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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. Hello Thanks for your work! Could you tell us what you changed and what does it fix?
  2. You need to override the function assignCategory() in ProductController.php Change $path = Tools::getPath($this->category->id, $this->product->name, true); to $path = Tools::getPath($this->category->id, '', false);
  3. Du bisch ja Schwizer Should be $voh_path = str_replace("blue-door.ch/s2t", "visionofhemp.ch/shop5", ($this->protocol_content.Tools::getMediaServer($uriPath).$uriPath)); return $voh_path;
  4. @dynambee as it brought collision down rate down, there seems to be a point in it. From a logical stand point, it doesn't make sense to me. But I have to admit, that I am not a pro in statiscal methods. In general I could not imagine a better way, than doing once rand() and check, if its unique. If the collision rate is exceptional high, it indicates, that this is not really a normal distribution. But as you say since php 7.1 is fine, why dont you just use it then? If you are below PHP 7.1 you can go with mt_rand() direct!?
  5. Before looking into the code. Are you sure this is needed? We have excat the same multistore setup as you. But the images aren't stored multiple times. They are just reachable with multiple domains...
  6. Haha learnt something about stats here 💪 Thats interesting 🙂 @dynambee what was actually your idea behind the multiplication of two numbers? In my naive way of thinking, I would just create a random number and check if it's already exits. If it does I redo the process until I got a new unique number. As far as I see, thats also @datakick way of doing it. @datakick is the needed Db::getInstance relevant in this case? I always wonder, how much such a query affect the speed. Lesley once told me, that when trying to improve speed an a site, one should try to reduce DB queries where possible.
  7. Why don't you think it could work? It uses the well known hookDisplayShoppingCartFooter. Technically it just converts loyalty points into a coupon and applies the coupon.
  8. If this is really important, to override the add method, is probably right idea. But I wonder if it works out as expected!? For a similair reason I have proposed this PR weeks ago: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/pull/1026. Maybe this is needed for the above as well.
  9. In the last weeks @SLiCK_303 and I have invested dozens of hours, to improve this module. He was my testing buddy (thanks!) and gave his opinion about the features. We have now a beta ready, that should be tested by other users. We can't test all possibilites ourself, as the module can be used in so many ways. Technically the module has got a huge rewrite... New in 2.0.0: Referral system Expire of loyalty points Conversion of loyalty points on checkout Editing player history Some few smaller things Who is ready to test? Make sure you only use this version on test installations... genzo_krona-beta1.zip
  10. I cant you help with your problem. I am using multistore as well and it doesn't make any problems in saving addresses... But in general it looks to me, that you have many issues, which shouldn't be in the core. Have you ever tried the things on a clean installation and check, if they are working there?
  11. Yeah you are right with the id_order. I forgot, that order volume can be derived from it. I am clearly in first group... But cant you just use a higher auto_increment value than 1?
  12. I believe, you try too hard on a simple topic. Why not just higher order reference? As far as I understand people don't want it, because competitors could read something from it. I really dont understand what this something should be. Especially as you are selling products in a range of 5$ and 5000$. In my module orderrefnum from Madman I can also define a value, on how much these number should rise. So you could set it there to "13" and pretend you sell 13 times as much as you really do.
  13. Funny: I just noticed now by chance, how it happens in our case. When you add a new product to an order, which already has an invoice. The already created invoice is selected and all is fine. The problem arises, if you immediately add a second product. The invoice isn't selected anymore and is not even selectable... Workaround: If you refresh the order after you added the first product, then you can add the second product...
  14. @datakick is right. Multiple invoices can arise on order edits. It happens here too, from time to time. I am not totally sure, but maybe it happens as well, when some of your products are out of stock and others are not. (We only allow to order when the product is in stock)
  15. can you show a screenshot of the email that is going out? Maybe it's hardcoded 😮
  16. I dont know about BO. I always edit the emails in the theme folder with a code editor. I guess you are looking for the order_return_state email template.
  17. As far as I understand. He doesn't like that an email address without a "." is accepted.
  18. Yes thats my fault. I will look at it and improve it for 2.0 version.
  19. It's the same with bundles... That forced me to develop an own erp module, so we can handle stocks. In our case we sell the bundles now as normal products. But thats no option for you ofc. And anyway it should just be possible. This feature request is really on my top 3.
  20. You can find all alias in hook_alias table. I tend, to use the hook name that is also executed in the php classes.
  21. @vincentdenkspel ah sure, there it makes sense. 🙂 But I won't add an affiliate system for now. It's kind of similair to referral and the referral already takes (too) much time to implement.
  22. Looking again at the posts here and thinking conccrete about it, I think this doesn't fit in the module. All loyalty poitns are turned into vouchers our expiring. Do you really want to make a bank transfer and give them money back?
  23. It is the date_add. But products are a bit messy IMO. I believe you neee to change it in product_shop table too.
  24. @Occam I can only find tests/golden_files/db_schema.sql. Is this the file you meant? This file looks correct to me. But obviously there shouldn't be an id_lang and an name column in @lixotuka table. No idea how it got there :S
  25. I dont use any of this modules, so I can't say anything. I hope, that somebody else is using this and can say something.
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