktop and use a HTML editor which can search trough all files. Then you search for something specific (class, id or so) and it the search tells you which file it is.
  7. What does not work? Any error when debug mode is on? You posted two times the same override...
  8. No you don't need to concern too much about these warnings. Since some weeks google got aggressive in making this warnings. Rich snippets are no direct ranking factor, but they can help indirect. An example: If you have rich snipped correctly implemented for ratings. You have the chance that google shows stars for your products. This can help, that more people click on it. BUT what if you have 0 reviews for a product? Then google will warn you and you can't even do something, since you just don't have ratings. In short: fix the one, who takes a few minutes. But invest the hours in improving your shop in general. (Descriptions, Images, Blog posts, Newsletters and so on...)
  9. I looked a bit into it. It seems to be theme related... You would need to edit product.js in your theme. There the function getProductAttribute(). But I am really not sure if this is worth it...
  10. Probably ZenCart doesn't even do the rich snippets 🙂 It's also a question of training... With every day you get better, to handle your store.
  11. Have you deleted cache? I still see the wrong html code when I visit your blog post. Have you checked datakicks adivce with the theme folder?
  12. Np. Please tell afterwards if it worked 🙂
  13. This tells you what to do: https://github.com/thirtybees/beesblog/commit/471b64dbb8b6c50b2ce2bb0e1d547a2e6f777fca Let me explain a bit. You need to go into your module files: /modules/beesblog/views/templates/front/post.tpl There you remove the red line as you see it in github. You add the green line on the same position. Then you do the same for /modules/beesblog/views/templates/front/post_list_item.tpl
  14. Isn't that the normal behaviour? I am the owner of chesspoint.ch. I changed some things with attributes, since I don't want to have any "default" attribute. But I can't remember, that I removed the id in the url 😮
  15. If it refers to the blog. First important information is: which blog module do you use? It would also be helpful to have a link to the blog post or blog category where the error occurs.
  16. @Traumflug Well it makes sense, if you want that. But as he is aksing for csv files this can lead to new entries in the db, which arent wanted. Of course depending on how the csv looks like.
  17. You to to inspect the code in your browser. It's very easy: just right click and then something like "inspect". then a tab will open where you need to search for something like "console".
  18. Well save() will add new product as well. update() will only update exisiting products. I highly doubt save() makes any sense in this case... To me this sounds all a bit complex and as I said you need to be careful. I don't understand why you have id_product at all in your csv? Where comes the csv from?
  19. By the way, I hope your are testing this stuff on a testserver first. As such things could mess up your DB a lot... Also check if you need save() or if update() is enough.
  20. Ok I believe I understand now what you want. I don't have experience with csv files but I guess something like that should work: $file = fopen('file.csv', 'r'); $id_product_column = x; // Define which column is id_product (first, second, or whatever) while (($line = fgetcsv($file)) !== FALSE) { $id_product = $line[($id_product_column-1)]; if ($id_product > 0) { $product = new Product($id_product) $product->save(); } } fclose($file);
  21. I don't understand what you want achieve. And what means "save" save by click on a button or $object->save()?
  22. wakabayashi

    SEO Module

    You cant use mysql_error() with php 7. https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-error.php
  23. wakabayashi

    SEO Module

    You should turn debug mode on and post the real error here...
  24. Please try this: {category:/}{reference}/{rewrite} I am not sure, but maybe this is the correct synthax. I guess the system has problem if you use "-" before {rewrite}
  25. Can you try mine from above and see if it works?
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