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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. By the way, I hope your are testing this stuff on a testserver first. As such things could mess up your DB a lot... Also check if you need save() or if update() is enough.
  2. Ok I believe I understand now what you want. I don't have experience with csv files but I guess something like that should work: $file = fopen('file.csv', 'r'); $id_product_column = x; // Define which column is id_product (first, second, or whatever) while (($line = fgetcsv($file)) !== FALSE) { $id_product = $line[($id_product_column-1)]; if ($id_product > 0) { $product = new Product($id_product) $product->save(); } } fclose($file);
  3. I don't understand what you want achieve. And what means "save" save by click on a button or $object->save()?
  4. wakabayashi

    SEO Module

    You cant use mysql_error() with php 7. https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-error.php
  5. wakabayashi

    SEO Module

    You should turn debug mode on and post the real error here...
  6. Please try this: {category:/}{reference}/{rewrite} I am not sure, but maybe this is the correct synthax. I guess the system has problem if you use "-" before {rewrite}
  7. Can you try mine from above and see if it works?
  8. What is your url structure? Mine is: {categories:/}{rewrite} This works fine for me.
  9. Which urls don't work? The new or the old ones? Or both?
  10. Well it's hard to say. The code looks well formatted. But it's your site. You are the one, who can check if everything works as it should!?
  11. @Traumflug I am not sure, if I understand you right. But this issue is well known: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/749
  12. I will create a banner for her. So this "problem" should be "fixed". 🙂
  13. Well I don't know this module, since it's from a theme. Have you tried to make a second link group? Same settings but, sub-links alignment to center? Maybe you can use on display on (align center). thats probably even better. If this is not working you have to edit tpl files. For the image you need a image editor. I am no more too much into this, but some years ago GIMP was the best free tool. Maybe now days something like https://pixlr.com does the trick too.
  14. @alwayspaws this is maybe not so easily achievable. Which module is adding the "Contact" menu point?
  15. I guess she means like this: if somebody buys 3 products, the cheapest will be for free. I don't know any easy solution for this. Probably there are modules, that offer such a functionality. @alwayspaws nice you are back here 😉
  16. Well this never happen to us. But I also cant remember any such fix. I would be glad, if we could improve ASM more, as its a really important feature for us.
  17. @Signut did not yet vote 😉
  18. I dont have much knowledge in this field. But i can say that i clearly prefer plesk over cPanel. Cpanel is a big mess in my opinion.
  19. I agree ofc with your post but I am interested: for which tool did you decide? We are on GA, but right now more for lazyness. I never checked the other tools.
  20. Well I guess what you actually want is the slider to have over the whole width or not? This would be a size of 1170px in your case. You could save this in the configuration on the module. If you do so, I would recommend you, to upload your images in this format.
  21. Nice to have you on board!
  22. Yeah that's the heavy issue how have now. You try to override two times the same function. I believe that's just not possible to handle. At least I can't imagine how this could be handled. Which module is doing the override? In general you should now bring this two function overrides together into one function. Probably you need to go like this: - remove _displaySpecificPriceModificationForm from AdminProductsController.php - install the module (which will probably add this function back into the AdminProductsController.php) - Add the functionality, which you removed in step 1.
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